The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 401: Mazu killed God in the 3rd Battle of Bat

At noon, the chefs on the Southeast Ship who had assisted in shooting or loading bombs were finally able to return to their business. They went to take out biscuits, dried meat, dried fruits, jams and other food, made rum, and distributed them to the soldiers.

The chef on some battleships was killed or injured, so the chief of affairs had to do the job.

Everyone chewed the food in their mouths and fought fiercely.

No one dared to complain, no one dared to fight. First, they couldn’t hide. The second army judge monitored the course of the battle like a falcon, from the captain to the soldier. If there is any bad behavior, give it to the judge. I see it, the emphasis is on military law, and the lighter is to write down a stroke. It's not a joke!

What makes everyone more speechless is that their commander, Yan Changwu, has always fought with them, fighting on the open deck where artillery fire and bullets are shooting indiscriminately, and sometimes on the gun deck to inspire morale (but to his young lieutenant ship The long Wang Renhai "drives away", the gun deck is too dangerous).

The battle that day was quite fierce, and there were a lot of casualties in front of him, and their blood drenched his military uniform, making him dim!

So he turned back to the cabin and changed into a new uniform. It was still so dazzling. Everyone was worried about his safety, but Yan Dashao said: "My soldiers like to see me dazzling!"

It really encourages morale. He is like a "blooming peacock" on the open deck (Mr. David’s mockery). Everyone can see clearly, understand that their commander is with them, and understand that their commander has always been with them. Did not give up on them.

fighting! fighting!

Although we are at a disadvantage, the enemies who have the upper hand cried, screamed, and screamed!

Perseverance is victory, and everyone's eyes widened suddenly.

The flag's foot turned, the wind changed its direction, and the Southeast Fleet had the upper hand, it was like a **** help!

"Mazu bless!" At that moment, the cheers of the Southeast Army resounded through the sky!

The foreigner Storm who came to China to help fight even screamed: "Matsu Niangniang killed God!"

Everyone shouted after him: "Matsu Niangniang killed God!"

The fastest response was the Black Samurai. He filled up his starboard cannon as quickly as possible, and then fired frantically!

The battleship with 7o artillery is tall, and the heavy artillery is strong. The first round of salvos has not cleared the smoke, and the second round of salvos followed one after another. I saw the cannonballs roaring. In an instant, the Dutch battleship against him had 56 The port side of the "Great Windmill" of the artillery was shot, and the bulwark was cracked by heavy artillery shells. A fissure went directly below the waterline, causing seawater to pour into the cabin and quickly tilt to the left.

The third round of salvo came again, and batches of out-of-the-box shells were shot out with howling, bursting like a hundred lightning and thunder, with shocking loud noises.

After hitting the Great Windmill, people and bulwarks were blown beyond recognition in a rain of sawdust bullets, the wreckage was all over the ship, and the sailors and gunners suffered heavy casualties!

The battleship of the Black Samurai was crazy, and he shot four volleys in five minutes!

The other Southeast ships also poured their anger on the shells, pouring shells towards the enemy.

The cannonball set off a tall water column and drenched it on the smoking boat. There was a double sky of water and fire, and the sailors shuddered with water all over.

The Dutch ship was continuously shot, the port side, left aft and rear deck were scarred, in a mess, and smoke and fire rose into the air everywhere.

The Southeast Fleet roared over oo artillery, mostly volleys, and the violent gunfire made many people deafened their ears after the war!

The lasing shells made it difficult for the Dutch to greet, let alone fight back. Various accents gathered on the boat, and they cursed and yelled.

The panicked Dutch didn't give up either. Their muzzles shot chain bullets to the sky, trying to strike the opponent's sails.

To their surprise, the damage caused by the Southeast Ship to their gun deck far outweighs the damage they caused to the Southeast Ship’s gun deck. In other words, the number of deaths and injuries of the Dutch rose like a drag, so that the gunner was absent and failed to deal with it. How much damage was caused to the sails of the Southeast Fleet, on the contrary, the “wall smashing” work of the Southeast Fleet was very effective.


Just half an hour after turning back to the upper hand, Storm, who commanded the rear army, ordered his flagship "Nanhai No. 8" to go east-southeast and brazenly into the battle line of the Dutch fleet!

The upper sails opened, and the foremast, mainsail, and mainsail were full of wind, and the battleship started, getting faster and faster, and the southeast warships behind followed.

"South China Sea No. 8" galloped, it broke through the Dutch battle line!

Then march to the south-southeast, and fought against the Dutch army on both sides with your own army!

The Dutch were overwhelmed with shelling from both sides. Due to excessive gunner casualties on their starboard side, there were not enough gunners, and they were in a dilemma of being beaten and unable to fight back.

"Nanhai 8" found a large Dutch ship, "Sea Star" with 54 artillery pieces, and broke the opponent's mast and inflicted heavy damage, causing the ship to have holes and collapse everywhere, a mess, "Sea Star" on the residual leg of a sailor. Broken arms can be seen everywhere, and there are even brains smeared on the walls of ships and shells that have not had time to be fired.

The remaining southeast gunboats bombarded the Dutch battleships violently. The Dutch resisted stubbornly. Red fire and white smoke violently spewed from each muzzle. The battle scene was quite spectacular, reaching the culmination of the war!

The gunpowder is filled with smoke, visibility is getting lower, everyone's battle line is chaotic, the two sides are entangled together, and they continue to shell each other.

The Dutch ship "Saint George" got on the "Nanhai 13" commanded by Hong Xi, the star captain of the Southeast Fleet. Everyone blasted and the "Nanhai 13" just won a round of salvos in a general match.

With the loud noise of the salvo, the hull of the "St. George" was shaken, and the people on the ship were scared to face. Because the vibration was too violent, the battleship tilted greatly, and the people on the gun deck were all crowded together, one by one. The artillery, which was not restrained by the tying rope, slipped, like the iron wagon Gao Chong had encountered. As soon as he rushed past, the six gunners broke their hands and feet, falling to the ground and groaning!

The southeast gunners fell into a state of excitement, exhausted their firepower, fired desperately, their hands and feet were dying, the fastest one minute, the slowest two minutes, the shells they fired were as dense as hail, a thick white fog in the sky, 100 meters close. Can't see each other.

This is an exciting time, the Southeast Fleet is fighting vigorously and heartily!

The enemy is We are steel. As long as we are brave, there will be no enemy's tenacity.

Whether it’s artillery fire or the will to fight, the Southeast Fleet completely overwhelmed the Dutch fleet. Look, the results are amazing. The Dutch battleships are emitting black smoke and spinning in the sea (without human control), and the things that worry the Dutch upper class have finally come into being. , The multinational combined fleet lacked a tenacious fighting spirit. When they couldn’t bear it, the two British warships that participated in the battle took the lead to escape. They hung up the British flag (previously the Dutch flag) and left the brigade, and drove away to the west without looking back. .

There are one or two. The Swedish battleship "Carl Vinson" escaped, the Spanish battleship "Porto" escaped, and the Dutch "Marquis of Brandenburg" opened the forefront of the escape of Dutch battleships, and the rest of the Dutch battleships also Followed to escape, morale dropped completely.

More Dutch warships are in embarrassment that they cannot even escape or fight.

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