The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2799: Block Spain!

Yan Changwu once again lived out the appearance of a certain country he hated the most: implementing "long-arm jurisdiction over other countries!"

When he stretched out his arms to the sky in Vienna, all Europe fell under the horror of the dark side of his empire!

The French responded first. Because of Yan Changwu's interpretation of France, the French liked him very much, and they actively cooperated. King Henry V ordered the nobles everywhere to strictly abide by the emperor's "Edict of Vienna" and blockade the land with Spain. The border, no trade with the Spaniards, no personnel exchanges between the two sides, if there is any violation, the title will be deprived!

Although the rights of the French king were greatly weakened after the signing of the "Magna Carta", he still has a powerful voice in his hands.

Not only that, Henry V sent inspectors from Paris to various places to check the trade situation. It is said that special agents from the South China Empire and the Shinra Empire participated in the monitoring, and the atmosphere was very serious.

Therefore, nobility from all over France had to stop trading with the Spaniards, whether they were willing or unwilling.

What made the Spaniards most distressed was that the Portuguese also implemented the "Edict of Vienna", announcing the blockade of the border between the two countries and completely stopping the trade between the two countries!

You must know that Spain and Portugal are almost two sides of the same silver coin. The King of Spain also served as the King of Portugal for a while.

However, the Portuguese also blocked the Spanish trade, and the Spanish court was extremely angry. The Foreign Minister Don Busquets Pedri asked the Portuguese ambassador to Spain, Edward Fernandez, if he owed a beating and wanted to be beaten?

Edward Fernandez spread his hands and said, "Well, you Spain have occupied our Portugal. Anyway, if you trade with your Spain, you will be robbed by the pirates in Nanhua. If you don't trade with your Spain, you will be robbed by your gang of robbers." !"

It's difficult to be small between the two major countries. Portugal's national strength is weak, and there is not much room for maneuver in the local area, so it just lies flat.

This is an obvious shame, Don Busquets Pedri sneered: "Do you really think we dare not beat you?!"

After all, I really dare not go to war with Portugal. Although Portugal can't beat Spain, the problem is that once the war starts, the European countries will have an opportunity to take advantage of it. They will swarm like mad dogs and attack Spain violently!

The border trade has stopped, and the sea trade has long since stopped, losing the command of the sea. The cruise ships of Nanhua are rampant, and the Spanish sails cannot go to sea. Even fishing has stopped, because the Nanhua navy has not only blocked maritime activities, but also attacked the harbor and burned ships. , Stealing population and wealth, that British Siresma committed a heinous crime!

He worked tirelessly and kept attacking towns and villages all over the coast of Spain, making the Spaniards hate him deeply, but he had no choice but to retreat 30 miles along the coastline to avoid his attack.

He has made a legend: in the Spring and Autumn Period, Jin Wengong retreated three houses when he met the Chu army, and today a Spaniard met him and retreated all the way. It can be seen that the great contribution of this foreigner who came to China to help the war!

Wherever Siresma went, all he saw was desolation, the city was silent, only some old people who couldn't walk walked on the streets like walking corpses, the scene looked extremely miserable.

Is this still a developed area in Europe, the birthplace of the Age of Discovery?

Or someone warned Siresma to know that Empress Margaret Teresa of the Shinra Empire is a princess from Spain. He has caused such misery in Spain, and may cause displeasure to the empress, and revenge against him in the future!

You must know that women have small minds, so wear small shoes for him in the future!

Siresma laughed and said: "A woman who is an emperor must have a broad mind. I am working for the interests of the empire, and she will definitely support me!"

As a result, Queen Margaret Theresa sent important officials to work in the army, and presented Siresma with the Chinese characters "Sea Country Elite" written by her in her own handwriting, as a compliment, and rewarded him with 200,000 silver dollars in recognition of his The credit for leading sixty battleships and hundreds of cruisers to besiege Spain!

In this way, the worries of the navy disappeared, and they worked harder. Spain degenerated from a sea power country to an inland country, smelling the smell of sea water but not being able to go to sea.

Strong enemies are pressing the border, people are panicking, foreign trade is interrupted, prices are soaring, and silver dollars are being consumed like water. Although Spain has a big business, it cannot support it.

Hearing the financial report of the Minister of the Treasury, Don Unai Simon, the faces of the nobles were livid.

"Let's fight, fight for God!" For a while, the voice of war was raging, thinking that it would be better to fight the Chinese than the current useless situation.

I would rather die standing up than live on my knees!

On the avenue next to the Plaza Mayor in Madrid, four horses dragged a carriage without a family logo running briskly. Looking out from the window of the carriage, you can see the loneliness of the people coming and going in this square. They are all listless.

This square was built by Philip III in 1619 and has a unique style of square square. It is 128 meters in width and 94 meters in length, surrounded by 4-storey buildings. In the center of the square is the equestrian statue of Philip III.

It belongs to the "landmark" of Madrid. Luxurious royal ceremonies, bullfights and various commemorative activities can often be seen on the balconies of the surrounding residents. Even the scene of the burning of the Inquisition is also in this square!

It is now sunset, and the small restaurants lined up on Cuzirieros Avenue and San Miguelos Avenue under the Cuzirieros Gate in the Plaza Mayor have been sung loudly after drinking a few drinks. People are packed to the brim. The atmosphere is very unique.

Although the situation is not good, there are still many people drinking.

People got off the carriage, and a gentleman wearing a top hat and a cloak left the carriage and walked towards a tavern in San Miguel Street. The tavern had a quiet environment and not many customers, but you could see the clothes of the guests present. The materials are all high-end.

The gentleman greeted the bartender, and the bartender took him silently to a box where another gray-haired gentleman sat. An ordinary visit.

But their identities are by no means simple. The former Spanish admiral Don Fernando Chacon first arrived, and then the current admiral Don Aznar Antonio!

The bartender gave them a bottle of Marquis de Riscal wine, an aged special high-quality dry red wine from the legal area of ​​production. Marquis de Riscal Winery is known as the best winery in the Rioja ~ Produces fine wines that perfectly combine elegance and power. This wine has a deep garnet red color with a cherry-like edge that is mouth-watering!

There is also a pot of thinly sliced ​​Iberian ham, Iberian ham (commonly known as "black hoof", patanegra) is a traditional Spanish raw ham with legal production areas, which occupies a decisive position in Spanish cuisine . Its meat comes from black pigs of the Iberian breed (cerdoibé). Iberico pigs are characterized by their ability to store fat within their muscle fibers, which gives their meat a unique taste.

Wine and meat, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them.

Although the shop here is small, it is a high-end tavern, two admirals, how can they eat too low-level food!

The bartender opened the wine bottle and poured wine for the two guests. He skillfully completed the task quickly, and Don Asnar Antonio praised: "It's like an old gunner firing a cannon!"

"It's ready!" The bartender gestured, turned and left.

After the two admirals had a drink and wished each other good health, Don Aznar Antonio spoke slowly… 2084/10459628