The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2826: Food is the most important thing for the

At that time, he made a private visit in micro-clothes. He, Mr. David, Zhang Jiayu and Zeng Ying were wearing casual clothes and wandering along the flower corridors in the city of Kyushu.

The large-scale external expansion was over, and Yan Changwu rewarded the imperial generals galloping on the battlefield. The commanders of the twelve armies including Zeng Ying were all appointed as field marshals of the imperial army. Fourteen Field Marshals.

Yan Changwu had already abdicated the throne to Prince Yan Kun, and being the Supreme Emperor did not have to go to court every day, but he still held on to the military power and did not let go.

Mr. David, Zhang Jiayu, and Zeng Ying have also withdrawn from the handling of specific affairs. They are not retired. Zhang Jiayu is an imperial minister and keeps secrets with Wen Chaozhong. Mr. David and Zeng Ying are marshals who will never retire. Everyone is a hero. , without regaining the posture and vigor of his youth, and the indomitable will still revealed in his eyes.

Flower Corridor is a municipal feature of Nanhua City. Due to the tropical climate with frequent thunderstorms, during urban construction, in addition to building roads for vehicles to drive, corridors were also built to extend in all directions to all parts of the city.

There is a cover on the top of the promenade, which can resist lightning and wind and rain. People do not need to use an umbrella when traveling in the promenade. There are also benches for people to sit down and watch the flowers and plants planted on both sides of the promenade. It is called the flower corridor.

Nanhua people pay attention to green and environmental protection, and the flowers and plants along the corridor grow vigorously and compete for beauty. People are picturesque and happy in it.

A river channel was also built to discharge the accumulated rain and be used for boating. Therefore, there are three kinds of transportation in Kyushu City: roads, flower corridors and river channels, which are very convenient.

They arrived at the gourmet street by the coast. At the beginning of Huachu, the food stalls were already full of people and fireworks.

In order to attract business, the food at each stall is very cost-effective. All kinds of fresh seafood are neatly arranged. You can choose what you want to eat. You will be asked how you want to cook it. You can also ask the clerk directly how much it is. It is very convenient. See Don't worry, eat with confidence.

The Nanhua Empire was rich in resources and rich in resources. The people often ate and drank a lot. The four of them also found a seat at a stall. They were immediately surrounded by plainclothes, occupying a table to protect them.

Although the crime rate in the empire is very low, the protection of nobles still cannot be relaxed.

There were a lot of them, and they occupied a lot of seats. Soon, the customers who kept coming in filled the store, and the latecomers could only wait for a seat, and a row of waiting customers soon sat outside.

The business is quite booming, the waiters are so busy that you can't find them, and the whole process is basically self-service, you have to iron the bowl, pick up the vegetables and refill the rice by yourself!

But the dishes are very rich, including soup, seafood stewed, fried with salt and pepper, stir-fried, etc., as well as various pickled and noodles, suitable for all kinds of people.

The four guests are regular customers. They only ordered one fried duck chin, one stewed eel soup with pickled cabbage, one scallop vermicelli, one pan-fried scallop, one fried oyster, and one fried clam, plus a fried rapeseed, simple The simple ones have the smoke and fire of the world, which makes people feel comfortable eating.

Pan-fried oysters are their most popular dish. The oysters are big, with distinct grains and very plump. The so-called oyster pancakes are actually oyster omelets, which are fragrant and crispy, and the meat inside is juicy and full of water. One serving is a big bowl. Portions are generous.

The eel itself is very delicious, and the meat is firm and delicate. After it is paired with pickles, it is not fishy at all. The pickles here are sauerkraut, which is different from the "earth pit sauerkraut". It is still crisp and refreshing without stepping on it. Very appetizing, rich and not salty, a large bowl of soup can be drunk clean.

Duck chin is a simple ingredient, but the method is not simple. It is fried first and then stir-fried. The meat is not too much but it is very fragrant. It has been fried very tasty and the bones are very fragrant. It has been marinated and then served with cumin. And chili noodles, a bit like eating lamb chops, it doesn't look good, but it tastes amazing.

The dry-fried snail fish is a fat scallop fish fried golden yellow on both sides, the outside is burnt and the inside is tender and the taste is very good!

The scallop vermicelli is cooked with care and the seasoning is top-notch.

Fresh rapeseed is fried enough that it can be eaten without meat.

Several dishes are good, chatting while eating, very comfortable.

Just eat, don't talk about family and country affairs, but hear about state affairs, there are work-study teenagers, sell newspapers in big stalls, it is the new "City Evening News" that night, Mr. David bought a newspaper to support it.

Look at the headlines on the front page, oh, it is the Nanhua Empire and the Grand Duchy of Mexico in North America who have reached an agreement to open the "Panama Canal". The total investment of the Nanhua Empire is 100 million silver dollars, and the total investment of the Grand Duchy of Mexico is 50 million silver dollars. Four of us and six of us, the Nanhua Empire leased the "Panama Canal" for ninety-nine years.

"Congratulations to Mr. Yan for controlling another traffic artery!" Mr. David congratulated with tea instead of wine.

"Congratulations, congratulations, it will be much more convenient for us to go to the east coast of America!" Yan Changwu smiled.

"Why did you use the name 'Panama Canal'?" Zeng Ying asked in bewilderment.

"Because the canal in the world before I came was called 'Panama Canal!' So now it is called 'Panama Canal!' Let me tell you a secret, I came from across the world!" Yan Changwu said triumphantly.

"Let me also tell you a secret. As an Englishman, I am so good at Chinese studies, because I am the reincarnation of Wang Yangming!" Mr. David said with a smile.

Wang Yangming, a great Confucian in the Ming Dynasty, was a master of "mind study". Ni, when he was preparing, news came that King Ning had been pacified by Wang Yangming, and Emperor Wuzong was so angry that he wanted to release King Ning and start over again.

Zhang Jiayu and Zeng Ying couldn't help but sigh when they saw this pair of monarchs and ministers. They thought that luckily the status of the two of you is high enough, otherwise Mi Tiangong would be a cure for madness. One dose will cover you all!

After reading the headlines on the front page, I also saw foreign information. It was that the Protestant princes of the European Holy Roman Empire were fighting with the Catholic princes of France and Spain, and Austria and the United Kingdom were mediating.

The world is still not peaceful. Sweden is at war with Russia and Dabobo, and Dabobo is at war with Russia, forming a scene of three countries fighting.

Not only in Europe, but also in North America, the Catholic and Protestant lords are also fighting, and they are having a great time.

"The village chief is fighting!" Yan Changwu snorted, not wanting to worry about their white-skinned dogs biting dogs. He threw the newspaper aside and said to everyone: "Come, come, eat vegetables!"

The guests next to them didn't realize who they were next to. They were fighting and drinking, and the climate was very hot.

In the current empire, material and spiritual resources are extremely rich, prices are cheap, the country is stable, foreign enemies are not strong, the domestic political situation is stable, the social order is good, and everyone is eating and drinking to their heart's content!

So, this is the peaceful and prosperous age!

In the smoke from the dishes, Yan Changwu, Mr. David, Zhang Jiayu and Zeng Ying raised their glasses to celebrate, and the camera freezes with smiles on their faces.

And on the wall of the food street, the famous words written by the Imperial Counselor Chen Zhongji shined brightly under the light: "Life in this world is just eating and drinking. People who don't know how to eat have no future for development!"

Chinese people know how to eat best, and they believe that food is the paramount necessity of the people. As long as you provide the Chinese people with this condition, the Chinese people will surely succeed, it's that simple!

Historical evaluation: He has the most powerful army, the most advanced technology, the most wealth and the most loyal people in the It can be said that he is fearless and invincible, but he is humble, he sees After clearing the reality and suppressing the expansion of his ambition, he succeeded in the end. His deeds overshadowed the light of all previous monarchs and became the myth of the universe!

Someone once had a different opinion, thinking that he has such a powerful force that he should eliminate all disobedient nations in the world, let the Chinese occupy the world, and let the Chinese only vent their anger.

But he didn't do that. Instead, he made friends all over the world, practiced the golden mean, and had Zhang Youchi in order to achieve the long-term stability of the empire.

He has a heart of awe, and throughout his life, he proclaimed himself emperor overseas, but he was always a minister, full of integrity, and a perfect man of his generation!

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