The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2806: you still follow

Coincidentally, Juan Joaquin Castro's residence is not far from the State Guesthouse, a luxurious villa located in a wealthy area by the Danube River. Housing prices in this area are extremely expensive, and he is obviously living well.

He was demoted to Vienna by the Spanish royal court, but as the sender of the Spanish princess, the empress of the Empire, who is now well married, took care of him.

After the guests from the Spanish motherland came to the living room, they saw packed bags everywhere. Juan Joaquin Castro said braggingly: "If you come a day late, you won't see me!"

"What's the matter? Where is the high school?" Viscount Don Fernando Torres asked hastily.

Juan Joaquin Castro took out an official document, which was a letter of appointment, and the Shinra Empire appointed him as the governor of Sicily in Italy!

Sicily originally belonged to Spain, but was snatched by the Shenluo Empire. There is Mount Etna between the cities of Messina and Catania on Sicily. This volcano is the highest active volcano in Europe. Since Mount Etna is located at the junction of the Eurasian plate and the African plate, it has been very active. Basically, there will be a little movement every year. From time to time, it will erupt lava, which brings inconvenience and anxiety to human beings. It also brings fertile volcanic ash. and brimstone!

Therefore, Sicily produces sulfur, which is used to make black powder, and there is a fortune to be made!

The volcanic ash is used to grow food, citrus, grapes, olives, etc., and further produces wine and olive oil, which is not small.

Governor of Sicily, that's a fat job!

This is not the only thing he earned. Before the war, he partnered with Bahammond Saldovar Ruiz to short-sell. As soon as the news of Spain’s defeat came out, the financial market fell. Juan Joaquin Card Stroh made a lot of money, and made a lifetime of money at once, but he couldn't explain it humanely to outsiders.

Seeing that the former foreign minister had a good life and no worries, compared with himself, the guests were not happy at all.

Previously, Juan Joaquin Castro advocated not to go to war with the Chinese, and was denounced as weak and traitorous. Now it seems that he is right!

As long as there is no war, it is not good for the Chinese to directly go to war with Spain for the sake of Queen Margaret Theresa.

The Spanish Cardinal Otto Princeton, as the promoter of the main battle, was extremely shameless. According to his theory, the Spanish fleet won the battle because of the credit of God; and the loss was because you were not pious enough and sinful!

But no matter how he quibbles, it is true that Spain's interests will suffer major losses, and his **** is powerless!

Without talking nonsense, the guests briefed Juan Joaquin Castro on the negotiation situation and asked him for advice.

Juan Joaquin Castro sighed: "When it comes to this point, there shouldn't be a war in the first place!"

The guests had nothing to say, and Count Don Busquets Pedri reluctantly said: "It's too late to say anything now, the main thing is negotiation, what should we do?"

"Our problem in Spain is that there is too much gold and silver, and everyone is afraid of us!" Juan Joaquin Castro advised them to follow suit. He suggested: "So, this time, the emperor wants to separate our mainland from overseas territories. His determination has been made, and no one can change his mind. If I were you, I would admit this fact, and at the same time try to seek benefits for the country and reduce losses!"

Count Don Busquets Pedri wryly smiled and said, "If we really sign such an agreement, I'm afraid all three of us will be hanged!"

"If you don't sign such an agreement, I'm afraid that many people will go to the gallows. At the same time, if you haven't completed the task, you will also go to the gallows!" Juan Joaquin Castro said seriously.

The three envoys looked at each other and asked the master if there was a better way, but all they got was shaking their heads. In the end, they left in despair.

On the carriage, Count Don Busquets Pedri said helplessly: "The emperor's will is unshakable, but Leonard's attitude is very firm. We can only try to reduce our losses according to the current Sicilian Governor's suggestion! "

The three of them returned to the State Guesthouse and discussed countermeasures closely.

On the second day of the negotiations, the Spaniards made concessions. They said they understood the worries of the emperor of the Shinra Empire and agreed that Spain could be separated from overseas territories, but only the land in North America could be separated, allowing Spain to directly govern the undeveloped land. It may take fifty or a hundred years for the land in South America to be developed, so this poses little threat to the Shenluo Empire.

"No!" Leona shook his head like a rattle drum, and said firmly: "Spain must be separated from all lands in the Americas. This is our bottom line!"

The upper-class nobles spoke in Latin, and his Latin was so pure that the Spaniards could hear him clearly, and they hated him even more!

Believers of God, why bother to persecute the believers of God!

Negotiations were not easy. Leona was aggressive, and he oppressed the Spaniards at every turn with the attitude that if you don't give, our army will come and take.

They went back to the hotel, exchanged information, talked and even cried.

Not one big man crying, but three big men crying together!

What will be lost will be the future of Spain, but if there is no compromise, then even Spain will be gone!

The power of the dark side of the empire makes people shudder: they will auction off the defeated Spanish land, rob all the wealth, sell the Spaniards, and no grass will grow anywhere they pass!

I have to say that the three envoys were really shocked.

This method is more like the Ottoman Empire.

Sure enough, the Emperor of the Empire was also worthy of the name of the Ottoman Sultan!

Thinking of his future ending, Count Don Busquets Pedri no longer had any hope. He gritted his teeth and said, "I want to kill Otto Princeton!"

Viscount Don Bosco Basian and Viscount Don Fernando Torres nodded in understanding. Originally, Juan Joaquin Castro, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, advocated not to fight, and the navy and army did not agree with fighting. It is normal Under the circumstances, the decision to go to war cannot be passed.

However, Cardinal Otto Princeton intervened strongly, playing the banner of righteousness. Spain entered the war willingly, and it was purely asking for trouble!

After some incidents and wisdom, the Spaniards later figured out the Chinese secularization strategy of "returning religion to temples", and regretted it.

After difficult negotiations, the Shenluo Empire and the Kingdom of Spain reached a preliminary agreement, the main contents are as follows:

The Shinra Empire lifted the blockade against Spain, withdrew its forces that threatened Spain, and the two countries concluded a peace treaty.

Spain will sever control of any land in the Americas within five original land has become five large pieces, namely five grand duchies, all independent and not subject to the jurisdiction of Madrid.

Among them, the governorate of New Spain became two grand duchies, one grand duchy governed New Spain (Mexico), and the other grand duchy governed Central America and the Caribbean islands.

The Viceroyalty of Peru separated three Grand Duchies and cut them into three pieces, really cutting them into three pieces in a straight line, dividing up the entire Spanish South America.

Under the Grand Duchy, there can be divided into the Marquis, Earl, and Viscount. All titles are determined by the Kingdom of Spain, and Princess Margaret Teresa of Spain also has a share.

In order to compensate the Kingdom of Spain, the five major duchies of the Americas will send 125 tons of silver and 1.5 tons of gold to the Kingdom of Spain every year (the output of silver and gold in the Americas in 1666 was about three million taels of silver) for ten years. The imperial fleet was responsible for guaranteeing that Spain could get the money.

When the preliminary agreement was passed back to Madrid, there was an uproar in the hall, and everyone denounced Count Don Busquets Pedri for losing his power and humiliating the country! 2084/10487608