The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 292: Squirting baby is going to be unlucky

Yan Changwu completed two-thirds of the affairs in the north, and then proceeded with the last one-third of the affairs, whaling!

He wants to hunt whales!

How did those cute squirting babies mess with him?

No way, guilty of Bi, who made them grow so obese and have a lot of oil and water in their bodies!

The population development of the Southeast Prefecture has caused a sharp increase in the demand for indoor lighting, outdoor road lighting, and even the lighting of warships.

The instigator was Yan Dashao. This guy was wearing it. His favorite place was bright and shining brightly.

In order to save money, people usually pinch lamp oil to get some. It is called "soybean oil". It has two meanings. One is to use the oil pressed from beans to ignite, and the other is that the flame is small and as small as beans. Save lamp oil.

But Young Master Yan used a giant candle and a big oil lamp to illuminate his place as bright as day, and he also likes to light the lamp on his site to let the light disperse the darkness!

The meticulously repaired cement road lighting up, how beautiful!

Lights were lit everywhere on the river bank, and the dazzling lights reflected. I don't know which is the light or which is the stars in the sky. The beauty is really infinite.

He also likes to build squares, including Mazu square, government square, park square, shopping mall square, hotel square, etc. Anyway, as soon as the population goes up, he must build a square (the hobby of the officials of the state and the dynasty was also brought by him) and built it. In the square, it looks like a black light at night.

No, it's beautiful during the day, and it has to be radiant at night!

In addition, the number of warships increased, and they often sailed at night, and they had to use the lights for night battles. The lights on the deck were bright, and the lights on the bow and stern were so beautiful!

Night of the military port!

Light up the lights everywhere, so that no spies in the military port can even think about activities.

There is something good at the top, but it will be great at the bottom. When everyone sees it, it is very bright.

So the folks follow the trend, as long as they have some surplus money, who doesn't light the lights at home, you will enjoy the lights one by one and I will make everyone's home bright.

Besides, Young Master Yan has a habit of cleanliness-----he likes to wash his hands with soap!

Soap is made of grease, and under his instruction, the army and the people of the Southeastern Government used soap in unison.

So the grease ran out, the lamp oil ran out, and Ku Yin was spotted!

At that time, people lighted the lights at night, using candles and oil lamps. These burning appliances could provide a stable light source. As for the (wood) torches, they could not be used stably.

However, both candles and oil lamps must use vegetable oil (tung oil, **** oil), animal oil (grease) and mineral oil (paraffin). The Southeastern Prefecture may be guaranteed at first, but as the population grows, the oil is insufficient. You have to spend silver dollars to import it outside!

According to incomplete statistics, the government and civilians of the Southeastern Government imported 100,000 silver dollars a year in fats and oils. This amount is really astonishing. The southeast coast, inland areas, even Liaodong and North Korea, and the country of Japan all give fats and oils. Hong Maofan also does these businesses to transport oil from Southeast Asia to Yan Dashao---the point is gone!

This is also an act that made Chen Zhongji, the chief executive of the Southeast Government, and Chen Hebin, the financial officer, abhorrent. According to them, Yan Dashao likes to spend money to build large ships and make thicker, larger, and harder artillery, which is definitely a good thing.

It's good to care about your subordinates and improve their service. It's good to buy the morale of the army.

There are also municipal construction, people's livelihood and economy, okay, buying people's hearts is the right way!

Even if Young Master Yan went to buy some Yangzhou thin horses, they didn't object, after all, how much money can a thin horse cost? They serve so that the young master is happy, he is happy, and everyone is happy too.

If he had a low pressure with a stern face all day long, everyone would be uncomfortable.

But take the silver dollar to light the lamp?

Too extravagant!

Chen Zhongji, who is hard-working and thrifty, is not a ignorant person. He is sure of the grease used to make soap.

But it’s too extravagant to light up the lights at ordinary times and have bigger features!

It’s just that they saw that the social atmosphere about lighting has been "broken" to Young Master Yan. In desperation, Chen Zhongji said: "Warlord, you are right to say that the society is progressing (lighting brighter), but What you said about productivity cannot keep up with the increasing demand of the people is also right!” (Don’t say that the ancients’ intelligence is not good, he learns and applies the theories you put forward in real time)

Chen Hebin said: "I am not opposed to lighting, I just can't see the profiteers!"

Yes, the Southeastern government has a strong demand for grease, and profiteers have not sat down to raise prices, causing the price of grease to soar, and the price has more than doubled!

Even worse, the political influence was that the productivity of that period was lagging behind, and both animal oil and vegetable oil were scarce, so that Yan Changwu's "luxury" aroused criticism from outsiders!

Money is not spent like this, right!

You know, people in many parts of the mainland don't even have to eat oil, but this Southeast Mansion uses oil to light the lamp!

This does not mean that the "Why not eat minced meat" talked by Emperor Hui of Jin has the same effect!

Yes, let's find another way.

As a person who travels through the crowd, can Young Master Yan stump the trivial matter of lighting?

There is no need to think about electricity. The science and technology tree hasn't lightened this one yet. After thinking and thinking about it, his idea hit the whale's head.

If someone asks, what is the world's first globalized industry?

So one of the answers is the whaling industry.

Before the electric lights were turned on, the industrial civilization society countries experienced a variety of lighting methods, the materials were kerosene, gas, and whale oil.

Kerosene is extracted from petroleum, but it is obvious that Yan Dashao's science and technology tree did not light up this one.

Gas is a combustible gas obtained by cracking and refining coal. It has not ignited this science and technology tree, and its manufacturing cost is high, transportation is inconvenient, and it is dangerous to use.

Then, I have to ask the whale to reluctantly provide lamp oil for everyone!

Whales are caught, and their fat is used to refine oil, which is used to light lamps and make soap.

In the previous life, the Japanese people shot some whales to eat in the name of scientific research and caused serious protests by Bai Zuo. What Greenpeace organization was established to obstruct the whaling of Japanese whales (here did not speak to Japanese whales). As everyone knows, Bai Zuo has to thank them. The ancestors made them under the light of whale oil lamps!

The prosperity of the whaling industry was actually triggered by the ancestors of Bai Zuo. Hong Maofan killed a large number of whales to refine lamp oil, and then lit the lights at night, and started the XXOO movement to create the birth of Bai Zuo!

In the 17th century, both the Dutch and the English formed a huge whaling fleet. By the 18th century, refining furnaces were installed on whaling ships, allowing whalers to extract the most precious blubber from whales into oil at sea, and store the whale oil in barrels without having to tow the captured whales back. Reprocessing on shore. With this processing capability, the whaling ship can usually stay at sea for four years before returning with a full ship.

The price of whale oil has risen, and whaling has become a lucrative business.

At that time, many newly industrialized countries such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France, and Norway had participated in large-scale whaling activities.

The Americans came from behind, and the number of whalings became the world's largest in just a few years. The period from 1820 to 1860 was the "golden age" of the American whaling industry.

The "black ship incident" that knocked on Japan's gates took place during this period.

On July 8, 1853, Matthew Perry, commander of the U.S. East India Fleet, led four warships into Edo Bay, the throat of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Under the threat of cannons and guns, the Japanese shogunate made a compromise and accepted the request of the Perry fleet: to rescue American crews and fishermen, provide food, fresh water and fuel supplies to American whaling ships, and open trading ports.

The Japanese nation saw the greatness of the United, the people's minds changed, and they began to seek change, make great efforts to govern and develop the country.

In the end, the developing country of the country took North Korea first, and then used China as a fat sheep to kill.

Look, to a certain extent, it is the water spray baby that caused the bad luck in China.

If you don't go hunting whales, Hong Maofan will catch it. It is better for us to start first.


At present, European whaling ships are still swaying around the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean is still a virgin land, if not counted as a small mess of the Japanese. Therefore, if China develops the whaling industry at this time, it will ignite a bright and brilliant road.

Historically, whaling activities in some countries in Europe and the Americas have been prosperous, but China’s whaling has historically been very small. It only hunted inshore cetaceans and very few. However, there is a record used in the tombs of the emperors. The "Eternal Light" is said to be immortal for thousands of years. According to scientists, it is whale oil that is used in the tank.

It is said to be very resistant to burning. According to scientific calculations, experts have learned that if one cubic meter of whale oil is used as fuel for an oil lamp, it can be burned continuously for 5000 days, which is about 15 years. (Of course, it can't be immortal for thousands of years. Phosphorus may be placed on the side of the lamp cord, and the tomb will be turned on when there is air.)


There are whales in every ocean in the world. The North Atlantic Ocean is an ancient fishing ground; the North Pacific Ocean is located south of Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands, and the Aleutian Islands, west to the sea off Japan, and even off the coast of Taiwan (Taiwan's are generally passing whales, which can be encountered unacceptably).

In the past, the Chinese did not have the habit of ocean whaling. Now Yan Changwu, equipped with sailing warships, would let the whales go!

Following the sharks' bad luck (the people in the southeastern province of Yan Dashao generally like to drink the Buddha Jumping the Wall soup, and one of the ingredients is shark fin), the small incident of the people in the southeast province caused the water-spraying baby's cups.