The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2713: France's internal and external troubles

In the end, the Earl of Louvre came up with a solution. He suggested that the previously dismissed veteran Admiral Tellier be used to form a new army to go to the south, but not to suppress the rebellion, but to control the place and prevent other nobles from following suit. to prevent further deterioration of the situation.

Although Admiral Tellier was incapable of turning the tide, his marching formation was stable, he also had a military spirit and was able to control the army.

"Let's spend time with them!" Earl Loufoy said firmly: "We can't easily transfer the troops from Paris and the Atlantic Ocean, but the Shinra Army will not go north either!"

"Why?" Someone asked stupidly.

"They didn't actually occupy the southern part of our country. Once the army passes through the southern region, aren't they afraid that there will be no return?" Earl Loufoy analyzed.

Everyone suddenly realized that the nobles in southern France controlled the territory, and the Shinra Army rashly crossed those areas. If the nobles repented, the supplies of the Shinra Army would be cut off, and there would be no return. No commander of the Shinra Army would do this of!

The Shenluo Empire's acquisition of the nobles in southern France is certainly a defeat without a fight. It did not cause any losses, but it also brought hidden dangers to the Shenluo Army, making them dare not cross the border easily!

Although the Shinra Empire signed an agreement with the French nobles, the French nobles are reliable, and sows can climb trees. Didn’t you see that they did not stand on the side of the Catholic brothers in the Thirty Years War?

Everyone relaxes, but it is disgusting to think about the fact that the nobles in southern France have been separated and cannot be suppressed.

Of course, they can’t be cheap. The royal court decided to deprive the instigator, Lieutenant General Biert Balzac, of his military post, deprived Earl de Richard and other rebels of their titles, and declared that they had offended the monarch, blasphemed the Holy Spirit, and committed treason. , Everyone will be punished if they get it, and anyone who follows them will also be severely punished!

And a reward was given, Biert Balzac and De Richard each offered a reward of 10,000 silver dollars for their heads, and the rewards for the rest of the nobles decreased in turn.

But everyone knows very well that the rebellious nobles will be as stable as Mount Tai if they don't defeat the Shenluo army for a day.

After the meeting, Louis XIV left Prince Condé behind and said, "Birth Balzac and de Richard rebelled, did His Royal Highness agree?"

Prince Condé's name is Louis II de Bourbon. He bowed his head and said: "I swear allegiance to Your Majesty to the Holy Lord. I will never dare to offend His Majesty the King!"

The status of His Royal Highness is extremely noble. As early as Henry IV of France ascended the throne in 1589, his cousin Henry, Prince of Condé, was the heir presumptive to the throne until 1601. Although Henry's own heirs later obtained the priority of the French crown prince, from 1589 onwards, the successive princes of Condé retained the title of chief prince of the royal family and enjoyed corresponding income, priority and ceremonial privileges. A nobleman above men.

In 1646 the Prince of Condé inherited the title of Prince. His political career is closely linked with the famous Fronde movement in French history. Condé's illustrious military exploits made him the leader of the French aristocracy. These nobles were very dissatisfied with the policy of Mazarin, the heir of Richelieu and the prime minister of the young King Louis XIV, to weaken the power of the nobility and expand the real power of the royal family. "Give to God what is God's, what is to the king to the king, and what is to the nobles to the nobles!"

The nobles supported Prince Condé against Louis XIV, and used the Fronde to drive away Louis XIV in 1648. Finally, the two parties reconciled in 1659. Louis XIV forgave Prince Condé, and the prince also swore an oath to Louis XIV. allegiance.

Now that Louis XIV was suspicious of Prince Condé, the prince knew that the situation was critical. He knelt down in front of the king, kissed the king's robe and said: "Unless my king is unable to control France, for France, I will come out to clean up the mess! Otherwise, Kong Dai The generation of the family leaves France and is not allowed to return to the country for life!"

These words are very true, Louis XIV's face turned slightly tender, and he told him: "My lord, since you are loyal to France, then fight for it!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Prince Kong Dai knelt down and bowed.

Louis XIV announced the formation of a new army of 50,000, which would be under the command of Prince Condé, and he would be allocated part of the money, personnel and equipment, and the rest should be raised by Prince Condé himself.

In addition to him, several great nobles were also authorized to form armies and prepare to join the war to defend against the invasion of the Easterners.

The fourteenth move is like the rebellion of the Yellow Turban Army at the end of the Han Dynasty. Four to five million people from all over the world, wrapped in yellow scarves, rebelled from Zhangjiao. The thieves are so powerful that the officers and soldiers are overwhelmed. He Jin, who was in charge of the army at the imperial court, had nothing to do, so the emperor quickly issued an imperial edict, ordering all places to prepare for the defense, and begged the thieves to make meritorious service.

The so-called preparation of defense everywhere is actually to open up military power, and the localities recruit and buy horses on their own to form an army. If there is no permission from the imperial court, such behavior is rebellion.

Although it can help suppress rebellion, it will also lead to the growth of local forces.

This is an impossible solution. If the country has power, it will not allow local forces to gain military power.

Now that Louis XIV has no money, and the local nobles still have some reserve funds, then squeeze out their money and fight the foreign invaders first.

The nobles not only got military power, Louis XIV also made a concession to them, that is, stopped the plan to tax the nobles.

Due to the threat from the Orientals, France’s military expenditures have increased significantly. In order to increase fiscal revenue, Louis XIV is preparing to carry out tax reforms, setting up a general tax levied on all subjects, and trying to make privileged groups pay direct taxes, such as the poll tax established. Whoever it is, anyone with a head will have to hand it over!

That is to say, the French version is that the gentry pays for the mu, and the gentry pays for the food.

The nobles are seriously opposed to these taxes. In their view, tax exemption for the nobles is their natural privilege. If the king wants to collect taxes, he should levy the taxes of the ordinary people and leave the privileges of the nobles alone.

Now you don't have to think about the nobles paying taxes, where does the money come from?

In 1524, King François I of France set up a special income treasurer to manage all special income from loans, selling officials, issuing public bonds, tribute to priests, and transferring royal lands. Since the Middle Ages, borrowing has been an important means for French kings to obtain income. Kings generally borrow from merchant bankers, or force borrowing from officials or towns in the form of mortgages. Selling official positions and issuing public bonds as new credit methods have become the usual means for French kings to obtain income since Francis I, and Louis XIV is no exception.

The issuance of public bonds requires interest. The payment of interest comes from the state's fiscal revenue. When the public debt is long, the interest becomes heavier and heavier. The king is working for the nobles and bankers who bought the public debt. Begging them to buy the public debt is not as cool as collecting taxes!

Prince Condé bid farewell and left, and when there were no outsiders, Louis XIV seemed to have lost all his strength, unable to maintain the monarchy, and fell down on the throne all at once.

Mrs. Xie Yuhua Montespan stood behind him, took off the king's crown, pressed the king's head into the pile of white fat on her chest, and then massaged his forehead with her soft fingers.

After a while, the king was intoxicated by Mrs. Montespan's gentleness. He drank cognac wine in big mouthfuls, and put all his troubles behind him with the beautiful wine! 2084/10092429