The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2749: panicked europeans

On the battleship "Royal Louis", the flagship of the French army, the captain, Viscount de Claus, asked Admiral Abraham Duquesne, "My lord, what is your order?"

Ask three times!

Only then did Abraham Duquesne hoarsely say: "Ready to fight!"

Viscount De Claus immediately turned his head and ordered the orderly: "Ready to fight!"

"Prepare for battle!" The voices shouted repeatedly, and the bells used to remind all ships rang together. The sailors were busy raising the battle flag, arranging the yards and guns, and transporting ammunition.

Abraham Duquesne observed the distant enemy ships with a telescope, and he was extremely remorseful: "If I knew it earlier, I would have returned!"

He didn't have a strong will to fight in his heart. The problem was that such a large fleet sailed without fighting, and it was difficult to do business when they returned.

Then fight, he ordered: "Take advantage of the wind and fight!"

When the order was conveyed to the entire fleet, the French, Spaniards, and Portuguese breathed a sigh of relief, but the British, Dutch, and some religious fanatics and diehards in the fleet did not take it seriously.

Everyone knows that when fighting downwind, the muzzle of the gun is upward, and shooting at the enemy's yard may cause the enemy to lose mobility, allowing one's own side to advance and retreat freely.

Militants prefer to fight with the upper hand. At this time, the shells hit the enemy's bulwark, which is a real attack power. more prone to losses.

Admiral Abraham Duquesne's strategy was conservative, and he focused on protecting the ship. Everyone obeyed his orders, but it inevitably caused a decline in morale. Moreover, when they saw the South China Fleet clearly, their hearts were in awe. sink.

The Chinese launched many battleships, very large battleships!

Counting the number, there are at least one hundred and eighty battleships, especially the number is too large, and the number becomes chaotic.

Especially the five giant battleships flying the Golden Dragon flag made all the Europeans tremble!

Europeans used large-magnification telescopes to observe these five giant battleships. They have towering four-story gun decks and a thick and long body, surpassing any European battleship.

As they get closer, when they open the gun deck, the navigating old birds can observe their artillery configuration. Each ship has 32 42-pounder guns, 66 18-pounder guns, 22 9-pounder guns, so 120 Cannon!

The largest European battleship formation is the "Immaculate Conception", a first-class battleship with a three-layer gun deck. It has 112 cannons. There are 18 8-pound guns, which were the best in Europe at the time, which is no small matter.

But compared with the giant Chinese battleships, that is really not enough class.

That's right, Yan Changwu, who is pursuing bigger, thicker and tougher, dispatched his strategic weapon: a super battleship with a four-layer gun deck, a star-class battleship!

They are "Sui Xing", "Ying Huo Xing", "Zhen Xing", "Taibai Xing" and "Chen Xing". " corresponds to Mars, "Zhen Xing" corresponds to Saturn, "Taibai Xing" corresponds to Venus, and "Chen Xing" corresponds to Mercury.

China's journey is the stars and the sea, and the earth can no longer accommodate the pace of the Chinese people, so Yan Changwu proudly used the name of the stars on his super battleship, and personally fought, sitting on the "Sui Xing".

He dispatched 188 battleships. On the "Sui Xing", his lieutenant is Mr. David, the captain is Liu Guoxuan, and the "Ying Huo Xing", "Zhen Xing", "Taibai Xing", The "Chen Xing" has four admirals, Siresma, Zhao Tianjing, Cheng Yu, and Yan Zhang respectively. , "Wenchang", "Zhenwu" and "Taiyi" were commanded by Shi Lang, Yang Zu, Zhang Jin, Weng Tianyou, Gan Tang, Zhang Shili, Zhang Qiang, Xu Weiye and others.

There are also 30 second-class battleships "Zhonghua" and 145 ships of the Southeast Asia class. They are extremely powerful and unparalleled. They cover the ocean and look extremely terrifying!

The huge force is unprecedented!

The elite soldiers and strong generals gathered together, and the morale of the Nanhua officers and soldiers on the battleships was high, gearing up, ready to beat up the Europeans and kill them.

Their ships and cannons are thick and numerous, and their spirits can be seen through the telescope, and their banners are clear, which stunned the Europeans.

On the French ship "Achilles" there was an old sailor who was a survivor of the Mediterranean sea battle. He observed vigorously with a telescope, his mouth was wide open due to shock, and the chewing tobacco in his mouth fell out without knowing it.

When he put down the binoculars, he sighed and said, "Even if Achilles came, he would not be able to defeat this pagan fleet!"

Achilles is a demigod hero in ancient Greek mythology. He was the number one master in the Trojan War. Resurrection, also helpless.




All kinds of negative emotions filled the hearts of Europeans, making them draw the cross involuntarily, kiss the cross, and ask God to bless them.

"God, Almighty Holy Lord..."

There was a murmur of prayers, everyone was pleading for God's blessing, but some people thought of a saying that was circulated on the land of Europe: "God is on the side of the most powerful army!"

It suddenly made them feel that it is not practical to ask God, so they prayed to the Virgin (Spanish and Portuguese worship the Virgin more), Xiaoye and even Gabriel (the archangel), they chanted the holy names of various gods, Some people even begged Satan: "As long as Satan blesses them to win this battle, then they would rather sell their souls to Satan!"

The British desperately flew the St. George's flag with a red cross on a white background (that is, the dragon-slaying flag). People who have been to Caribbean islands even asked pagan gods such as Haiti's voodoo, and some even asked Ah San's. Gods of all Don’t you know that the three great gods bless their white skins?

All kinds of things, the Europeans fell into an unprecedented panic, and all the people became religious fanatics. If you can't ask for one god, then ask for two, just want to win.

The French admiral Abraham Duquesne pretended to be calm, but his injured right hand, which had been injured and had a bit of rheumatism, trembled involuntarily. He had to squeeze his right hand tightly with his left hand. When he opened his left hand, his right hand left blue fingerprints.

He regretted deeply in his heart: "Why didn't you return early, you shouldn't leave Brest!"

On the second-layer gun deck of the Spanish battleship "Constantine", a middle-aged sailor John Castro wore three layers of armor, the inner layer was leather armor, the middle was plate armor, and the outer layer was chain mail. His armor looked quite bloated. When someone asked him why he was wearing so much armor, the sailor said bluntly: "I'm afraid of death!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone who heard them fell silent, and equipped all the helmets and armors they could find!

Time passed, at one o'clock at noon, whether the Europeans were willing or unwilling, the two large fleets inevitably entered the battle line! 2084/10250590