The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 447: She is a cloud in the sky, and I am tofu

Qiu Fengji said politely: "Professor Wang has anything to do with me?"..

"Something, something big, big happy event!" Professor Wang laughed.

"What is it?" Qiu Fengji didn't know what he meant.

"Come on, sit down and talk!" Professor Wang greeted.

A school worker brought two cups of tea, closed the door and let them talk in detail.

Professor Wang said that his research on anti-mosquitoes has come to an end recently, and he plans to bring the expert team back to Taiwan.

"The results are fruitful, thank you for your help!" Professor Wang said with joy.

He was a reserved person, but this research has yielded fruitful results, and many results may be adopted, which can help many people. This is his greatest happiness.

Qiu Fengji expressed humility and congratulated Professor Wang.

Professor Wang complained: "Why don't you come to us or see Xiao Yang!"

Qiu Fengji waved his hand and said boldly: "A little bit of a thing, so what a mess, let alone, the army has given me a lot of benefits!"

"But when you did this, you killed Xiao Yang. She was thinking about you, you must marry!"

Professor Wang sternly said: "The Yang family has agreed to the marriage, and I am asked to act as a matchmaker to marry Miss Yang Wenqi!"

"What?!" Qiu Fengji jumped up in shock!

If someone else said it, Qiu Fengji would definitely treat him as a bullshit, but Professor Wang, such academic masters, said one is one and one said two is two. He said that the Yang family agreed to agree, and it was true that Miss Yang Wenqi wanted to marry him Qiu Fengji. .

Just how is it possible?

She is a cloud in the sky, and I am tofu dregs underground!

Why would she like me?

At that time, Qiu Fengji rescued the goddess, knowing that he was Diaosi, and he didn't have to think about attacking the goddess.

Seeing each other is like not seeing each other, and it's only annoying.

But he didn't expect him to be a glamorous festival. With a wave of his sleeves, the bean curd residue does not take away a cloud. The morals are noble, and it is like a mountain. Ms. Yang Wenqi is deeply admired!

She is a girl, naturally, she will not go to the man. At first, she thought the other party was trying to catch her, but she didn't expect to wait and wait. No one would come, she completely forgot about her!

This time about Professor Wang, I stayed in Java to write essays and reports to see the effect, but Yang Wenqi had returned to Taiwan by boat six months ago.

When her father Yang Tianbiao saw his daughter, he was shocked when he saw her as a capable woman in addition to tanning!

So Yang Tianbiao said to his daughter: "Recently, the family's business hasn't been booming, and the delivery of goods cannot be paid back, and the turnover is very difficult..."

Yang Wenqi immediately said to him: "Father, what do you want to say?"

Yang Tianbiao chuckled and said, "I just want to pay five counts, and my family can't afford it."

What five counts money?

Yang Wenqi didn't remember it at first, but immediately realized that it was the female tax left!

The Southeast Mansion is very inhumane to collect taxes on the leftover women. If the woman does not marry after the age of 20, one is counted as 20 yuan, and the five is counted as 00 yuan.

No matter how poor the Yang family is, it won't be impossible to pay for 00. Yang Tianbiao is urging to marry!

Yang Wenqi hit the snake and said on the stick: "Okay, it is not difficult for me to marry, I only marry him!"

"He? Who is he?" Yang Tianbiao asked in surprise.

But when he knew that this was a non-commissioned officer and a farmer in Quanzhou, he immediately shook his head like a rattle and said, "How can a daughter of a family and a family marry a peasant's son!"

Yang Wenqi sneered and said: "What's wrong with the children of the peasant family? If it weren't for the cousin to marry the consul, my Yang family was born as a pirate, not as good as a peasant!"

"Look down on farmers? I must know that my southeastern government is'no agriculture and unstable'! Every year at the Mengchun Prayer Ceremony, the cousin will go up to pull the cows to plow the fields, otherwise the cousin will go to help the plow."

"Father, how can people forget their roots!" Yang Wenqi reminded him.

Yang Tianbiao furiously said: "It's the opposite, the opposite! It turned out that the daughter taught the father!"

"Anyway, my daughter will only marry him, otherwise she will go to the palace as a maid and go with her cousin. This is better. Maybe your daughter can let you be the head of the country, so you don't have to envy your natural brother!" Yang Wenqi said She was so mad that Yang Tianbiao was blowing her beard and staring at her. His daughter was not afraid of him at all. She did not live at home and ran back to the dormitory. She had income anyway and did not ask for home.

Although Yang Tianbiao was annoyed, he still sent someone to watch the Java secret investigation of Qiu Fengji.

After going back and forth, there was news three months later. The investigation report showed that Qiu Fengji had a very good performance except for his family background and wealth!

Diligent, brave, bearable, capable...

Yang Tianbiao had a slight move and discussed with the country's grandfather Yang Tiansheng. Yang Tiansheng was very open-minded and pointed out: "The prince and general Xiangning is kind? He is not a rich man now, he will be a rich man in the future!"

He persuaded his brother: "The twisted melon is not sweet, it's rare that she likes it, so just let her go."

"The Yang family is rich and wealthy. If you get married with the noble family, it will be like a fire cooking oil. The power is huge and easy to be taboo by the governor. It is better to find a normal one and neutralize it, but it will be rich and long!" He and Yang Tianbiao analyzed the pros and cons.

So the Yang family agreed to the marriage, reported to the ruling government, sent envoys to Java, and invited the respected Professor Wang Liangen to come out as a matchmaker.

Professor Wang talked about the marriage of Yang Jiayun and pointed out: "You must marry if you marry, or you must marry if you don't, otherwise the Yang family will lose face, then you will lose face!"

The fairy fell from the sky and gave him a full hug!

Qiu Fengji recalled the goddess' smirk, and couldn't help being stunned!

"The Yang family still has conditions!" Professor Wang said quickly when he saw him look out of his body.

"What conditions?" Qiu Fengji asked.

"The Yang family does not require you to be married, but it requires you not to accept a concubine. There can only be one wife, Yang Wenqi!"

Qiu Fengji agreed in one fell swoop: "Okay!"

Seeing his answer, Professor Wang clapped his hands and said, "Brigadier Zhou, please come in!" Outside the door, the president of the Army Academy branch campus Zhou Quanbin (concurrently) came in, and he personally witnessed the marriage.

Chief Zhou said with a smile on his face: "Congratulations! Congratulations!"

Qiu Fengji couldn't speak, and said in a dull manner: "Thank you! Thank you!"

Professor Wang took out two copies of the marriage certificate and asked him to sign on them, in duplicate, one for each man and one.

The woman had already signed in advance, and after Qiu Fengji signed, the marriage was established!

Then Zhou Quanbin took out an order, and Qiu Fengji listened to the order, which turned out to be the order signed by Yan Changwu, the governor of the Southeast Government, and Qiu Fengji immediately graduated and promoted him to major!

Zhou Quanbin's horse Bian brought out a basin with a set of new military uniforms in full bloom on it.

"This..." Qiu Fengji was shocked!

"This promotion is not only the grace that the Yang family asks for you, but also the dignity that His Highness the Archon wants. After all, His Highness and you are a'brother-in-law'. If your position is too low, you will lose him, Southeast Mansion, and Yang. The face of the family!" Professor Wang pointed out.

So Qiu Fengji found a small room and put on a new uniform, with two bars and one star, which made him look heroic.

The news came out The guest was like a welcome, even Governor Chen De sent people to send gifts, military and political officials in Java sent gifts one after another, and the bosses who had business dealings with the Yang family also sent them. For a while, He Liqiu Fengji was filled with the small house he just rented!

Especially in the army system in Java, this is a big deal for the queen family and army officers to get married!

Zhou Quanbin personally appointed a deputy head of the delegation as the send-off envoy, preparing to send Qiu Fengji back to Taiwan with the matchmaker Professor Wang.

Before leaving, Qiu Fengji went back to the ninth battalion of the project to find the battalion commander and asked him to approve the military marriage.

This is to stipulate that in order to weaken the influence of the family in the society, Yan Changwu issued a special order that the military marriage can be decided by the superior department. In the name of political review, the family can prevent the family from interfering in the military marriage. The main purpose is to respect the military’s decision and protect the military’s marriage. .

Battalion Commander Liu Ruobin congratulated Qiu Fengji, signed the application form happily, and then said to him: "You are a soldier, Miss Yang is like a position waiting for you to seize. Do you know how to seize a position?"

He was pointing him, Qiu Fengji immediately said: "Please make it clear from the battalion commander!"