The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2801: Admiral's Battle Plan

The Chinese characters on the paper were not written by Don Fernando Chacon, they were written by others, and they are not afraid of showing their heads.

Don Fernando Chacon explained this allusion from the Jin Dynasty, which moved Don Aznar Antonio's heart!

After the two broke up, Don Aznar Antonio returned to the admiral's mansion with the writing paper. He thought about it carefully and got a countermeasure!

Immediately he sprang into action and made arrangements.

At the court meeting the next day, he turned silent and said to everyone: "The current situation is so serious, and it is not safe for battleships to stay in the port. We must go to war with the Chinese! With the blessing of God, we will have no disadvantages. !"

As soon as these words came out, the meeting was even silent for a while, for a full minute, everyone looked at him as if they didn't know him.

In the past, when everyone was discussing, no matter how ugly everyone said, the admiral would be numb and ignore the words, making everyone think of him as a coward.

If it weren't for the navy's difficulty in cultivating talents, the rest of the admirals wouldn't fight, so they would have killed him long ago.

Today, the admiral rose up, which made everyone very uncomfortable. Although the Secretary of the Army, Pablo, did not agree with him, he asked him with concern: "Are you okay?"

"Thank you for your concern!" Don Aznar Antonio said politely.

Seeing the admiral's appearance, the Queen Mother Maria Anna felt a little uneasy: "What happened, why did he change his mind?"

The most honorable woman in the royal court thought of her correspondence with her daughter Margaret Teresa (Queen of the Shinra Empire). Her daughter mentioned that several intelligence agencies had been established in the Shinra Empire to collect intelligence from various countries. The internal monitoring of the subjects has been very effective. Some enemies, opponents, and conspirators of the empire have been arrested and suppressed!

Therefore, in the letter, Margaret Teresa dissuaded her mother from sending people into the Shinra Empire to spy on intelligence, because the intelligence agencies of the Shinra Empire were completed under the command of the Chinese and belonged to the professional level. Foreign spies can be easily caught. If all Spanish spies are caught, it will embarrass Margaret Teresa!

The queen mother also took action in Spain and established an intelligence agency, but progress was slow.

The admiral's behavior today was a bit strange. Empress Dowager Maria Anna regretted that if she could further strengthen the intelligence agency, she might be able to learn more about the inside story.

She coughed lightly and said, "General, please tell everyone about your battle plan!"

So the admiral asked the valet to open the chart and tell his battle plan.

"...The main force of our fleet is currently stationed in the port of La Coruña. There is a sea area in the southwest, where the current is turbulent and the hidden reefs are dense. We plan to fight the enemy's main force, and lead the enemy's main force to the sea area. Might fight them!"

Obviously, the admiral is not optimistic about his own combat power, and must use the role of external factors to strive for victory.

Everyone nodded. This strategy is still right. If the admiral patted his chest and said that he could defeat the Chinese fleet in a naval battle under normal conditions, then everyone would suspect that his head was in the sea.

With a little suspicion (women's intuition is still very accurate), the Queen Mother Maria Anna approved Don Aznar Antonio's battle plan, but she sent Viscount Leo Grozny to the fleet as a supervisor , responsible for overseeing naval operations.

Leo Grozny is a relative of the Empress Dowager's natal family. He has a resolute and resolute personality and can play a very good supervisory role.

The admiral greeted the Viscount with a smile, and there was no trace of displeasure on his face because the fleet was soaked in sand!

The soldiers are very fast, and he immediately boarded the carriage with the Viscount and headed for the port of La Coruna.

They took two carriages and changed horses on the way. It took them three days and three nights to reach the port of La Coruña from Madrid.

The Port of A Coruña is located in the west of Spain, on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. The port is in good condition, with wide open water and deep water, which can accommodate many ships.

Several forts in a semicircle were set up around the military port, and 150-caliber cannons were deployed to protect the port.

The 150-caliber cannon has a long range and is a powerful weapon for protecting the port. I did not expect the Chinese to install 210-caliber cannons on battleships and bombard warships in the military port outside the range of the 150-caliber cannon.

Don Aznar Antonio and Viscount Leo Grozny arrived during the daytime. They were overlooking the naval port on the seaside road, and they could see densely parked battleships, cruisers, galleys, etc.

A closer look made the hearts of the two adults tighten.

Due to the continuous bombardment of the 210 cannons outside the harbor, no less than ten ships sank in the harbor. Their masts were exposed above the water, and they were tied to small boats as a sign. It looked really cold!

In addition to the sunken ships, many ships were damaged and collapsed, including five battleships!

The Spaniards placed small ships such as cruisers and galleys at the outermost edge of the anchorage as human shields, sacrificing them to protect the battleships inside, but the South China Army could bombard the battleships as long as they raised their artillery to a higher elevation.

It is conceivable that even if the admiral does not come, the Spaniards will not be able to support them for long.

Looking out again, you can see the battleships of Nanhua all over the sea area facing the military port, Viscount Leo Grozny asked in confusion: "Admiral, we have received news that the Chinese have been blocking our military port, how do they supply Woolen cloth?"

"Their fleet has a large number of supply ships and is rich in supplies, so it has a strong long-term combat capability!" Don Aznar Antonio said in a deep voice.

When the two arrived at the military port, they did not rest, and immediately held a military meeting.

Hearing that the officers had arrived with the order of the imperial court, the military officers arrived quickly, and soon gathered in the conference room for a meeting. Don Aznar Antonio first asked about the situation of the fleet.

No, the situation is not very optimistic. Because of the long-term siege, there were many deserters, and the officers had to detain them together so that they could not move, which caused the epidemic and many people fell ill!

Even in front of Viscount Leo Grozny, the Imperial Envoy of the imperial court, the officers were blunt, thinking that the soldiers' morale was low and their training was lacking.

So Don Aznar Antonio began "We, as soldiers of the kingdom, should strike down the enemies of God! We will surely win!"

He copied Cardinal Otto Princeton's rhetoric completely, and it was somewhat effective. There was no shortage of religious fanatics among the fleet officers, and he was inspired by him.

But more are smart people, they know better that God is on the side of the fleet with more guns, bigger and thicker, they just listened silently, reluctantly echoing the admiral's words.

When the admiral announced the decisive battle with the Chinese, the atmosphere was not very enthusiastic, and everyone agreed feebly. Even those who started to get hotheaded became silent when they thought of the Chinese super battleship!

Don Aznar Antonio ordered everyone to sort out the warships, replenish supplies, leave the military port early tomorrow morning, act according to his plan, and fight the Chinese to the death!

Seeing that the admiral arranged things in an orderly manner, Viscount Leo Grozny couldn't help looking forward to tomorrow's battle, and wished the Spanish fleet well.

I hope they will defeat those hateful heretics under the blessing of God. 2084/10465879