The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 352: Madam signs the compulsory education law

() One month after the wedding, Yan Changwu led the fleet to go out for training, and Yang Yinger officially took care of it! Her office is located on the right side of the Overseer’s Office. It is slightly smaller. The decoration is similar to that of Yan Changwu’s office. The floor tiles are made of granite from Kaohsiung Mountain, and the surrounding decorations are made of golden sandalwood. The exterior is only varnished, which fully presents its charming appearance. The metal luster is brilliant, while the red sandalwood is used in the furniture, which is steady and generous. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test, but the curtains on the surrounding walls are made of pink satin, embroidered with golden phoenixes. In Yan Changwu’s office, there is an image of Mazu on the wall behind him, and in Yang Ying’er’s office it is on the wall behind her. There is a large military uniform of Yan Changwu, with different meanings. Her desk and chair sits north facing south (slightly to the south), surrounded by a circle of chairs, and at the other end is a long table, cut from a large block of mahogany, with clear textures, and chairs are placed around them, which can be used for drinking. tea. Many places are full of feminine styles, such as the whale oil lamp on the table, which is a flying fairy holding the lamp with both hands, while Yan Changwu's is a straight up, with bullets embedded on the pole, full of murder! The chair fabrics in the wife's office are all pink, and the accessories are feminine, in stark contrast with the knife and gun in Yan Changwu's room. Chen Zhongji, Chen Hebin, Zhang Xiaoshi (Ministry of Culture and Education) and some senior officials from the Southeastern Government attended today's meeting, as well as two reporters from the Southeastern Daily. The first person who came out of the wife's office was her office director, her sister, Yan Zhang. Yan Zhang is Yan Changwu's concubine. He was born in a businessman and is very mature. He manages the Southeast Silk Corporation. After his wife is in charge, she serves as the office director and gives Yang Ying'er some guidance based on her experience. The status of the two is not equal, Yang Yinger's status is noble and strong, Yan Zhang's is very well-behaved and enthusiastically guides Yang Yinger and puts forward her advice on how to deal with matters. As for the other concubine, she is the twin of the Southeast Intelligence Bureau, responsible for providing strategic briefings. She is a low-key and low-key person who serves Yang Ying'er. Needless to say, Yang Ying'er is very polite to the two room sisters, and does not despise them because of her identity. Yang Ying'er is taking the position. Today’s main ceremony is the promulgation and implementation of the "Six-Year Compulsory Education System of Southeast Government" bill! CEO Chen Zhongji announced that the bill is ready to be signed. Zhang Xiaoshi of the Ministry of Culture and Education will read the bill first. It is to protect the right of all school-age children in the Southeastern government to receive compulsory education, ensure the implementation of compulsory education, and improve the entire population of the southeast government. Quality, specially formulated this law. It belongs to the public welfare industry guaranteed by the funds of the Southeast Government, does not charge any tuition and miscellaneous fees, and provides free lunch for all students! …After Zhang Xiaoshi read the bill one by one, everyone felt very excited and extraordinary! Look, what did we do! There has never been a dynasty that can complete compulsory education for all people like the Southeast Mansion! The education of the Southeast Prefecture has always been valued. At the beginning of the establishment, funds were invested in military academies, vocational education, and administrative colleges. Afterwards, schools were established. All the people enrolled in the Southeast Prefecture could send their children to school. Now we have come to this step, compulsory education! That is, if you reach the school age, it is illegal to not send your child to school! What's more powerful is that both boys and girls have equal rights to compulsory education! However, after all, we must pay attention to general rules and implement separate schools for men and women. Where there are really no conditions for running women's schools, there must be separate classes for men and women. …The reason why compulsory education can be implemented is that the fiscal revenue of the Southeastern Government is getting higher and higher. The rice harvest, sugarcane income, industrial production, re-export trade and collection of water import support the Southeastern Government to implement compulsory education. There is another thing, that is, Yan Changwu and Yan Changwu can carry out compulsory education. He is not a person who talks about enjoyment. He did not spend money indiscriminately. He did not use Daxing palaces. He was militant but not extravagant. In addition to military expenditures, which accounted for the most, he then came to the welfare of the people. Compulsory education is one of the welfare. An important reason is that the Southeast government does not exploit the private sector seriously. There are many projects and the people are getting richer. Otherwise, the children of the poor will take over their homes early, and the children under ten can be used in production, and the children in their teens are also half of them. Labor. Only when parents have enough financial resources can they send their children to school and no longer force their children to go out to do things to make money. In order to ensure the implementation of compulsory education, the Southeast Government announced that the admissions of universities, military academies, and administrative schools only enroll students who have undergone compulsory education, and students who do not have a compulsory education graduation certificate are not allowed to apply for the above-mentioned schools! According to the long-term strategy of the Southeast Government is elite teaching, that is, after popularizing six-year compulsory education, entering a three-year middle school or vocational school, students are probably shunted between the ages of fifteen and sixteen, working or serving as soldiers in the army (the majority) , The elites apply for universities, military academies, administrative schools and vocational colleges, thus establishing the education system of the Southeastern Government! Realized education without class and universal education! Of course, the Southeastern government can do this, mainly because it has a small site, a lot of money, and it can establish a complete education system. The six-year compulsory education in Southeast Mansion is very distinctive, that is, study in the morning, no class in the afternoon, and must leave the classroom to play! In addition to studying the Four Books and Five Classics in Chinese Studies, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, tea art, etc., as well as mathematics, physics, biology, geography, hygiene, history, etc. of the East and the West, pay close attention to political education! Political education, teaches Yan Changwu's Lifu and Wenzhi Wugong, advocates the worship of him, and advocates the idea of ​​loyalty to the emperor. Let's promote the worship of Mazu again! History education is very necessary. We have been educating the people from an early age to establish the concept of the Chinese nation and the idea of ​​unifying the world. Highlight sports. Various sports activities are booming. Older students must be trained in military training, playing cold weapons with knives and guns and carrying muskets! Children's muskets are a scene in Southeastern Mansion! .. Young Master Yan simply has bad intentions. He needs strong soldiers to fight for him, and then through political education and brainwashing to become his loyal supporter. There are too many benefits here, what a little money! As long as students are educated in his education system, in addition to being loyal to him, they will also become staunch defenders of the great unification of China. Even if they are scattered on the islands of Southeast Asia, they will always maintain a centripetal force for China. Yan Changwu once said, "Time does not wait! Education should start from a young age!" It was realized, and his wife promulgated and implemented the moral policy of UU Reading Sign one by one, first signed by Zhang Xiaoshi, then to Chen Hebin and Chen Zhongji, and finally to Yang Ying'er. Mrs. Overseer signed her handwriting very well! It was Zhao Tixingkai (Zhao Mengfu, a master of calligraphy in the Yuan Dynasty), with a powerful brushstroke and beautiful and moving strokes. Obviously, he had worked hard, and everyone secretly nodded. A lot of things can be seen by looking at a person's handwriting. This lady of the warlord is not easy! (Later, someone asked Yang Tiansheng, the governor of the state, that the cost of asking the master alone was no less than 100,000 taels!) She affixed the seal of the southeast corner, and Yan Zhang showed the bill to everyone, and it was officially implemented! …The administrative agencies of the Southeastern Prefecture acted in accordance with the bill, invested funds, selected sites to build more schools, selected teachers, and established logistics supplies, and planned to implement all Southeastern Prefecture children’s enrollment in September next year! With vigorous publicity, the bill will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and be implemented smoothly! When the bill was introduced to the mainland, the officialdom in the mainland was shocked. It was even more shocking to hear that a woman signed the bill and authorized its implementation! This Southeast Mansion wants a battleship to fly to the sky!