The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 406: The Legend of Zhou Quanbin (2)

The legend of Zhou Quanbin is still going on. He saw that his team was pitifully thin, but the city he will enter in the future is a city that Hong Maofan has run for decades!

Let him be three-headed and six-armed, and hundreds of people flock to him, and it is easy to lose his life in the chaos.

He boldly asked the translator to say: "Recruit one hundred people from Hong Maofan, each with one hundred silver dollars, follow us!"

The translation was very surprised: "Sir, you are..."

"Will be out, the military order is not acceptable, take this city, if the warlord does not give the reward, I will pay the ten thousand silver dollars by myself!" Zhou Quanbin said hesitantly.

"As for recruiting Hong Maofan, that is nothing at all, and the winner will not be blamed at all!" Zhou Quanbin didn't care about being authentic.

Yan Dashao succeeded in ruling the army, not only required the troops to abide by military discipline and military orders without compromise, but also gave them the right to win the war!

"Well, sir, I follow your instructions!" So the interpreter said to the Dutch: "This sir needs a hundred mercenaries, each one hundred silver dollars, follow him into the city and accept the city!"

What’s amazing is that one hundred shamfans quickly assembled, with their matchlocks in their hands, fully equipped, and twenty Southeast Army troops in small boats, and they slammed toward the city of Batavia. go with.

The newly joined Red Hair Fans are like a rainbow, and they seem to be stronger than the Southeast Army.

When this mid-ocean mixed team stood on the pier, the red hairs left behind in the city were so shocked that their jaws fell out!

What could be more demoralizing than a counterattack after the army surrendered to the enemy?

Led by Van Rose Mullen, he said: "God has abandoned us, we are defeated, surrender, they treat captives preferentially!"

"The recalcitrant kills, the surrender survives, and we treat the prisoners preferentially!" The translator also said beside him.

They kept talking, relying on their two mouths to drape towards them, red hair fans and natives surrendered one after another along the way.

As it was a small squad and there was no extra manpower to surrender, Zhou Quanbin simply ordered them to gather at the Plaza of the Governor's Mansion by themselves, throw their weapons aside, and separate the personnel.

Batavia Governor's Mansion!

The double-storey building, which was built in 1626, was also defended by a team of Dutch soldiers. Van Rosmalen surrendered as soon as he said to them. Zhou Quanbin saw it and asked them to continue to carry their guns on duty, led by the Southeast Army, and guard the Governor’s Palace. .

Unobstructed, straight to the Governor's Office!

The exotic office has angel statues, oil paintings, sofas, ancient knight armor, battle axes, and exquisite Chinese porcelain placed in the aisle, but it will never welcome its original owner.

change of weather!

The Dutch flag on the roof of the Batavia Governor’s Mansion was ordered to be taken down by Zhou Quanbin and placed carefully. Everyone was amazed at how careful he was: "You still respect the Dutch?"

The Dutch are of course happy, and Zhou Quanbin thought to himself: "In the future, you Dutch can't wait for a million silver dollars to take back this flag. In the future, it will be used to show the public, as a museum, to achieve my legend, and the greatness of our Southeast Army!"

Previously, the Dutch in Tainan's Governor's Mansion gave Yan Dashao, who had gotten the money's eye, a "tourist attraction", which was properly protected.

Not only did he earn a little money, but also fully demonstrated his wise and martial arts of Yan Dashao, the upper part is good, the lower part is very good, Zhou Quanbin did it right!

He ordered the protection of the Governor's Mansion, and then closed the Governor's Mansion, leaving half of the staff to watch, and he brought ten Southeastern Army and fifty foreign soldiers, and then Van Rosmalen led the way, non-stop to receive Batavia's warehouse!

The warehouse area is located in the wharf area on the side of the Governor's Mansion. Rows of tall warehouses have been established there. They are filled with large wood, artillery, gunpowder, marine supplies, living supplies, etc., as well as a batch of spices!

The port of Batavia is the center of Dutch rule. It is operated with care. There are many warehouses there, and there are many types and large quantities of materials. After a later count, it was found that the value of the materials exceeded 500,000 Spanish silver dollars!

The spice is part of the harvest from the Spice Islands that year, and has not had time to be transported away. It is worth 500,000 Spanish silver dollars!

Van Ross Mullen, who had witnessed Pete Poznan being blown to pieces, became a qualified leader. As soon as he spoke to the guards, the other party surrendered happily.

Sure enough, he murdered and set the golden belt on fire. Zhou Quanbin smiled and immediately ordered the warehouse to be sealed off. Since there were few people with him, he repeated his trick. He recruited 30 foreigners from the warehouse guard and 200 land guards to work together to defend. Warehouse area.

"As long as you cooperate with us to guard the warehouse area, it is a great achievement. If you make a contribution, we will give you good treatment, and even join our Southeast Army and become a member of our invincible division!"

His response is correct, quite timely, Batavia is unrest!

There was a fire in the city, and there were shouts everywhere.

The border of the reservoir area was a little naked at first, and the natives with machetes and short spears probed their heads there. Seeing the strong defenses, they did not dare to conflict. But soon, there were sounds of felling from many places in the reservoir area. Destroy the outermost wooden fence, they knew there was a lot of oil and water in this place.

Zhou Quanbin's previous strategy was effective. The foreign soldiers screamed when they saw the natives coming over. Under the influence, the natives in front of the foreign soldiers often dispersed.

Some natives were more stubborn, and the foreign soldiers refused to listen. After shooting in the sky, the natives also left.

But gradually, there were more and more indigenous people, and the warnings of foreign soldiers were no longer valid.

The number of indigenous people in front of them reached more than 300, and more and more. When they had more than 500 people, they swarmed!

However, Zhou Quanbin assembled fifty musketeers to form a Sino-foreign squad. Most of them were foreign soldiers. They lined up. The long-range first attacked with flintlock guns and knocked down several natives without damaging the native fur.

Then Zhou Quanbin ignited the fire and launched a grenade attack on the indigenous people!

They didn't have many grenades, and there were only about twenty small mines, and they were not very powerful, but the panic caused to the natives made them stop!

The aboriginals who rushed forward ate thunder, the grenade exploded, and the scattered steel **** and nails hit the aboriginal Golu's body, causing them to scream.

Facing the many natives, Zhou Quanbin not only didn't back up, but the whole team took three steps forward and threw a large five-kilogram thunder at the natives!

With a loud bang, a small mushroom cloud rose from the ground, and the shot iron nails and steel **** blew up a piece of indigenous people. After the large mine Zhou Quanbin ordered the musketeer to shoot a row of guns, UU reading www.uukānshu. The natives of com found that they suffered too much and it was not worthwhile to trade their lives, so they fled.

Seeing them escaping, Zhou Quanbin was greatly relieved. He only brought a large thunder. If the natives did not escape, it would really be desperate.

Those indigenous people who fell on the ground injured or escaped slowly brought ten Southeast Army troops to Zhou Quanbin and stabbed them to death with a three-sided spear!

The bloodletting with the triangular spear was particularly powerful. The natives who died on the ground quickly shed a large pool of blood, which greatly deterred the natives. They left the warehouse area to find a target that was easier to deal with.

Zhou Quanbin used ten Southeast Army troops and less than one hundred red hairpins to save more than one million silver dollars in supplies!


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