The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2770: French infantry can't win

You have a gun, and I have a chest. If you are a real man, you will line up and shoot him. The battlefield is tough!

First, the Austrian soldiers opened fire, and the dense bullets shot out. A large area of ​​the French forward fell down, and a serious vacancy appeared on the front line.

At a distance of 30 to 50 meters, the French army stopped and raised their guns to shoot at the Austrian soldiers on the opposite side, which also caused serious casualties to the Austrian frontline troops.

The two sides confronted each other at close range, and launched a fierce artillery battle and musket fire. The bullets blasted at each other through the dense bushes, and people fell down constantly, and blood flowed along the slope.

Everyone was standing, no one was looking for cover, at most the Austrian artillery used the parapet as a cover.

Such an unmasked attack is extremely cruel, and it is a test of the will to fight. Both the Austrians and the French have withstood the test, killing the enemy without changing their faces, or being killed by the enemy!

It's like two opponents standing face to face, not moving, you punch me on the head, I punch you on the head, you come and go, just hit and hit, see who can't stand it first.

Why is the fight so stiff and ugly?

Governing Law: There are always few smart people and many stupid people in the world. It is useless to want stupid people to understand, and the more you talk about it, the more confused they become.

Military law: When fighting, maneuver and intersperse, run and run, there will be no troops behind you; attack the enemy at night, walk and walk, you don't know where you have taken the troops!

In those days, as soon as you left the city, you were in the wild. There were no roads in the barren mountains, and even if there were roads, they were dirt roads and narrow. In case of fighting with the enemy along the way, it would be a small fight. It is better to find a flat and large place, and everyone will have a good time. The battle will determine the outcome. No one can stand it for a long time---because there are no heavy trucks, and the logistics cannot keep up. , financial expenditures have a crisis due to the long war!

In ancient times, due to malnutrition, many soldiers and common people suffered from night blindness, and the wild lights were dark at night, how to get around?

Let's say that the French and the Austrians shot at each other for a while, but found that they could not overwhelm the Austrians, so the French commander, Major General Fandom, ordered the troops to attack with bayonets!

So amidst the roars of the officers and the roars of the soldiers, waves of French soldiers rushed over like the flood of noble private troops. Their morale was high, and they tried to strike while the iron was hot, and took down the Austrians in one fell swoop.

Due to the danger of foreign enemies and financial pressure, Louis XIV allowed the local nobles to form their own armies (originally from XIV's father Thirteen, the French court generally took back the military power of the local nobles), and some of them acted together with the regular French army. The 10,000 noble private troops came from the troops of one viscount, three barons and several knights.

In France, there are nobles who welcome the Shenluo army to fight Paris with both hands, and nobles who firmly support Louis XIV. Although these noble private troops participating in the war are not well equipped, they are brave in combat, dare to fight and fight hard, and follow the king's army to charge forward , and launched a brutal hand-to-hand fight with the Austrians.

This kind of battle is the most test of personal courage. If you shoot from a distance, you are blessed by God if you hit it. If you miss it, it is luck for the enemy. But when you are face to face, if you hesitate a little, you may go to hell, so everyone keeps their eyes open. , yelling, cheering yourself up, driving away fear, and doing your best to kill the enemy on the opposite side.

The cold light shone under the sun, which was the light reflected by the bayonets, scimitars, and knights' swords on both sides. The crisp sound of weapons clashing, the terrifying sound of weapons piercing into flesh, the high-pitched howls of pitch-changing, and the heavy panting sound merged into a scene on the battlefield. ensemble.

The two sides fought desperately, blood flowed like rivers on the battlefield, the French were quite tenacious, the officers led the soldiers to charge continuously, and several small troops even broke into the depths of the Austrian phalanx.

The Austrian army fluctuated, and many people couldn't help but glance at the command post on the small highland behind.


"Boom boom boom..."

The artillery accompanying the army was spraying shells, and Count Christopher Waltz, the commander of the Austrian Second Army, was dressed in prominent clothes and held a knife in his hand, standing behind the artillery position.

The empty battlefield is like a big red iron ingot, which is constantly being hit by the heavy hammer again and again, and every time the shell is hit, there will be a loud bang.

The artillery kept firing, but it seemed that the French army on the opposite side was not affected, and the attacks came one after another.

"Hit, hit me hard!" Count Christoph Waltz's expression remained unchanged, his voice was as calm as a mountain, and it seemed that the shells didn't hit his heart at all.

He could not help but sigh slightly as he saw signs of instability in his troops being beaten by the French.

The Austrian army was too young. Emperor Yan Changwu entered Vienna and almost wiped out the original ranks of officers and soldiers. Most of the newly promoted officers, non-commissioned officers and newly recruited soldiers were like a blank sheet of paper. They had neither combat experience nor There is no resilience at all, only by fighting more can they grow up.

This is also the reason why former veteran generals like Count Christopher Waltz were able to stay in office after being loyal to the emperor, because the road to becoming a famous general is paved with blood, and there is no quick way.

"Well, I escaped once, and there will be no second time!" Count Christopher Waltz whispered, standing firmly, and ordered all troops to fight to the end!

At the back of the combat troops, the supervising team with Turkish scimitars and execution axes on their shoulders stared at the backs of the soldiers in front. All kudos to the family in exile in Africa!"

The Austrian soldiers were terrified, they had no way to retreat, so it was a deadly battle!

Give full play to the power of the weapons in your hands to resist and destroy the enemy, like a giant rock standing on the seashore, standing still under the fierce impact of the waves.

Of course, Count Christopher Waltz did not sacrifice the lives of the soldiers blindly. He mobilized the mobile troops and rushed to the forward positions of the French army like firefighters to support them. Bombard the French The archers fired arrows to attack the successor troops of the French army to curb the French army's offensive posture.

"Stop shooting for me!" the earl ordered.

He used the knowledge he had trained by senior generals before, and concentrated artillery, thunder cannons, bows and bombs on the follow-up troops of the French army to attack, making the second echelon of the French army unable to reinforce. It became a source of water, and was quickly wiped out by Austria's superior forces, thus stabilizing the front line and strengthening the morale of the army!

The young Austrians who had fought against the French army couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "The French are nothing more than that!"

The French army was unwilling to fail, and rushed forward to the Austrian front with shouts and shouts, but was repelled time and time again.

The Duke of Luxembourg, who was watching the battle from the rear, could not help but close his eyes in pain when he saw his army appearing in decline.

Immediately, he opened his eyes, stretched out his right hand, and all the cavalry looked at him, listening to his order: "Cavalry assault!"

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of rumbling horseshoes, and the French cavalry rushed forward like a tide. 2084/10336404