The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2734: 1 couplet

After the "Madrid Treaty" was promulgated, France and Spain vigorously shouted. Although many Europeans responded positively, more Europeans did not support it. Even the Spaniards themselves were not optimistic about the Franco-Spanish alliance, which included the Spanish embassy in France. The embassy's military attache, Don Moreau (the same military attache who seriously suspected his foreign minister, Juan Joaquin Castro, was a Chinese spy).

When he received the news of the Western French League, he was so angry that he swept everything on the table to the ground!

"The Spaniards have abandoned their new ally, the Chinese, and have thrown themselves once again into the arms of the French."

Don Moreau was so strategic his eyes would drop to the ground.

Are the minds of the court ministers really a mess? King Carlos II is talking nonsense, what a stupid decision he made, and those high officials obeyed.

Even if a pig is king, he is more qualified than Carlos II.

Spain would be in a desperate situation because of his decision, and Don Moreau did not believe that the extravagant and extravagant Louis XIV would win.

Don Moreau was stationed in Paris, and he knew how precarious the situation in France was.

However, what Louis XIV thought was an order, the situation of wars everywhere in Europe did not appear, which made him angry and roared in the Palace of Versailles, making the ministers and attendants fearful.

The choice of opposing the West-French Alliance proved to be correct later, because the Emperor of the Empire, whom all Europeans are afraid of, is coming all the way!

Yan Changwu returned to his hometown after the end of the last European war, and spent a relatively leisurely time.

The empire has long been on the right track, Yan Changwu only needs to decide on the country's major policies, and the rest will be handled by the concubines and subjects.

Of course, his leisure is relative. He also has to do research, inspection, meetings and speeches. You already know what I mean!"

Everyone nodded silently, and went back to educate others: "The most honorable people in the world and the biggest rich man work so hard, why don't you work hard!"

The power of role models is infinite. An envoy from the Shenluo Empire arrived at Sunshine City, the capital of the Nanhua Empire, and was amazed at the diligence of the Nanhua people, including the officials who went to work on time and on time, and the soldiers transported early and early every day. Before dawn, the people After dawn, the streets were filled with crowds, pedestrians hurried past, eating breakfast while walking, workers flooded into factories, farmers worked in the fields, and white sails were dotted on the sea...

Afterwards, the envoy came to Xinming again, and he found that the people all over the world were not as diligent as the people of Xinming, and the people of Xinming were not as diligent as the people of Nanhua. Nanhua people are the most diligent in the world!

The envoy said with emotion: "The success of the Nanhua Empire is not without reason. The Nanhua people in the world are the most diligent. They are located in the tropics and the climate is hot. According to some people, they are not suitable for work, but the Nanhua people are not affected at all. They are natural. Start work before the light is out, and work until dark, men and women, everyone contributes at their posts, they are the most productive, and even having children is harder than other countries!"

Yes, the emergence of the baby boom in the Nanhua Empire is all the result of the hard work of the people of the country!

In 1671 of the Gregorian calendar, the fourteenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, Ghost Festival.

At 8:00 in the morning, the weather was sunny, and the imperial emperor Yan Changwu led the imperial ministers Chen Zhongji, Hong Sheng, Storm, the oldest marshal Chen De, the imperial cabinet minister Zhang Jiayu, and the cabinet ministers Liu Kongzhao, Chen Hebin, Chen Zilong, Zhang Huangyan, Marshal Gan Hui, chief of staff, Marshal David, the emperor's personal advisor, and the generals in Beijing include Li Chengdong, Zhang Neng, Tian Hu, and Zhang Nai of the Army; Zeng Ying, Dang Shousu, Ke Yongsheng, Guo Tiancai; Zhen, Yan Tian, ​​Yang Yanchang, Hu Yiqing; Liu Wenxiu, Qi Sansheng, Ma Jinzhong, Galdanbai and Li Dingguo, Bai Wenxuan, Liu Fangliang, Ma Weixing and Chahan, etc., as well as Lubbers, Hong Xiguan, Zhang Jin and Weng Tianyou, Gan Tang, Zhang Shili, etc. (the main force of the navy is in Europe). Zhou Quanbin, Deng Tianyan, Yan Le, Yan Dian and others from the Marine Corps paid homage to the Marine Martyrs Monument located on the hill outside the Xuricheng Military Port.

This monument is built in a small park on the mountain, overlooking the military port at the foot of the mountain, and is used to commemorate the fallen soldiers of the navy.

The monument is made of white marble, not tall, but also very simple, but it is the earliest military monument and naval monument at the beginning of Nanhua's capture of Rising Sun City (called Batavia at the time).

Every year, the princes and grandchildren come to visit on behalf of the royal family to show that they will not forget the roots. This year, Yan Changwu came in person.

This time he came, besides him, there were a gathering of high-ranking officials, the stars were shining, and the imperial guards in prominent and bright clothes, the grand occasion was unprecedented!

The etiquette of the sacrifice is simple, that is, singing the national anthem, reading the sacrificial text, mourning in silence, laying wreaths, and paying respects to the monument. The presiding ceremony is not a monk or a Taoist priest, but an official. Can be done in temple.

It was amazing to say that when they concentrated, the originally sunny sky suddenly became cloudy, and then it began to rain sparsely.

The guards had umbrellas and immediately stepped forward to open umbrellas for the emperor.

But the emperor rejected their offer and said: "The blood splattered all over the body of the martyrs when they fought, this is nothing to me!"

He stood in the rain, and his followers also accompanied him in the rain.

The rain became heavier and heavier, and the emperor and his followers were all drenched.

It was a solemn time, and although it was raining, the atmosphere was strong, and everyone was encouraged by the emperor's actions.

At this moment, even if the emperor asked them to go through fire and water, they would not hesitate to do so!

After it was over, they found a place to wipe off the water stains. Yan Changwu wrote Mr. David, and he dictated a couplet: "It's raining all over the place today, and there are strong sailors!"

Mr. David made it in one go, and Yan Changwu told him to use this couplet to commemorate the fallen naval officers and hang it in a small park. Everyone was moved!

When he returned to the before anyone arrived, the queen Yang Yinger and the imperial concubine Chen Yuanyuan saw the copy of this couplet in advance, and they were all amazed. : "Your Majesty often says that he is a pirate, but how can there be such a pirate in the world who can write such magnificent couplets?"

"Yes, it's unbelievable. His Majesty always said that he didn't read much, and told everyone not to lie to him. From the perspective of my concubine, His Majesty is a big liar!" Chen Yuanyuan also said.

When they saw Yan Changwu, Yang Yinger raised her question bluntly, Yan Changwu smiled slightly and said: "Articles are made naturally, and you can get them by chance!"

"Impossible!" Yang Yinger shook her head.

Yan Changwu's heart skipped a beat, he talked about it from left to right, and told Yang Ying'er: "I am going to leave the mainland and rush to Europe. I will leave all domestic affairs to the queen!"

Yang Ying'er and his old husband and wife have long been accustomed to his behavior of not returning home, and said seriously: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, there is me in the country!"

"Okay, okay!" Yan Changwu shook his wife's plain hand, saying everything without saying a word! 2084/10174840