The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 413: Arrange Java affairs

Most of the Southeast Fleet still stays in Java Port, busy repairing ships and roads.

No one can spare time. The soldiers made a big move to help the locals clean up the wreckage on the ground, transport all the corpses and debris to the distant mountains, and plant the woods.

Then he was busy building roads, digging ditches, and building houses.

Let the local Chinese blink, can't believe their eyes.

They knew that on the side of the Ming army of their motherland, they were still the original Red-haired Fans here, but they did not have such a good attitude towards the people. These Southeast Army also sent free disaster relief materials from door to door, so that the Chinese could rebuild their homes.

Listen to the Southeast Army's propaganda: "Our Southeast Army is led and commanded by the warlord Yan Changwu. We are from the people. We are the soldiers of everyone. The warlord teaches us that you should not forget your roots if you are a soldier!"

"We have to deal with foreign enemies, and when the people need it, we also work for the people!" The soldiers said very clearly.

I have to say that the propaganda has received very good results. The local Chinese feel that the army is unique. They trade fair, speak amiably, do not harass the people, and are not domineering.

It really is our army!

The disaster relief was stopped for a while, and the Southeast Army took the opportunity to hold the Warship Day event. Everyone is invited to visit the ship. Everyone who comes can have a free meal, so that they can fully feel the military power and warmth of the Southeast Fleet, and take the opportunity to promote the Southeast Mansion.

Recruitment on the spot!

The Southeast Army’s advertisement is very attractive: "If you want to leave no regrets in this life, if you want to achieve your ideals, if you want to have a wonderful life, then sign up for the army!"

The followers are enthusiastic, even if the local Chinese elders have reservations, they can't stop the enthusiasm of their children as soldiers. Some children even quarreled with their parents, slammed the door, and went to the enlistment point to sign up.

After one day of conscription, he accepted eight hundred stick boys.

Yan Changwu said with satisfaction: "The heart of the local people is mine! Hahaha!"

He summoned Chen De and said: "The main fleet will soon return to Taiwan, but it is only a retreat. Soon there will be a large number of immigrants arriving and returning to Java. When you are governor here, you must win the hearts of the local people and make them loyal to the Southeast Mansion; It is necessary to develop the economy and ensure commerce and trade; third, it is necessary to defend the territory and open up something. Remember one thing, that is,'governance according to law'!.

Granting Chen De military and political power, the emperor Shuichang is far away, and Yan Changwu is beyond his reach, so he deliberately explained it to him.

"Let's go, let's go and see your manor!" Yan Changwu said to him.

"My manor?" Chen Deqi said.

They came to a hill a little further away from the military camp outside the city of Java, where a small manor had just been opened, and six small trees that Chen De had never seen were planted in it.

"They are called cinchona frost trees. They come from the Americas under the control of the Spanish. They are a good medicine for malaria!" Yan Changwu told him.

Chen De was shocked after hearing this!

You must know that in Southeast Asia, malaria is a kind of incurable disease that plagues human beings. People who have malaria are always hot and cold, which is very difficult to treat.

But Yan Changwu told him that this tree can treat malaria!

Yes, to conquer Southeast Asia, how can one lack such a powerful weapon!

The cinchona frost tree comes from South America, and its efficacy in curing cinchona frost tree has been known by the Spanish. Yan Changwu has made friends with the Spaniards in Luzon. Among them are some staunch patriots. They were rewarded heavily by Yan Changwu and went to South America. Some tree species were bought for him over there and shipped back to the southeast province. However, Taiwan is not a good growing area for cinchona frost trees. Yan Changwu brought some of them here to plant them.

"Our manor is licensed to plant cinchona frost trees. The income is half of me and half of you." Yan Changwu told Chen Dedao.

Concession planting is a monopoly, Chen De is overjoyed and thanks!

This is Yan Changwu's win over Chen De. In his opinion, there is no love or hatred for no reason. He can buy everyone's loyalty by paying the title of gold and silver. This transaction is not a loss at all. Gold and silver are only money if they are useful. , Otherwise it is metal, it is meaningless to pile metal at home.


He left Chen De with six Tier 3 battleships, six Tier 5 cruisers, 20 Tier VI cruisers, and 20 captured Dutch merchant ships, with Hong Xiguan and Yan Zhang as his deputy, and two regiments. The Southeast Army, together with a newly formed foreign gun regiment, formed the first brigade of the army, with Zhou Quanbin as the brigade commander.

Before leaving, he specially summoned the captain and the officers above the battalion commander, and told them: "Take down Batavia and establish the Governor's Mansion in Java. This is just a step in the journey of thousands of miles. Our days are still long. You must not slack off. , We should take all this sea area into our hands!"

"To conquer it, and to make him a man in the future, it's not a problem!" He said meaningfully and authentically.

All the officers said that under the command of the Overseer, where to fight!

They promise to be loyal to the Overseer, obey the law, and ensure that this territory is foolproof!


Amid the cheers of the left-behind army and the people, Yan Changwu led the fleet away from Java Port.

On the Kaohsiung 37th cruise ship, Chen Yuxue looked at the fading land, slightly lost.

The captain of the ship was injured and the position of the captain was vacant. She was promoted to the captain of the ship, the rank of major!

The three days she spent with Yan Changwu were new days that she had never had before. During the day, she followed him around, and at night she went to bed, accepting his luck.

But after all, she didn't want to abandon the navy she liked. She didn't join his fleet command organization. Yan Changwu respected her and made her the captain of the cruise ship. With her merits, she was also enough to play a role instead of going to the back door.

A little reluctant to leave him, but even more reluctant to leave the navy, Chen Yuxue sighed and gave orders skillfully, commanding the warship to follow the brigade, and soon, in the busy, she left him behind.


The Yan Changwu fleet returned to Taiwan, taking the eastern route, returning to Taiwan along the Kalimantan Islands, Sulu, and Luzon.

There are countless islands along the way, and the sea is long. Young Master Yan lamented when there will be power boats and airplanes that will allow him to travel between the two places in one day!

At that time, science and technology were extremely underdeveloped, and sailing warships would take several months to go from Taiwan to Java with a smooth wind.

If it weren't for him to perform the duties of a captain, busy commanding battleships and dealing with affairs, otherwise he would really be suffocated.

Two deputy chiefs of staff, such as Mr. David and Hui Gan, who do not often do practical tasks, are busy reading books and playing chess hydrology and exploring land when ships are stopped.

All the way through are underdeveloped areas, there are small Sudanese countries and uncivilized tribes. Mr. David suggested: "They are lonely and lonely. We should attack them. This is a golden opportunity!"

He reiterated the old saying: "Instigate the enemy in one day, and count the lives of disasters!"

"Definitely **** them." Yan Changwu sneered: "Conquer is never a treat for dinner!"

The large fleet deliberately arrived in Luzon and set up a strong position outside the port of Manila, scaring the Spaniards there!


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