The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2715: Crisis of the French Navy

Seeing that it was a battleship, the British cruiser abandoned the merchant ship and ran away!

Battleship vs. cruiser. The cruiser is not even capable of fighting. Most of the cruiser's naval guns are 12-pound guns, which cannot penetrate the bulwark of the battleship. However, the 32-pound gun of the battleship hits the cruiser. , so it's no wonder he didn't run away.

The rest of the merchant ships fled in a swarm. Colonel Dubois had good eyesight and commanded the "Toulon" to catch a merchant ship. He went up and took a look, hey, it was full of cigarettes!

When I opened the package, I found that the fragrance was strong, and they were all high-quality goods. This is hard currency!

In this world, the British did not use opium to poison the Chinese, but the Chinese planted a large amount of tobacco to poison the people of all countries in the world.

Nowadays, cigarettes are popularized all over the world, and any country is no exception.

"The captain still has a spirit nose!" The officers and soldiers on the "Toulon" happily moved the cigarettes to their own ship, feeling very happy!

Colonel Dubois accepted as soon as he saw it, and commanded the battleship to return.

On the way, Nanhua's battleship was spotted far away, and the "Toulon" fled with full sail, but was not caught.

Returning to the port of Cherbourg, as if returning victorious, was warmly welcomed.

After that, the French continued to dispatch cruise ships and battleships, and the scale became larger and larger, and more and more battles broke out!

It was this dude Dubois again. The battleship "Toulon" (with 64 guns) commanded by him and the third-class battleship "Golden Coronet" (with 64 guns) commanded by Captain de Thomas went out together. Cruise to the English Channel.

In that era, due to the backwardness of observation equipment and the slow speed of ships, which were deeply affected by wind and weather, even if you spotted the other party's traces from a distance, you might not be able to catch them. Must be able to keep them.

No, the three third-tier battleships of the Nanhua Fleet, namely "Southeast Asia 45", "Southeast Asia 117" and "Southeast Asia 245", after a whole day and night of pursuit, finally caught up with them out of breath. The two French ships, the Chinese have a large number of warships and are powerful (each battleship has 76 guns), but when they fight, there is no way to keep the French.

Brother Dubois commanded the lighter French ship to grab the downwind position, not seeking to kill the enemy, but seeking to damage the enemy. The battleship "Golden Coronet" did the same.

They used naval guns to fire chain bombs to "shave" the Nanhua ship's head. The chain bombs whizzed in the air, easily cut off the sail cables of the Nanhua ship, discounted the sail yard, and even tilted a mast on the "Southeast Asia 117" ship. up.

In this way, when the French sailed at full speed, the three battleships of the Nanhua Fleet stared blankly!

Their sails were damaged, their speed decreased and they were unable to catch up with the French.

The key lies in the previous battle. Although the naval guns of the Nanhua ship caused some damage to the French ship's side and personnel, they were not fatal, in other words, they had no results.

Battleship battles in the sailing period were such a ghost. Let alone the low-intensity battles just now, sometimes large-scale naval battles often lasted for several days. What is depressing is that the two sides are often evenly divided, and the score of 0 to 0 often makes the officers and soldiers distressed.

The French continued to attack, with few victories and losses, so the naval authorities took the opportunity to brag about the bravery of their sailors.

At this time, Chinese mimeograph machines are already popular in the world. The simple mimeograph equipment is to place wax paper on a flat plate, and use a pen (not a pen with ink, but a pen made of steel!) to engrave on it, and the wax plate is like this was created. Use the simplest method to carve through the waxed paper and place it flat on the gauze, then put the gauze frame on the paper, and roll the ink roller on the waxed paper to print the characters on the paper. Super slow and a lot of work.

Afterwards, use a hand-operated mimeograph machine to engrave characters on wax paper on the steel plate, or print a piece of wax paper with a mechanical typewriter, install the wheel, apply ink, and then print with the hand-operated wheel, one shake at a time. Sheets come out, very tiring, if the middle wax paper is rotten. It is necessary to engrave/type another one. The efficiency of this machine is very low, and it takes a lot of effort to print a piece of material. Inexperienced people often get their hands full and their faces darkened from changing stencils and adding ink.

Still, it's a leap forward for printing!

Because of their oil development technology, the Chinese have developed unique inks, dumping and selling mimeographs to the world at low prices, and earning money by selling inks.

The French bought it and used it to print and publish newspapers. Louis XIV was not stupid, he strictly controlled the power of public opinion, and the newspaper was his mouthpiece, introducing the victory of the French fleet in a large format. It seemed that the French navy had grown overnight. Rise up and make France a maritime power.

The French people also believed it, seeing the news of the victory in the newspapers, they were all rejoiced, and people from all over the country celebrated enthusiastically and ran with great joy.

"Extra, extra! Our battleship won the attack on the pagan battleship and sank it! Our army won! God bless my king!" In the streets and alleys of Paris that day, newsboys were walking all over the streets, all chanting the news of this victory , newspaper buyers were enthusiastic, almost out of the market.

"Dude, get me a newspaper!"

In front of Notre Dame Cathedral, a well-dressed aristocrat on a bicycle stopped and bought a newspaper from a newsboy.

This nobleman is not French, his name is Don Moreau, he is the military attache of the Spanish embassy in France, he was originally a naval officer and once served as the captain of a battleship.

Don Moreau looked carefully at the "Paris Journal" newspaper, and saw that the French battleship "Owl" had sunk the battleship "Southeast Asia 207" of the South China Navy. It vividly introduced the three hundred rounds of the battle between the two ships. , In the end, the French were superior and sunk it!

It should not be a fake, because the battleship "Owl Call" captured the officers and soldiers on the battleship "Southeast Asia 207". The newspaper claimed that the French navy treated those prisoners friendly with chivalry.

It is generally difficult to capture the Chinese. Chinese soldiers fight to the last breath. This is the strength of the French navy!

"That's it!" Don Moreau pondered. He recognized the "Owl" as a battleship with 72 guns, but when it comes to sinking the opponent's battleship and even capturing Chinese prisoners, is it so fierce?

He is an aristocrat and has a good news channel. Not long after, he learned from the gossip that the battleship "Xiaoming" and the "Southeast Asia 207" battleship, the French were at a disadvantage and bombarded "Southeast Asia 207" The main mast of the "Southeast Asia 207" was wiped out, and the unlucky battleship "Southeast Asia 207" lost power and was carried by the ocean current to the rocks, giving the battleship "Xiaoming" a complete victory!

The French won, but Don Moreau wrote to Madrid that "the French are no match for the Chinese!"

The French navy likes to grab the lower air outlet, and it likes to hit the mast and crossbar instead of the hull when firing the gun. what does this mean?

for example. If Zhang Fei's warhorse took the time-out spear to attack Brother Chao's Yuhuacong, you are the audience, what do you think?

"Hey! Zhang Fei Heitantou doesn't talk about martial arts!"

The ancients said, when shooting a man, shoot the horse first, not when killing the man, cut the horse first. Do you understand now?

The French were afraid that they would not be able to beat them, so they disabled the opponent's means of transportation first, so that they could get away at critical times.

Don Moro judged: "The Gallic rooster has feared death and retreated when it started the can it be undefeated?"

It is a pity that Don Moreau's report was sent to Madrid, and due to the rotten chaos of the Spanish bureaucracy, the report was lost after reaching the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Madrid!


As a result, the Spanish authorities did not receive Don Moro's alert, which led to the fact that the Spanish navy was not prevented from joining the French side in the war!

Postscript: Don Moreau has always regretted the loss of his report. He seriously suspected that the Chinese spies inside Spain had lost his report, with the intention of prompting the Spaniards to throw themselves into the trap. He even believed that the then Spanish Foreign Minister Juan Joaquin Castro was the Chinese spy, because Juan Joaquin Castro had served as a Spanish wedding envoy and sent Marguerite Te Princess Leisa was sent to the Holy Roman Empire to become the queen of Emperor Yan Changwu, but was rebelled by the Chinese in Vienna.

Faced with Don Moro's accusations, Juan Joaquin Castro remained silent, saying only that he had not betrayed Spain, and that the Spanish royal family did not dare to pursue the matter because of the terror of the Chinese. It's over! 2084/10092685