The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 35: Redeem the Dutch

   They arrived at a mine and saw two narrow iron tracks extending into the mine. They received helmets from the house on the side and changed their overalls to avoid damaging their clothes.

   along the railroad tracks, all the way down, the wall of the cave is lit with oil lamps for lighting.

   To be honest, it’s a bit dangerous, but what’s wrong, it’s the white pig and the **** who are dead anyway, and the black-hearted mine owner Yan Changwu has no psychological burden.

   In a hall, they stopped, and there was a rumbling car in the distance.

The overseer of the Mingren hurriedly let the three Dutch gentlemen aside. At this moment, a bucket truck full of coal appeared in the darkness. Three white prisoners of war pushed the truck, both eyes darkened. Looked out.

   "New here?" one of the prisoners of war asked, and before he could answer, he said, "Good luck, guys!"

   "It seems that you have never been hungry. You work hard and you have rice to eat!"

Seeing that the prisoners of war are covered with coal foam, where sweat drips from their backs, white skin can be seen, their faces are black, their eyes are shining in the light, their teeth are white, and black and white are distinct. , The three Dutch gentlemen were dumbfounded,

   then woke up and couldn't help but furiously said: "How dare to treat our noble Europa like this!"

   "Don't give money, that's it!" Chen Hebin swung over.

   added a sentence: "Send warships to fight and hang them!"

   The three Dutch gentlemen have pale faces!

   They first addressed the coal-carrying prisoners: "We are from Batavia, and we want to take you home!"

   The three prisoners of war were surprised and delighted when they heard this. Unexpectedly, Chen Hebin next to him said coolly, "I won't let you go for one silver dollar!"

   The prisoners of war heard that they were frustrated, and the three Dutch gentlemen were furious: "When have the Europa people been bullied by this class!"

   "You guys want to go to hell, say it earlier!" Van Rosmalen glared at Chen Hebin.

"Yes, we Ming people want to go to hell. The Dutch from Penghu had already gone first, and Franszun went to **** first!" (The Dutch occupied Penghu first, but were beaten by the Ming, and the Dutchman Franzzun led the way. Five warships came to fight the Ming people, but they were shamelessly caught and sent to Beijing by the Ming army!)

   The three Dutch gentlemen had nothing to say and had to negotiate again.

They knew something about the Ming Dynasty. They knew that it was a huge monster that was difficult to shake. The Ming Dynasty had tea, porcelain, and silk that Europa needed urgently. They went to war with the Ming people. They were unwise (they didn’t know that Yan Changwu practiced pirate armed separatism. The Ming Dynasty could not control them, let alone stand up for them, it is best to fight for life and death.)

   "One hundred and fifty silver dollars for a white person, ten silver dollars for each other!" Chen Hebin came to a lion and opened his mouth.


   "Don't be afraid, we will give you a rebate, ten silver dollars per person per person!" Chen Hebin smiled authentically.

   The three respectable Dutch gentlemen are moving again!

   It's a pity that Uncle Zhang was straightforward, and his contemptuous gaze made them see it, only to realize that his three views were not correct, and he woke up and said angrily: "Don't you want to buy our noble Europa people!"

   "Otherwise, two hundred silver dollars per person for white people, we will give one hundred silver dollars to the three of you!" Chen Hebin didn't think it was true.

   The temptation of the devil!

   The three of them all hate in their hearts why this young man tells them in public, obviously just to tease them!


   Chen Hebin played both soft and hard, and the Dutch were so courageous that they could no longer put on the foul air of Europa, and everyone could negotiate after all!

   "One hundred and fifty silver dollars per person!" Chen Hebin said with a trap.

   "Thirty silver dollars for a white person!" The opponent bargained.

   "One hundred and forty silver dollars per person!"

   "Thirty-five silver dollars a white person!"


   Negotiations lasted for three days, and the opponents took turns in battle. Chen Hebin singled them out. They were not tired, and the Dutch were speechless.

   Uncle Zhang praised him when he reported back to Yan Changwu, saying that the young master’s career is booming and talented people will come out in large numbers. When he gets better in the future, he can concentrate on working at home instead of doing foreign affairs.

   In the end, the Dutch would redeem the prisoners of war at the price of one hundred silver dollars a white man!

   As for the other people, that is, the servant army, the two sides couldn't agree on the price. The Dutch were only happy to offer a price of two silver dollars and ten people. Seeing that the people refused, the Dutch refused to increase the price.

   Therefore, all non-white prisoners of war have become Yan Changwu's slaves!

   When the news came out, the white prisoners of war were full of joy, while the slaves' faces were gloomy.

   But there are some slaves who can see away!

   They had long expected what the white people would do. There were so many indigenous people in Batavia that the white people were reluctant to pay for the slaves.

   The slaves continued to work, while the white people returned to the camp and happily prepared to return home.


   "Mr. Storm, please!" Shuang'er entered and reported to Yan Changwu.

   "Please!" Yan Changwu said.

   The Dutchman Storm, who is said to be owed a medal by the North Hong Kong Army, came to the living room and sat down. At this time, Yan Changwu hadn't come out, and Storm sat in the armchair without a word.

   Compared with other white prisoners of war, Storm’s life is much better.

   Others live in a prisoner-of-war camp. Even experts who live in a large tiled house with two people are strictly guarded. They eat porridge and dry rice, but they have to work hard.

   Storm is otherwise, he lives in Beigang Town, the old house where Yan Changwu was previously imprisoned.

Needless to say about his treatment, delicious and delicious food to support him, he is semi-free, he can go wherever he wants, but there are always two bright people around, but these two bright people will not interfere with him. Action.

  He wandered around Beigang, and the cleanliness of Beigang made him amazed!

  Because of the place he there is no such good place as Beigang!

   The hard work of the locals is nothing, many places are very hardworking.

   However, there is no such vigor as Beigang people in other places!

   Their military uniforms are very beautiful, and their footsteps are powerful!

All of this comes from what they call the "big dragon head". This sixteen-year-old child is the same age as Storm’s son in Amsterdam, the difference is that Storm’s son is still in school. , And this eldest child has become a leader of more than tens of thousands!

   He is so young, if he develops like this, he will have it!

Storm knew that he had finished playing in the Netherlands. As the commander of the fleet, he also acted as the leader party after losing his division (this is what he learned from Yan Changwu and thinks it is very appropriate), which led to the fall of Orange City, serious It disrupted the deployment of the Dutch near Minguo!

  Taiwan is an important base for the Dutch. Starting from this, it can intercept the merchant ships between the Spanish in Manila, the Portuguese in Macau, and mainland China and Japan. Once it falls, the Spanish and the Portuguese will gain power, and the impact will be very bad.

   Therefore, Storm’s responsibility is heavy. Even if Storm is forgiven (the poison knife is on his back), but the other Dutch hate him to death, even if he goes back, he will never eat good fruit.

   When Yan Changwu came in, he sat down in the chair of the master's office and asked him kindly in his half-baked Dutch (he has learned a lot): "My friend, can I help you?"

   "I want to stay in Beigang!" Storm said in a deep voice.

   "Welcome to join, my friend, I feel so honored!" Yan Changwu stood up and stretched out his hand to him.

   Without any hesitation, Storm grabbed his hand, and the two held each other tightly!