The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 51: Ship Bottom World

During the Spring Festival, Yan Changwu only took a three-day break. Every night, he went to other homes to drink. He went to Yang Tiansheng’s house on the first day of the first day, Chen Zhongji’s house on the second day, and Li Ying’s house on the third day. This is a custom. .

   When you arrive at Yang Mansion, Yang Tiansheng. . . In the Southeast Military Mansion (referred to as the Southeast Mansion), there is an outer chamber, and a charming little girl is taken as a concubine, who is younger than Shuang'er!

This guy is rich, and he buys "Yangzhou thin horses." The so-called Yangzhou thin horses are rich men who have concubines. They are commonly known as lean horses. Generally, a poor family raises a good girl. When they are seven or eight years old, a rich family will receive it. adoption. "Skinny Horse" is divided into three categories by the characters handsome and ugly, smart and foolish. Anyone who is smart, handsome and well-character will teach her to play the piano, play Xiao Xiao, chant poems, write, draw, go, play double-handed, and wipe dominoes. Skills are generally taught by female teachers. In addition to dressing up, sitting and lying down, they also follow the instructions to learn the skills of pillows. After they are developed, they will be full of beauty.

   Second-class women, generally let her learn some words, learn one or two sets of piba, string, and learn to keep accounts, manage housework, and do business.

   In the third class, she was only allowed to learn some female celebrities or the cooking skills of big cuts and small stoves, and she could also make money. Even middle-level families dared to take in thin horses. She was very prosperous in the Ming Dynasty.

The first-class women are not what Yang Tiansheng can consume. He has a little money, but they are not as good as the rich and powerful people in mainland China. The second-class women who are admitted are also top-grade, graceful and romantic. Yang Tiansheng is not a small servant. , I don’t know how many times Lao Taishan can endure the sword with more than twenty-eight charming women? Do you want my son-in-law to do it for you?

Although he didn't know the nasty psychology of his son-in-law, his eyes were shining slightly and Yang Tiansheng saw him, and said to Yan Changwu: "Thin horses are humble and humble. The depth of advancement and retreat is not aberrant, and it will not be arrogant and controversial. If the virtuous son-in-law is interested, I can buy it for you! I will satisfy you! If you like this, I will transfer it to you!"

   Human flesh purchasing!

   The interpersonal relationship between the ancients is really messy. The father-in-law is actually arguing for his son-in-law and handing over his concubine Ji, which is amazing!

   Yan Changwu smiled bitterly: "Old Taishan deliberately made a match, and my son-in-law has no time to spend it. The fourth year of the junior high school has to look at things. In the early days of the game, it’s not hard to work!"

   "Very good, very good!" Yang Tiansheng smiled and said authentically. He has channels. He knows that Yan Changwu's perseverance, strives for the upper reaches, does not have time to enjoy, this is a good thing!

Unexpectedly, the boy couldn’t spit out ivory, “My son-in-law naturally likes natural feet. Such thin-footed horses can still be absorbed by the old Mount Tai. If there are thin-footed horses with outstanding appearance, Lao Taishan can take care of them. !"

   Why not? Even Lao Taishan didn't plan for his daughter, but he was disrespectful. I want to live with the light, follow the customs, and keep pace with the times! (Don't find a reason for your **** for you!)

   Yang Tiansheng's smile was choked, and he shook his head and said, "Xian-in-law's hobby is still unique! Okay, I'll take care of it."


  Yan Changwu said it really well. On the fourth day of the new year, he took care of the situation and went to the No. 1 dock to see the maintenance of the "Beigang No. 3".

   The entire ship has been docked during the Spring Festival. The two sides are fixed by huge woods, and the hull is raised to facilitate work.

   The workers only take a day off on the first day of the new year, and work has already started on the second day of the new year. They are extremely busy.

   The cabins are wide open for drying.

The most important work is on the bottom of the boat. You can see that there are a lot of barnacles attached to the bottom of the boat. The thing is clusters of small gray-white animals with a calcareous shell. The shape is a bit like horse teeth. They have very strong adhesion. If you want to pull them down with your hands, it is impossible. Only hard objects with a chisel can knock them down.

Barnacles are widely distributed in the ocean. From coastal rocks, piers, boat bottoms, etc., to the surface of all hard objects, if you touch it, you will stick to it. It will be up for a lifetime, and it will not come down, even on the bodies of whales, sea turtles, lobsters, and crabs. All photos are correct.

Barnacles are attached to the bottom of the ship. The severe ones will slow down the ship. Well, when the Lucias and the Japanese went to war, the Lucias crossed the Baltic Fleet from the Baltic Sea through the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, into the Pacific. Fighting the widows had a voyage of tens of thousands of nautical miles without maintenance. The metal bottom of the ship was covered with barnacles, causing the steam-powered ship to advance at the speed of a tortoise, which became one of the reasons for the defeat.

   Barnacles are nothing. They only use the bottom of the boat as a home, but they will not damage the home. They mainly catch plankton in the sea for food.

   The horrible thing is the ship maggot!

   is also called chisel boat shell. Mollusk. It looks like a worm, slender and burrowing in wood. There are two symmetrical white shells on the front end of the body, and a thin white lime tube surrounds the rest of the body. There is an inlet pipe and a drain pipe at the end of the body. The base of the water pipe has an armor that looks like a small shovel. When encountering an enemy, the water pipe is retracted, and the orifice is blocked with the armor. Widespread across the world’s oceans, causing serious damage to wooden equipment such as wharves, stakes and wooden ships in the ocean.

  Once the entire piece of wood or the entire ship and the entire wooden stake are occupied by them, it becomes their comfortable home and sweet cake, and the problem of food and accommodation is solved together. The wood becomes riddled with holes and breaks when touched, which is extremely harmful to the wooden boat.

   Ship maggots have dug wood and made deep holes in the wood since they were young, and lived in it by themselves.

   It is a serious harm to wooden structures in the sea, such as wooden pillars, stakes, and handguards of the wharf, as well as the nets used by fishermen to support fishing nets, especially wooden fishing boats. In rivers and lakes where boat maggots do not spawn, a wooden boat can be used for decades, but in sea areas where boat maggots are serious, the wooden boat will often be destroyed in a quarter if no precautions are taken.

   If you use an axe to split the wood that contains the ship maggots, such as the old ship bottom plate that is replaced when the ship is repaired at the seaside shipyard, it is often full of white ship maggots and passages! (Intensive phobias should be cautious).

   From the outside, you can’t see the doorway of these old ship bottoms. You have to think about it, a fishing boat riddled with holes by boat sailing on the sea, how dangerous it is!

  In order to deal with ship maggots, people in various places have created a lot of experience in preventing and controlling ship maggots. In some places, the surface of wooden boats going into the sea is covered with a layer of iron sheet or a sheet of linoleum paper. In this way, the boat maggots cannot invade, and the wooden boat covered and protected with linoleum paper will not be damaged within three or four years. There is also the method of roasting the bottom of the boat, which is to drag the boat with maggots to the shore and set it up to scorch the bottom of the boat with fire. On the one hand, the larvae can be roasted to death, and on the other hand, the scorching of the wood surface can also prevent the regeneration of the maggots.

Chinese fishermen like to use the wok iron method, which is to break the broken iron pan and embed the broken iron pieces on the surface of the wood. In this way, the iron place is too hard to penetrate the ship maggots, and the gap between the broken iron is also because of the iron. The iron oxide formed by rusting in the seawater is covered with no or few ship maggots.

   A better but very expensive method is to coat the bottom of all ships with copper plates. This was the most effective method at the time, but the expensive cost is conceivable.

   The current Yan Changwu can't do this extravagantly, but he has another way. This is a generous gift from his previous knowledge!


   The workers carefully inspected every inch of the bottom of the ship, meticulously. . . The sailors recruited by Yan Changwu are the children of the people. The workers are often their uncles and uncles. They have a very close relationship with the sailors, so I am not afraid that they will not care about them.

   They used a shovel to shovel away scattered barnacles, then lit combustibles and set fire to roast under the boat!

   For a while, the smoke and water vapor filled. This method is better. It can kill the boat maggots and also kill the barnacles. Pieces of barnacles fall down and fall into the fire with a crackling sound.

   But you have to pay attention to the fire, once you burn the boat, it won’t be done.

   After the wood has been roasted and dried, the workers will be "black oil"