The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2732: Different Hearts (1)

The two countries of Spain and France became allies and jointly opposed the Emperor of the South China Sea and its allies, and Spain has since stood on the side of France.

The Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of France signed a treaty of offensive and defensive alliance, known as the "Treaty of Madrid" in history. The main provisions are as follows:

·When either of Spain and France suffers from foreign attack, one of the contracting parties must provide full military and other assistance to the other, including military, financial and intelligence support.

·The ships of the two countries, whether they are merchants or warships, can freely navigate in each other's waters and use each other's seaports for refitting, refuge or purchase of supplies. A fleet of less than 8 ships does not even need to apply for a permit, and can directly enter the opponent's seaport.

·When necessary, the armies of the two countries can enter each other's territory to participate in the war.

·The United Kingdom must restore the country, support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of European countries, and support the freedom of European countries from slavery.

·The end of the war must be agreed by both countries.

After the two parties wrote the terms, the French envoy Leonard sent someone to Paris. Once Louis XIV agreed, he stamped the seal on the treaty and sent it back to Madrid. At this time, the Spaniards stamped it again, and the treaty was established.

The matter is about to be settled, and Leonard nodded with satisfaction. As a wise man in France, he believed that the power of Spain was absolutely indispensable for France to go to war with the Chinese. Only with Spain participating in the war would France have a chance of winning.

Without it, Spain's natural beauty is hard to give up.

Although Spain is not as powerful as it used to be, it still has a vast colony. For example, except for the Portuguese colony of Brazil, the rest of South America is basically a Spanish colony. And the lands of North and Central America, and the colonies on the west coast of Africa!

First, the silver mines in Mexico and the gold mines in Peru, and then the gold and silver mines in New Granada (located in Central America and the northern part of South America) began to be discovered, and the output was huge.

It is said that gold has also been found in the colonies on the west coast of Africa, and there are also a lot of reserves.

The Spaniard had a mine at home, which really made the French drool. Leonard tried his best, and finally the Spaniard was dragged onto the French chariot.

That night, Leonard arranged a banquet at the French embassy in Spain to entertain the Spaniards and thank them for their support.

In the embassy, ​​the bright lights shine like dazzling diamonds, and the wine used at the banquet is all old wine, delicious thick soup, fragrant barbecue, small barbecue, fish, fruit, cold cuts and bread piled up After leaving the hill, the French-style meal is enough for people to eat a big meal and have a big meal.

With a red face, Leonard and the Spaniards mingled with each other, congratulating the friendship between the two countries, wishing the armies of the two countries a great victory and defeating the Eastern pagans!

Both the host and the guests were full of confidence, as if the mast and scull were wiped out while talking and laughing, they will surely win under the blessing of God!

In order to encourage the fighting spirit of Europeans, the "Madrid Treaty" was announced to the whole of Europe without any concealment.

In addition, France and Spain jointly funded and sent envoys to contact European countries in an attempt to form a grand alliance against the South China Empire.

They sent people to countries such as Portugal, England, Sweden, the Shinra Empire, Italy, and Dabobo to carry out diplomatic work, some openly and some secretly, sparing no effort to strive for all possible forces.

Diplomatic work even includes Scotland and Ireland, which are newly independent from the United Kingdom, and old men who are at odds with Western Europe!

At this time, Leonard had returned to France. With him as the leader, he actively contacted European countries. It is worthy of people's opinion of him: the famous "Three Musketeers" of the Kingdom of France, they worked closely together to serve the king. In the middle of the year, Leonard was looking for allies, Colbert for money, and Loufoir for soldiers.

However, Leonard's work is not easy. His success in Spain is mainly due to Spain's own religious piety. When he was sent to Dabobo, he also agreed to support the French out of religious belief. In many places, he met Nailed.

Envoys from France and Spain arrived in Lisbon, the capital of the Kingdom of Portugal. The ruling Prince Pedro of Portugal met the envoys and said that it was difficult to send troops.

It turns out that Prince Pedro got the throne incorrectly. He exiled his brother, King Alfonso VI of Portugal, to the Azores to enjoy the sea breeze, and married Alfonso VI's divorced wife (that is, married his former wife Sister-in-law), so Prince Pedro used this as an excuse to refuse to send troops. In fact, he was not optimistic about the military operations of the two countries.

The nobles came to persuade him, and he said to them: "Who are the Chinese? They are pirates in official uniforms. Once they go to war with the Chinese, they will cut off our transatlantic shipping and colonial expansion without hesitation. And looting our coastal cities, what can you do to stop them?"

The nobles who came to persuade had nothing to say, and could only let Prince Pedro act. For the West-French Alliance, the Portuguese only secretly provided some funds and sent some sailors to fight as "volunteers" to express their intentions.

The envoys of the West-French Alliance who arrived in the British Isles were also not going well, and Scotland and Ireland were nothing more than that. After all, they were able to become independent because of the help of the Chinese. After listening to their suggestions, Charles II actually drove them out, declared that he did not agree to use his prestige, and called on the British to participate in actions against the Chinese!

This is really aggressive, the Chinese kicked him off the throne, and then let Scotland and Ireland be independent, such a disgrace to lose power and humiliate the country, he refused to fight and was willing to be ruled by the Chinese.

Not only that, British ministers and generals also refused to join the Western French Union.

Louis XIV was very angry after receiving the report. He received King James II and Prince Rupert, who had fled from England, and announced that they would allocate funds to send manpower to support their restoration of the country.

James II is the dd of Charles II, and Prince Rupert is their uncle. The two escaped when the Chinese invaded Britain. After James II fled to Paris, he received Pope Clement, the leader of the Western Church The IX was crowned and officially became the King of England.

Since then, England has had two kings, one in London and one in Paris.

Knowing the situation in Britain, Leonard was very helpless. He said to the Minister of the Navy Colbert: "The British will not support James II. His Majesty the King (Louis XIV) is wasting his efforts!"

Colbert nodded approvingly, because James II believed in Catholicism, while most of the British subjects believed in Protestantism, and the two religions were incompatible.

In Leonard's strategy, Britain is an extremely important part, no less important than the alliance with Spain.

Because Leonard saw that Britain can be a competent stirrer, as long as the Chinese occupy Britain, even if they don't station troops in the European land, they can still turn the European land upside down, and there will be no peace!
