The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2720: The French are worthy of a battle!

In the next hour, both sides were adjusting their positions against the wind and waves, preparing for the upcoming battle.

The Nanhua Fleet has the upper hand, while the unlucky French Fleet is at a disadvantage at this time and has not assembled, so it is full of dangers.

At 10:00 in the morning, Admiral Jean d'Estret's lead ship "Vertical" finally approached the tail ship "Southeast Asia 179" of the vanguard fleet of the South China Fleet. Seeing that the French fleet was about to form a battle line, Siresma's squadron was led by him. Due to the Chinese's superb ship handling skills, they still maintained a very tight battle line when they came downwind. Therefore, the French forward fleet commanded by Lieutenant General Abraham Duquesne approached and fired first, and the battle officially started.

The battle line composed of 25 Nanhua battleships and the battle line composed of 22 French battleships were approaching. The officers and soldiers on both sides abandoned all thoughts, and there was only one thought in their heads, that is to go to the enemy!

The first phase of the battle was fought between Siresma's squadron and Vice Admiral Abraham Duquesne's squadron. Since the Nanhua battleship was inserted inwardly towards the French battleship, the vanguard of the Nanhua battleship did not engage with the French The vanguard ships of the two advance side by side, and there is a certain deviation.

As a result, Lieutenant General Abraham Duquesne noticed the problem of the direction of the South China Fleet, and he even wanted to gain the upper hand, paralleling the forward squadron of the South China Fleet, and joining the French Chinese fleet to outflank and flank the forward squadron of the South China Fleet. However, The wind direction was at a disadvantage, and he was unable to get the squadron under his command into the upper wind position (the wind direction was blowing from the northeast, and the South China Fleet was in the upper wind position).

In the end, the two fleets headed northwest in parallel. The officers and soldiers on both sides gritted their teeth and desperately fired, reloaded, and then fired.

Fighting was in full swing on the deck and in the cabin, the sailors mechanically completed the combat operations, and the officers walked back and forth, shouting loudly.

The flashes of the cannonballs flashed brightly. Due to the large number of shells fired in a short period of time, the sea between the two fleets was filled with astonishing smoke and white mist. In some places, the enemy warships on the opposite side could not even be seen!

"Hit me hard!" Sires horse on the forward flagship "Thor" yelled sharply, and the terrible firepower of the ship poured towards the opposite French ship "Excellent".

There were eight rounds of critical salvos in eight minutes. The starboard side of the "Excellent" was turned into a hornet's nest.

The weather was good that day. Although the Atlantic Ocean was dominated by windless waves and rough seas, the "Thor" was still able to

A Spanish mercenary who has experienced many naval battles said with deep fear: "I have fought many enemies, but this is the first time I have seen such sharp firepower, and I was also injured. Fortunately, I prepared Yunnan Baiyao! "

That's right, this old man is an old hand. He was hit by a projectile in the thigh, bleeding profusely. He did it himself, reluctantly used a knife to scoop out the projectile, and administered Yunnan Baiyao. As a result, his life was saved and he was in good health.

This is a smart man. Due to the underdeveloped medical skills at that time, many people had minor wounds and festered, had a fever that could not be cured, and eventually died.

The Yunnan Baiyao he bought came from the Chinese. Yunnan Baiyao is a drug subject to export control. It is not exported for trade. By making money from it, the man bought Yunnan Baiyao and bought himself a life.

The firepower of the "Thor" beat the "Excellent" miserable, but the firepower of the "Excellent" did not stop, and the French were still fighting!

You can see the **** white skins struggling to shoot, they shouted "Fight for God!" "For France!" "For Louis!" slogans, as long as they can move, they are all fighting.

The cannon on the starboard side has been destroyed, then bring the cannon over from the port side.

If the gun crews are broken up one by one, they will reorganize. Even if they are not familiar with the business, they are doing their best.

Those who can't move are still alive, so take a musket and shoot at the enemy.

It's not just the white man on the "Excellent" doing this, the white man on each ship is almost the first person to fight. They face a strong enemy without fear, regardless of their injured body, and work **** their own battle positions Fight, swear to send the pagans in the east to hell!

The white skins opened their eyes wide, their pupils spit fire, and roared from their throats: "Destroy the heretics!"

"For France, fire!"

With the spraying of every cannon and the firing of every shot, the losses of the Chinese people are also rising, blood will inevitably flow out, and the hope of a quick victory before the war will come to naught.

The French in the seventeenth century were worthy of a battle!

Since the Middle Ages, France has been known as the "Holy Land". Since then, the French people have believed that this land is a place of special favor from God. Pious, even recognized by European whites as "God's eldest daughter!"

"Eldest daughter" also implies a meaning of Joan of Arc. In the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, the French were defeated in consecutive battles. Germany, suddenly inspired by God, led the French army to fight against the enemy bravely, reversed the entire battle situation, and finally liberated France and drove the British invading army out of the country.

Since then, the girl Joan of Arc has become the first national hero in French history. Superstitious French people don't think it is her ability, but God bestows divine power on her to create a generation of legends.

France is a land blessed by God. The French cannot live up to God's trust and vow to drive the eastern invaders out of God's land!

The Gallic rooster is a symbol of the French. The proud, stubborn, brave and unyielding rooster really embodies the character of the French nation. Since ancient times, the martial spirit of the French nation has been fused in the was opened up with swords!

The ancient Gauls resisted desperately and defended their territory, which made the invincible Romans pay a heavy price. When the Romans talked about the Gauls, they all held an attitude of awe, knowing that they could fight and should not be insulted.

In a hierarchical society, the mission of the French nobles is to defend the royal power with a sword and practice chivalry, so they cannot fear the enemy.

In the seventeenth century, France experienced the efforts of two generations of kings, Louis XIII and Louis XIV, and successfully implemented the unification of the monarchy and the dictatorship of the monarchy, which also unified the thinking of the French and made them understand that for God, for France, for the sake of Louis fights.

In this naval battle, the French will never retreat!

The two large fleets lined up two long battle lines and moved slowly towards the northwest. The cannons on the sea were roaring, the smoke was rising, and the flashes of the artillery were flickering from time to time.

Such a battle scene made the French on the beach outside Brunn feel emotional, and prayed for their fleet: "God, bless your warriors!"
