The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2781: French versus Bavarians

Major General Mangala Sacco, the commander of the 3rd Musketeer Division of the French Royal Family, disregarded the order of the army not to fight, and brazenly pulled tens of thousands of troops out of his headquarters to compete with the Shinra Army and decide life and death.

Viscount Evra from the Orleans region of France said: "This is such a brave man, I want to be with him!"

Therefore, he led his private army of 3,000 people to follow Major General Sako and went straight to attack the Shinra army.

They moved very quickly. When Marshal Dureny received the report and sent Lieutenant General William Fandom to stop it, there were already loud gunshots in front of them, and the sound of artillery was booming!

"Frenchmen, go on!"

"For the king, for God, for France, go on!"

"Destroy these hypocrites and send them to hell!" (The French believe that the Shinra people have turned to the pagan Chinese, so the belief of the Shinra people is false)

The French chanted slogans, formed a dense square formation, and rushed towards the Shenluo army without hesitation.

They were flying flags and beating small drums. The officers and soldiers stood up straight, chest out, and stepped on the drums to move forward.

On the other hand, the Bavarians were also forming a team, and then the snare drums started to beat, and people rushed forward in unison!

"Bavarians, move forward!" Marquis Maximilian, the son of the Grand Duchy of Bavaria, blushed with excitement and shouted, waving his saber.

"For the Emperor, for God, for the Holy Roman Empire, march on!"

"Destroy these hypocrites who sold their souls to the devil, and send them to hell!" (The Shinra people think that the Catholic French help the Protestants to fight the Catholic brothers, and they are hypocrites)

The slogans of both sides are very close, and the distance is also close. The battle mode is that you have the gun, and I have the chest! A real man must be tough! Fire a volley of muskets and send the enemy to hell!

The people on both sides stood still, stopped thirty or fifty meters away, and lined up to shoot!

Everyone had no fear on their faces and fired fiercely at each other.

Soldiers fell one after another, and new troops poured in to fill the gap.

The muskets kept firing, and thick smoke rose from the battlefield, and people kept falling, and blood gradually flowed into a stream.

In this battle, the Bavarians and French only used muskets and light field artillery, and did not use other technical arms such as heavy artillery, trebuchets, and bows and arrows. Even bombs were used less, not to mention outflanking and flanking tactics.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I, the Bavarians, want to knock down the French head-on!

No one said that the Bavarians were stupid, and everyone gave them a thumbs up and praised them as heroes.

Likewise, the French have shown great courage, which is admirable.

Constantly throwing troops into the battle, the number of casualties on both sides skyrocketed.

"Kill, kill!" The French, with red eyes, raised their bayonets and rushed forward, trying to attack the Bavarian front.

The French indeed had no shortage of warriors, and in many battles they defeated their enemies in hand-to-hand combat and won.

"Destroy these hypocrites and avenge the martyrs who died in the Thirty Years' War!" The Bavarians did not retreat at all, and also raised their bayonets and rushed forward. I am invincible!

After the emperor (Yan Changwu) entered the Shenluo Empire, he paid great attention to the propaganda work. This time he invaded France and widely publicized the damage France caused to Bavaria in the Thirty Years of Europe (1618-1648) War among the Bavarians, triggering all Bavarians The feelings of the same hatred and hatred, so that the Bavarians must not back down in order to avenge this **** hatred.

The French did cause great spiritual and financial harm to the Bavarians. During the Thirty Years War and the conflict between Catholics and Protestants, the Holy Roman Empire formed two opposing political and military alliances at the beginning: The Protestant alliance headed by Frederick V, Marquis of Palatinate (1608) and the Catholic alliance headed by Duke Maximilian of Bavaria (1609), the two factions fought a war.

However, France, which accounted for 90% of domestic Catholics, actually stood on the side of the Protestant League, gave money and goods to the Protestant League, and even went into battle shirtless, sent troops to help, and backstabbed the Catholic League. The Swedes supported by the French in April 1632 Monthly capture Munich, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Bavaria!

In 1647, before the end of the war, France joined forces with Sweden to occupy the entire territory of the Grand Duchy of Bavaria!

Of course, when the French came to Bavaria, bad guys came to their door. They swept away the wealth of the Bavarians, killed Bavarian resistance elements, and created **** cases one after another.

We will destroy these treacherous hypocrites in France! eye for eye!

Before the war, the Bavarian army’s propaganda to the officers and soldiers went home: “Now that we meet the French and have a chance to take revenge, we must win. In this way, when we retire, we will have no regrets, and we can be proud of our Children and grandchildren say that we have won and defeated the French!"

In this way, in the face of the vicious French, the Bavarians did not give an inch, and did not retreat in a deadly battle!

The bayonet fighting is extremely cruel, requiring fearless courage and skilled assassination techniques.

Fortunately, the Bavarians stood the test!

The army formed by Bavaria copied the three major combat skills of the soldiers of the South China Army: "shooting, assassination and bombing". French.

"Ding ding ding..." The sound of bayonets clashing.

"Pfft..." The sound of the bayonet piercing into the flesh.

"Ah..." the voice screamed.

The French were surprised to find that in the passionate fight, they were knocked down and driven out of the position!

Of course, the French will not admit defeat easily. They reorganized their offensive, and the defeated team reorganized and launched a new offensive.

At this time, a messenger rushed to Major General Mangala Sako and reported: "General, Viscount Evra is dead!"

"What!" Major General Sako said regretfully.

Viscount Evra from the Orleans area led a private army of 3,000 people to assist Major General Sacco in the battle. During the fierce battle, he was hit by a bullet and was fatally injured, so he received a lunch box.

The Orléans were quite courageous, and three thousand people rushed towards the Bavarians like moths to a flame, and finally all fell!

The number of casualties of the French army in the battle is also Major General Sacco's deputy, Brigadier General Evans Harry, dissuaded him: "My lord, we can't fight anymore, we have to retreat !"

"Retreat?! If you dare to say retreat, I will kill you!" Major General Sako roared with red eyes.

With a slap of "Slap!", there was silence in the temporary field headquarters.

Because the brigadier general committed the crime below, he slapped the major general in the face!

Brigadier General Harry calmly said: "Look, our third division has pulled up the reserve team. If we continue to fight, all the troops will be wiped out. The third division will be wiped out. There will be no victory, because Bavaria There are more people than us!"

Major General Sako was startled and looked back, only to find the wounded lying on the ground, and there were no more troops.

Looking into the distance, the brigade of Bavarians is forming a team. There are many of them, and there is a steady stream, ready to go into battle!

Major General Sako woke up and said sadly: "Retreat!" 2084/10380687