The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2765: Attacking the mind is a trick

Count Loufoy, the French Minister of War, exclaimed: "Why did the army of the Holy Roman Empire come so fast?" (How did the Shenluo army come so fast?)

You must know that the defense along the way from the east to Paris is a masterpiece of Loufois. He presided over the construction of a large number of forts, forts and defensive positions. Even if Paris has sufficient warning time, how can it fall so quickly?

The news from the front came one after another. The army of the Holy Roman Empire was 300,000. The Austrian army was the main force. There were 200,000. Corley unified command and invaded France.

Under the banner of "crusade against the unjust Louis and avenge the victims of the Thirty Years' War" and "restore the old government, let God give to God, the king to the king, and the nobles to the nobles", they declared that we We came here to fight against the perfidious Louis (King's family). We respect France and have no intention of occupying French territory. This led to the defection of the defenders of Strasbourg and Metz in France, surrendering the city, and making the Holy Roman Empire The army drove straight in.

Seeing the reported information, Louis XIV's face was very ugly.

Whatever the cause, there will be such an effect. The Holy Roman Empire and France are both Catholic-dominated countries. They fought hard in the war between European Catholics and Protestants during the thirty years from 1618 to 1648. You know, France, as the In a Catholic country, Catholics account for 90% of the country's population, and they are actually on the side of the Protestant country!

France shamelessly backstabbed Catholic countries and defeated Catholic Spain and the Catholic Holy Roman Empire (mainly Austria), causing European Catholic forces to suffer, and hated the then Holy See (His Majesty the Pope) to expel the French king!

In August 1645, the French army defeated the army of the Holy Roman Empire at the Battle of Naringen, and most of the German territory of the Holy Roman Emperor was occupied.

In 1648, the French and Swedish coalition forces defeated the Holy Roman Empire at the Battle of Smashausen and Reims, and forced the Holy Roman Empire to sign the "Westphalia Peace Treaty" to sell benefits and territories!

It can be said that the Austrians lost their troops, lost their power and humiliated the country, and hated France very much.

At that time, the king of France was Louis XIII. He was the father of Louis XIV. The consequences caused by the father should be borne by the son, which is just and righteous.

As for the "restoration of the old regime", it is the division of the French nobility. Louis XIII and Louis XIV's royal administration seriously robbed the interests of many nobles, such as the nobles' local governance rights, tax collection rights, military power, diplomatic power, and even the first night. right?

Louis XIV was able to get so much money at once to set up his grand fleet, army, and provide for his extravagance. Much of the money was taken from the pockets of the nobles. Apart from not allowing the nobles to collect taxes, He even wants to cancel the tax exemption rights of the nobles and impose heavy taxes on the nobles!

For the bad behavior of the king, the French nobles were quite dissatisfied and hated it. They also fought against it, but they couldn't beat Louis XIV, so they could only swallow their anger.

Moreover, in addition to political inducement, the Shenluo Empire also used the big trick of the universe, that is, to use real silver dollars to buy those poor French nobles. As long as they are neutral, they will offer a lot of silver dollars. You can get a lot of silver dollars, the price is clearly marked, and women and children are not bullied.

Regardless of the glamor of the French aristocrats, in fact, many aristocrats are unable to make ends meet, relying on loans to maintain their luxurious life, and do not know when they will go bankrupt.

Some people are willing to give generously, and the nobles, the spineless people, happily accept it.

Money is very important. Slogans alone are useless without silver dollars. With both slogans and silver dollars, things are simple.

The nobles in southern France surrendered before, and now it is the turn of the nobles in the east to surrender. Naturally, they would not admit that they surrendered. They only said that they were dissatisfied with the Louis family's rule of France, and they were not against France. Therefore, they raised the banner of righteousness and fought together.

It depends on who leads the army. The commander-in-chief of the Holy Roman Empire, Raymondo Montecuccoli, has a famous reputation. He has fought against Sweden, France, and Turks successively. He has not failed in his military life for many years and has made great achievements in battle. .

Taking him as commander, the French nobles were afraid that they would not be able to defeat him, and they did not want to fight him, so as to avoid the ending of losing their teachers and being humiliated.

Moreover, he also strictly restrained the army. Various ministries stationed "gendarmes" to suppress the illegal behavior of the Shinra army.

In addition, he spent a lot of money to invite Count de Richard, a great nobleman in southern France, as a pioneer. He was rebelled by Austria and played a key role in the corruption of the situation in southern France. He became the pioneer of the Shinra Army. Everywhere they went, they called for surrender, and those who hesitated, the old earl said: "If I surrender, let alone you wait?"

Because of him, the nobles in southern France have surrendered to the enemy. Now that the old earl has reached the east of France, he is equally invincible.

The nobles have suffered from the king for a long time, and the old earl shouted "Down with Louis, defend the French tradition" and deeply rooted in the hearts of the nobles.

"You haven't fought the enemy yet, your reputation has already spread among the enemies." In this way, nobles from all over France saw the arrival of the Shinra army, and Earl de Richard endorsed it, and they all ate pots of pulp to welcome the king. Division, resulting in a terrible situation in eastern France!

Taking heart as the first priority, the nobles gave way one after another, and the army of the Holy Roman Empire progressed smoothly and had already reached the fortress of Verdun.

Hearing that the French nobles opened their doors to steal, many nobles even joined the Shinra Army and marched towards Paris with great momentum. There was a long list of nobles who participated in the rebellion, and the French ministers in the Palace of Versailles looked pale.

In order to show their loyalty, they yelled at the nobles in unison, demanding that they be convicted of treason and deprived of their honor.

On the contrary, Louis XIV said, "Those nobles must have been educated by Parisians, and they are especially good at opposing their kings!"

As the saying goes: Indians dance when they disagree, Japanese people cut their stomachs if they disagree, and Parisians rebel and drive the king away when they disagree!

The people of Paris are really the people with the most rebellious tradition in history. As long as they disagree with each other, they will rebel. When Louis XIV was young, he was driven out of Paris by the Paris people for several years together with the Queen Mother!

Earl Loufoy said in a deep voice: "Verdun is under attack now, we must rescue it in time!"

Verdun is the eastern gateway of Paris ~ ~ is the support point of the entire front of the French army. Louis XIV also attached great importance to defending this strategic location, and assigned Count Loufoy to build a strong and solid fortress there. Fortify the place and send heavy troops to guard it.

There are 30,000 troops under the command of Lieutenant General Villeroy. Although he is a viscount nobleman, he is a firm royalist and has not been bribed. His army is a "new army" formed by the king, and he is more loyal to the king.

The so-called "new army" is a new type of army formed by Louis XIV according to the South China Army. They are of high quality, well-equipped, well-trained, and paid well, so their combat effectiveness is relatively strong. There are as many as 400,000, and 100,000 were wiped out by the South China Army. After hard work, another 100,000 new troops were reorganized, 100,000 new troops were deployed for defense in the south of France, 100,000 new troops were deployed around Versailles, 100,000 new troops were recruited in Paris, and 100,000 new troops were deployed along the Atlantic Ocean. .

"Who should I send?" asked Louis XIV.

Count Loufoy said without hesitation: "Just send the Duke of Luxembourg!"

"Him?" Louis XIV said tiredly, shaking his head, expressing his inappropriateness, but Earl Loufoy insisted. 2084/10311133