The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2728: Good luck day for the French?

During the break, the wind changed suddenly, and the Nanhua Fleet turned to the windward position, blowing a southwesterly wind, driving the battleships of the Nanhua Fleet towards the French.

This lifted the spirits of the Chinese people. At that time, Colonel Yue Wenfu, the captain of the "Southeast Asia 236" battleship, had been in the Indian colony for a while, and had seen the "beautiful scenery" on Ah San's side. An appropriate analogy: "Seeing the flag turning, our emotions were immediately elevated. It was like pouring 'Buddha goose' into the vegetable puree, and then Ah San stirred it with his left hand that was just now convenient, and the taste came up immediately. ..."

The young officers and soldiers next to them didn't know what "Buddha Goose" was. After listening to Colonel Yue Wenfu's explanation, oh, it turned out to be Sanguo's favorite beef. Protest, how can we use Ah San's words to describe us!

It is true that we are bombarding the battleships of the French fleet with all our might.

The two sides entered the battle line with ease, and the platoon of artillery roared. The gunners of the South China Army went crazy. In a short period of time, they fired shells with an average shooting time of less than one minute at the French fleet, trying to return all the previous depression. on the French.

"Fire, fire!" All the officers and soldiers tried their best, forgetting the previous fatigue and difficulties they faced, and brought their artillery skills to the extreme, trying to sink the French who they thought were "already in their pockets" Battleship, let the white skins understand that your uncle is still your uncle, this is what a certain Nanhua Admiral said without shame.

In the eyes of the arrogant Chinese, it is a shame that God has given the French so much time to sink any of the Chinese battleships. This shows that the tactical quality of the French gunners is inferior .

Now it's our turn to teach them a lesson!

But seeing the dense shells flying on the sea surface, with countless bullets caught in them, the white skins were overwhelmed and complained endlessly.

The shells smashed through the bulwarks, punching out big holes, pieces of wood flying all over the sky, and there were screams from the white skins.

The bombardment didn't last long, and the damage and loss of personnel caused almost equaled the damage and loss of personnel that Bai Pi gave to the Chinese.

During the fierce battle, the "Duke Royale" where Admiral Jean d'Estret was located was severely hit by the battleships of the South China Fleet and was destroyed in many places. He himself was also scratched by shell fragments. Very thrilling!

The admiral was also kind. He beat the army drum on the flagship. The drum horn meant that everyone must not retreat, but must fight to the death, and those who dared to retreat would be beheaded!

This military order is very strict. Generally speaking, white skins fight to the death, and they can withdraw from the battle when things cannot be done. They are rarely pursued, or surrender, and at most they pay a ransom.

Admiral Jean d'Estret has a lot of misery. He got the imperial decree from King Louis XIV of France to "act cheaply", which allowed him to suppress those aristocrats who were superior and greedy for life and fear of death (nobles during the previous military meeting did not want to fight against the main force of the South China Army), while getting great power, he also got a gift: a shield sent to him by Louis XIV.

Louis XIV didn't say much, and the envoy explained to Admiral Jean d'Estret that it was a "Spartan" shield. The admiral was educated and understood the meaning of the monarch: the ancient Greek Spartans When going out, their family members would not wish him a safe return, but would give him a shield and say, "Either hold it or lie on it." This means that they either return triumphantly with the shield in hand, or die gloriously in battle and are captured. Others carried it back with a shield.

We must strive for victory in this battle, or at least a draw, otherwise Louis XIV will let him know what the king's wrath is!

Under the strict order of the admiral, the French ships put up a desperate resistance and actively returned the guns. The gun positions were short of men, and they were immediately topped up. The guns were destroyed, and the guns were dragged from the other side to fight again.

Seeing the French artillery attack without showing any weakness, the officers and soldiers of the South China Army were furious: "As long as we are brave, we will not be as tenacious as the enemy!"

Therefore, the artillery fire of the Nanhua battleship smashed round and round, hitting the French battleship in a miserable state. There is no place to stay due to the accumulation of blood, and the facilities have been destroyed and beaten to pieces.

However, the French's recalcitrance brought good luck---twilight was everywhere, and it was getting dark, Admiral Jean de Estre took the opportunity to order the entire fleet to withdraw from the battle.

We are not defeated, we quit the battle because it was too dark to fight!

Today should be a lucky day for the French. Not only did they not lose a single battleship, but two battleships of the Nanhua Fleet sank into the sea!

The French retreated brazenly, the Chinese continued to express their desire, and Admiral Yan Donglai ordered the pursuit of the enemy ships.

The battleships advanced bravely. During the retreat of the French, the South China Fleet followed them all the time, sometimes finding opportunities and launching attacks.

Unexpectedly, while running and running, the battleship "Southeast Asia 27" and "Southeast Asia 89" actually sent out emergency distress signals. They were fine at first, but they were quickly pulled behind the team, and the hull was flooded!

It turned out that during the fierce battle, the rear of the port side of the "Southeast Asia 27" battleship was torn apart by shells, forming a large hole, which was repaired by the damage control troops in time, and it could barely support it during the battle.

But when the battleship was driving at high speed, the large hole in the hull fell apart, a large amount of water entered, and the hull began to tilt to the left. Soon, the battleship "Southeast Asia 27" issued a signal to abandon the ship, and the officers and soldiers rushed to jump into the sea.

As for the battleship "Southeast Asia 89", it was also shot in many places close to the waterline in previous battles, causing many gaps and holes, and sea water poured in, causing it to sink.

Fortunately, the two battleships abandoned the ship quickly. The officers and soldiers either boarded small boats or jumped into the sea to escape, and the rest of the battleships stepped forward to meet them.

Yan Donglai was taken aback. He didn't know how many battleships were damaged. If he continued to pursue and sank a few more battleships, wouldn't it be bad and bad?

The pursuit could only be stopped, and the craftsmen and sailors on each ship carried out temporary maintenance activities.

The French who witnessed the sinking of two Chinese battleships were overjoyed. They took the opportunity to escape, but none of the battleships sank.

In this way, the Newport naval battle ended with the Chinese losing two battleships and the French losing no battleships.

The French proclaimed "My fleet, under the blessing of God and under the wise command of the king, defeated the heretics!"

This encouraged the whole of Europe, but later, military historians counted the losses of both sides. Although the Nanhua Fleet lost two battleships, the officers and soldiers who fell into the water were recovered quickly, and there was almost no loss (only three people were missing~www.mtlnovel. com~ And the Chinese do not lack battleships!

On the contrary, in terms of other losses, the French failed completely. The flagship "Royal Duke" was loaded with 114 artillery pieces (there were 114 artillery holes on the ship) and almost reached the limit of 1250 people when it left the port of Brest. In this naval battle, as the flagship, it was inevitable to be sieged and hit hard.

The side and mast of the ship's hull were battered by various artillery pieces of the South China Fleet, and the sails and rigging were mostly in tatters. Minor injury, body infection, fever, talking nonsense, saying he saw God, and God said he hadn't done his job yet, so let him go back...

Three officers and 450 crew members were killed, including Captain Heradino of the "Royal Duke" -- some of the wounded did not die at the end of the battle, but they were seriously injured, most of them with broken hands or feet. People also died shortly after the battle.

There were more than 300 people who were slightly injured, which was truly appalling.

As for the loss of the first-class battleship "France" that withdrew from the battle during the intermission, it was more than that of the "Duke Royale", and the rest of the battleships also suffered heavy losses. 2084/10155275