The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 381: Like a duck on the shelf Chen Yuxue

The two pirate ships have 32 guns. One ship is like a Yaksha, and the other ship is like a cow head. It is vivid and mighty.

The two pirate ships in the situation of double ghosts smashed the door fiercely, and the advantage of Tainan No. 15 ship turned into a disadvantage. The ship turned slowly, and the other side killed it!

Huang Min had rich experience and saw that the situation was wrong. He immediately drove the warship to the front of the bull head pirate ship, which was in a "T" shape with it.

But the opponent is obviously also a good player. Their sails are wide and the boat is fast, hurriedly sailing in front of Tainan 15.

When the two ships met, the pirate ship fired!

The cannonball landed on the water in front of the bow of their ship, very close, stirring up white water columns, and the flames reflected the low-hanging clouds.

There was commotion and noise from the front. On the 15th in Tainan, a gun hit the enemy and overturned. Huang Min shouted: "The starboard gun fired hard."

The gun popped out of the chamber, and the ship trembled.

As the gun smoke cleared, Nanhai No. 15 began to turn to the starboard side, preparing to pass through the wake of the enemy ship, so that it could bombard the stern of the pirate ship with port side artillery, and then fired at the entire ship. But the pirate ship didn't give them a chance. It turned the steering wheel and the hull turned, using its starboard side to meet the enemy, facing the attack of our port side artillery.

The guns went back and forth between the two sides. When the smoke had just dissipated, Chen Yuxue, standing on the open deck, clearly saw that the pirates were mostly Chinese, with a few red hairpins sandwiched between them.

Chinese pirates and red hairs converge, a nest of snakes and rats!

Among them was a Hong Maofan who was tall and red as a red-haired lion. He saw the well-dressed naval officers in the Southeast Mansion here, turned around and picked up a musket, and placed the gun on the bulwark towards this. Side aiming.

As if aiming at me, Chen Yuxue couldn't help feeling the muscles in her face and chest tense, and she held her breath.

It was not her who was aimed at. After the gunshot, he fell to the ground with Captain Huang Min!

Can't help but be amazing, Hong Maofan's marksmanship is good!

Everyone was shocked and hurried to help him. Huang Min's eyes were still strong. He wanted to speak. When he spoke, he coughed loudly. He coughed up blood and formed a blood stain on the right chest armor. Then he tilted his head and fainted. .

Judging from the battlefield first aid techniques that Chen Yuxue has learned, the captain was hit by a bullet, piercing the armor and injuring his lungs.

The doctor who rushed to disassemble the captain’s armor and verified her opinion. While they were taking care of the captain, it turned out that Mazu Niangniang blessed Chen Yuxue, and the stern of the pirate ship shot towards Tainan 15. A shotgun!

The gust of wind from the projectile flew over Chen Yuxue's head, and there was a miserable howl on the open deck!

The helmsman screamed and fell on the steering wheel, his little arm opened a large gap from his wrist to the elbow, and his blood was blurred. There was a lot of sedan chair flow, and the ground was quickly wetted. The steering wheel also fell with him. Turn on its own.

Chen Yuxue jumped up from the deck, rushed to the steering wheel, grabbed the steering wheel, turned the steering wheel sharply, and continued to sail horizontally with the pirate ship, turning around the bullhead pirate ship, while the pirate Yasha ship chased her behind her ass.

While controlling the ship, she shouted: "Qi Liming (clerk), go ask the deputy captain to command!"

Qi Liming responded, rushing away like oil on the soles of his feet.

Generally, after the sailing warship starts battle, the deputy captain will supervise the battle on the gun deck to ensure firepower output. It is also the captain's backup. If the captain is killed, he will take over the command.

In less than a minute, Qi Liming returned to her and said in a trembled voice: "Lieutenant Captain Liu's legs have been interrupted and he cannot come up!"

The opponent’s artillery fire was extremely fierce, and the gun deck was taken aback.

"Ah!" Chen Yuxue's mind was blank for ten seconds, and she heard someone roaring: "Who is in charge now? What's the matter with the special man?"

The man’s voice was loud, but it was Chen Xia, the commander of Team 6, Qi Liming immediately explained the situation to him, and Chen Xia was speechless!

The officers followed one after another, and Li Yiqin, the deputy gunner, ran up from the gun deck. He also wanted to ask what was going on. Why not issue orders?

The secretary general Chen Enhua and the sailor captain Tan Guansan are all here, plus a few senior non-commissioned officers, their eyes are wide open, and everyone's faces are blue-gray.

A cannonball whizzed in, and everyone shrank subconsciously. Only Chen Yuxue was standing still holding the steering wheel.

"Which one of you will be in charge of the command?" Chen Yuxue asked anxiously, and she was also anxious to obey the order.

Seeing the indecision, she temporarily took the battleship out of the battle, this time will not be too short, two pirate ships chasing behind.

"It's you!" someone responded, and everyone looked at it, but it was political and military officer Wang Liusheng who came.

Southeast Mansion is a Jiquan regime. In order to maintain his personal dictatorship, Yan Dashao uniquely set up political and war officers and deployed them to various troops for political propaganda and education, and to learn about military secrets, and to strengthen the monitoring of the troops. , He tried his best to win over the officer class, plus political and war officers, to manage the army as solid as an iron barrel.

In business, the captain is naturally the big one, but the status of the political and war officer is natural. In this kind of absence of captain and deputy captain, he almost has the power to say something.

Wang Liusheng said indifferently, "What is the ranking order during the battle? That's it!"

When everyone heard it, it suddenly became clear.

Nodding his finger, it is clear that the order of power in battle is: captain, deputy captain, navigator, deputy navigator, gunner, deputy gunner, and other political officers, chiefs of affairs, sailors, etc. , These are not influential and cannot command naval battles.

If the six officers on the warship were to die, the warship would be almost there, or it would either surrender or escape.

For example, the captain, deputy captain, navigator, and deputy navigator belong to deck officers who have the right to determine the route and direct the navigation of warships. Their status must be higher than that of the under-cabin officers (their main The battle position is on the gun deck instead of the open deck). The reason is simple. The deck officer can drive the artillery to fight, but the artillery cannot drag the ship to sail!

Everyone was right to think about it. At first everyone thought that Chen Yuxue was young and very junior, but she didn't expect that she was indeed qualified.

So they agreed and said, "It's you!"

"Me?!" Chen Yuxue fingered herself, blinking.

She was pointed out by everyone, and in an instant, she felt her heartbeat increase, and a rush of blood rushed to her forehead!

Before she could think too much, everyone was awakened by the rumbling of the cannons. The Bull Head Corsair was already approaching, and its port guns blasted towards Tainan 15th!

Gritting her teeth fiercely, Chen Yuxue shouted: "Listen to my orders!"

Her voice trembled because of her excitement!

Wang Liusheng continued: "Those who dare not listen should be I am a military judge. Those who don't listen to Lieutenant Chen's orders will be dealt with by military law!"

"Sir! Your order!" said Chen Enhua, the alert eldest brother Chen. He is supporting Chen Yuxue. Although her rank is not high enough, she is the commander of the entire ship.

"Brother Tan, please lower the rear sails and reduce them so that they can catch up. Don't fire, don't fire, Brother Li (Yiqin), with all the gunners, inform the gun deck to prepare to fire! Brother Chen (Chen Xia), organize Suppress them with muskets, shoot them, don't let them hit me! Brother Wang (Liusheng), please be responsible for encouraging morale."

She knew that she had little qualifications and did not regard herself as a growth officer. Instead, she immediately recognized a group of big brothers. All the big brothers listened to her orders and shouted for the officers and soldiers to act.

The pirate ship is catching up!


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