The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 456: Wang Jia "high rise"

After the break, the new fighters advanced towards the "Daya", not far from the city, and finally received a fierce attack from the Banten warriors!

In an open area, thousands of Banten people rushed like a group of angry wasps, arrows and guns flying all over the sky!

In spite of the enemy's rapid attack during the march, the Southeast Army quickly turned to the defense. They lined up in battle lines, muskets blasted, and bullets poured at the enemy.

The nearby enemies were shot and fell, but their arrows and guns also caused a lot of trouble to the Southeast Army. Despite the armor, many people were injured or killed.

One shot fell on Wang Jia's side and almost hit him.

Others were not as lucky as him. Liu Sanshui, who was next to Wang Jia, was shot by an arrow in his upper neck artery, and Wang Jia was soaked with blood!

The sight is all red, and Wang Jia is shocked!

He tried to stop Liu Sanshui's bleeding with his hands, but blood came out of his fingers. Using the first aid kit allotted, it was useless, so he frantically dragged Liu Sanshui to the rear, dragging out a **** path!

"Where do you want this person to go?"

Hearing this, Wang Jia was taken aback and turned around. It turned out that it was Company Captain Chen Shi who was speaking.

"I sent him to see a doctor, sir, he was shot!" Wang Jia said excitedly.

"Put him down!" Chen Shi called a health soldier, and he said to Wang Jia: "You will be commended because you care about your comrades in arms, but you have your combat position, you have to do your business, yours The comrades-in-arms are in charge of military doctors and health soldiers!

"He's dead!" the health soldier said.

Chen Shi calmly said: "Wang Jia, if everyone does what you did just now, and if there are comrades around you who are injured or dead, just ignore them in the fight, then we will lose, and their sacrifices will be in vain. You are too impulsive. I’m not sane enough, I don’t allow this to happen again, do you understand?"

"Understand, sir!" But Wang Jia didn't move.

"Go! Return to the team!"

Wang Jia ran back and rejoined the battle line and shot. He was a coward. That was the reason why he dragged Liu Sanshui backward. Company Commander Chen Shi understood the reason, but he did not scold him or punish him, but instead gave him. Opportunity, Wang Jia secretly swears that he will never take a step back in future battles!

In the subsequent battles, he always insisted on being on the front line and shot every shot calmly.

There were many enemies, but when the Southeast Army’s artillery fired, they collapsed!

The shot brought out a dead wind, killing the people of Banten in a fan, they were swept down like rice-cut rice, and countless blood flowers were splashed!

The people in Banten who escaped after being shot will die one after another in the days to come. The wounds from the shot became inflamed and ulcerated. Many people developed a high fever and then died.

The Southeast Army captured Daya City. There was nothing valuable to rob there. They did something meaningful there. They dug up the river bank and flooded the large paddy fields there. The water was so big that they had to build. The raft left.

Daya City is an important food base for Banten people. Destroying it will cause hunger for Banten people. This is also a strategic aspect of the Southeast Army’s "general war".

The overall warfare requires every effort to attack the enemy, in order to reduce the casualties of the army, and do everything possible to eliminate the enemy.

Every bit in the jungle battle was written down to Wang Jia. When he was resting at night, he lit his lantern and wrote a diary with a small brush!

I encountered comrades joking, saying that there was a big talent among us, you are a small soldier, what diaries did the academic officers write, should you leave the combat diaries to you?

However, everyone still gave him the lantern, and the lantern in the row was dedicated to him!

In this way, he fulfilled him, writing and writing, and changed his destiny.

One night, when it was not time to rest, he rushed to write a diary. A group of officers came to patrol the camp. An officer with two bars and one star was behind him, leaning over to see what he wrote, and he was too engrossed to notice the surroundings. The comrades all stood up.

After writing the diary of the day, Wang Jia blew the ink on the paper and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

He stretched out a hand next to him and said: "What are you writing, can you show me?"

Wang Jia turned his head to look intently, and was shocked that he jumped up and raised his hand and said, "Hello, sir!" He recognized Ding Yalou, the battalion commander.

Company Commander Chen Shi next to him introduced: "He is a second-class soldier! He has good marksmanship, sufficient energy, good eyes, and obedience to orders. I often use him as a forward vanguard. The result of the battle is to injure the enemy and let us capture that person!"

"Yeah!" Ding Yalou nodded, he was impressed by the recent events.

"Let me see!" Ding Yalou said.

Wang Jia held the diary with both hands. Ding Yalou looked at the diary of the day and wrote: “On December 1, 1634, the wind was southerly, cloudy, and there was light rain at noon and evening. The troops marched 10 kilometers, searched and advanced, and found three on the same day. A man from Banten, Lieutenant Zhao Hu commanded us to outflank them. I shot one of them and wounded him in the leg, so I captured him and was rewarded, and the other two were shot and killed indiscriminately..."

The writing is very simple, the key is that it has been written since the beginning of the war, which is commendable.

Some of the words are shining, for example: "...Here is full of stench and swamps everywhere. If there is a hell, then it must be imitated here!" Ding Yalou glanced over the words, he asked Said: "Study by advancing?"

Asked if he had ever read a book before, no, no, Wang Jia replied: "It's the words that I learned in the literacy class in the army."

What he said was true. He used simplified Chinese characters. If he had gone to study, some traditional characters would come up.

"Why do you write these things? Fighting so hard, not playing cards and chess with the brothers?" Ding Yalou asked.

Wang Jia settled down, and he replied: "In the literacy class, I heard from the instructor that our Chinese history is a recorded history. In addition to having many cultural relics to show our civilization, our Chinese characters are the most in the world. Beautiful writing, long-lasting heritage! We are still the country with the longest record in the history of the world, and our historical materials have been recorded for so long and so much, no country or nation can compare with us! The instructor encourages us to know how to make contributions and record everything Whatever comes down is written down with a pen, and it will become history in the future!"

...... The instructor said that he has a good level!

Ding Yalou was an officer and had a good idea. He immediately thought of what could be used. He encouraged: "Writing well, stick to it in the future!"

Then he said: "Wang Jia, I want to transfer you to the command company."

Wang Jia was so shocked by these words that he didn't answer in time. Next to him, Captain Chen Shi quickly said: "Wang Jia, did you hear what the chief said?"

"Yes, sir! Carry out your order!" Wang Jia arrived quickly.

"Report to the command company tomorrow morning!" Ding Yalou confessed and left. After he was gone, Wang Jia encountered merciless ridicule from his comrades, saying that he had deep intentions, and he had planned for a long time and wanted to be promoted!

The comrades laughed and said: "From now on we have to call you the chief!"

Wang Jia told his comrades that they couldn't raise their heads. Everyone said that they should help him pack up before going to bed so that he could report to the command company tomorrow morning.


Wang Jia, who arrived at the command company to report, found that the command company is composed of professionals who are familiar with the business. They are more educated, not as noisy as soldiers, and more inclined to care about their own affairs, they will not do it. Meaningless things.

Wang Jia did get a share of Meique: He became the commander of Battalion Commander Ding Yalou!

This is the beauty that all the officers in the camp have to give him face!

Ding Yalou’s original messenger had to take a rest because of his bad footsteps

This job is so important that Ding Yalou personally said to Wang Jia in the “pre-appointment talk” characteristic of the Southeast Army: “This job is like this. Maybe it’s meaningless for you to do it. You will be with me. Staying together, I want to spend all my time taking care of the brothers in the camp, arranging them to eat and drink, take care of their safety, arrange what they should do, and you have to receive rations for me. Fill the kettle with water, you have to dig a foxhole for me, you have to wash my clothes, and take care of my life. We will always be together. You will go wherever I go!"

"Sir, this is a very meaningful thing, I am willing to take up this job." Wang Jia said.

"Wang Jia, you will be my partner, and will be closer to me than anyone in the camp. In a sense, you are my personal bodyguard, guard with guns for me, and act as the battalion commander. During the mission, the messenger must always open his eyes to guard against the enemy and observe the surrounding situation."

"Yes! Sir!" Wang Jia said enthusiastically: "I will do my best!" <(Da Ming Xiong Abroad" only represents the author's view of pizza. If you find that its content violates national laws and contradicts the laws of the country, please The position for deletion processing is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!