The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 575: Playing Aceh (2)

This Aceh fleet is a weak chicken, and the main force was taken away by former Sudan. The old and weak soldiers who were left behind have a heart higher than the sky and a life thinner than paper!

The dignitaries in Aceh thought that their fanaticism could turn the tide of the battle, but the tactical opponent of the Southeast Army, Yan Changwu ordered at the pre-war captain meeting: "Don't easily fight with each other to avoid unnecessary losses."

The captains of the ships resolutely implemented the order and did not let the Acehnese close, and the Acehnese would be defeated.

The rapid victory of the Southeast Army also terrified Prince Yefa of Johor. He witnessed the horror of the Southeast Fleet. After that, even if others encouraged him to play some sacred battle to drive out the Chinese, he shook his head like a rattle every time. Do not die.

He is flattering to the Chinese and actively cooperates with the Southeast Mansion. He is the Lord of the Southeast Mansion both in diplomacy and military affairs.

It was so appreciated by the Southeast Mansion and made him its king, and the Johor royal family was finally preserved and became a "specimen". The Southeast Mansion self-proclaimed that his territory has "diversity", and not all exhaling people are Chinese. There are other countries too. Look, isn’t Johor? !

The rest of the Malay tribes, who were incapable of their ability, were swallowed up one by one by the flames of war by the Chinese, and conquered!

The victory was too fast that day, the Southeast Fleet simply bombarded the city of Banda, the capital of Aceh by the sea!

"Prepare in one minute!" the deputy captain who commanded the artillery battle shouted.

On the gun decks of the battleship, following the orders of the gunners one after another, everyone worked together to prepare. The loader pushed the cannonball into the barrel, and the other people pushed the cannon out of the muzzle. It is ready to be fired.

One minute seemed a bit long, the wall clock ticked and slammed, followed by a scream of full strength: "Fire! Fire!..."

"Chich chich...!"

The artillery fired, and rows of shells dragging the flames flew out of the barrel, and the air trembled in a torn-like loud noise.

Accompanied by the earth-shaking gun sound, the naval gun attack made Banda City tremble!

Hundreds of artillery shells were poured on the wall of Banda. The original solid wall gradually collapsed under the continuous attack, and the stones fell in large areas.

The Banda City Wall is the pride of the Acehnese. It is made of pure stones. It is not available in Malay countries, but it cannot stop the heavy artillery shells of battleships!

With a bang, stones and fragments were scattered all over the sky!

The Aceh soldiers who were defending on the city wall were beaten to their heads and rushed.

The Southeast Fleet fought for three hours and completely collapsed the offshore vertical part of Banda's city wall and turned it into a ramp!

As for the city, it is even more messy. The original beautiful city has become a dilapidated place, with many houses collapsing, casualties, and panic all day long.

In addition, the indigenous people were stubborn. When they lost order, they began to looting and setting fires. The smoke column of Banda City rose up, shouts and cries were everywhere, and they were plunged into chaos. The damage caused was even greater than that of the heavy artillery.

Then jointly moved to Nidakham, a small city near the capital, and bombarded again. Then, tens of thousands of Marines and the Five Thousand Army Johor Army landed and completely destroyed the small city!

"Koraba! (Native language: Devil) Koraba! (Native language: Devil A strong Acehnese was full of grief and anger, rushing towards the demons who destroyed his home and robbed his family.

"Bang bang bang!" After a few shots, the Acehnese fell in a pool of blood!

"Ji Hu! Ji Hu (Native: Father Aceh child scolded and was hugged tightly by his mother.

She could not help but hug tightly. Several fierce but fierce Johorians who looked similar to them were lashing the Aceh people with their whips, driving them to the beach, and then they boarded the boat and were sent to the big boat. Become a slave!

The southeast province and Johor allied forces attacked. They destroyed the beautiful coastal city of Nidakham: burning houses, looting people's property, killing those who dared to resist, and taking away the people.

After that, the coalition forces withdrew, and all the proceeds were divided into three parts according to the seven Johor of Southeastern Prefecture.

This is the policy against the tribes of Aceh!

Groups of people were escorted by the army, stepped into the sea, and walked to the transport ship on the sea.

They cried and cried, moved slightly slowly, and were immediately beaten, beaten, and even shot!

Leaving his hometown and becoming a slave, he can no longer return home.

But their savior, Aceh, was nowhere to be seen.

After the death of Aceh Sudan Iskandar Ratthani, the Aceh nobles hurriedly embraced his son, and the eight-year-old Iskandar Bukanda was Sudan. For such a small Sudan, the power naturally rests with the officials. After dividing the army and power, they think about their own interests: Ah, if I send troops to deal with Southeast and Johor, wouldn’t it be that my army will be lost and others will take the opportunity to rise? !

And the southeast munitions are powerful, so, no matter what, wait for them to enter the jungle.

The Aceh nobles guarded their own people more carefully than defended the Southeast Army. They evaded the battle and prepared to ambush the Southeast Army and the Johor people, but the Southeast and the Johor coalition army did not enter the jungle. Everyone respected each other like a guest, and they were friendly.

The wonderful thing is that although the Southeast Fleet bombarded the capital, it did not land and attack, and did not tear off the last fig leaf of the Acehnese.

The joint fleet of the two countries is responsible for controlling the Malacca Seaway, attacking the coastal areas of Aceh all the way, destroying cities, villages, and seaports, sinking or capturing Aceh fishing boats.

Seeing the Aceh ship, catch up, and those who surrender will capture people, and then destroy the ship, and those who don't surrender will kill the ship directly.

Whether it is a big boat or a fishing boat or a merchant ship, they will be destroyed and set on fire.

There is another southeast fleet as a partial division to the city on the south side of Sumatra to do damage, which is the same virtue as the main fleet.

The Southeast Mansion wants Aceh to be trapped on land!

Without the ocean, Aceh would be a bigger tribe and it would not be a problem.

There were flames everywhere, and there were crying everywhere. In a large fishing port, thousands of fishing boats were set ablaze and the flames were so high that they could be seen clearly from a dozen miles away. The Johorese laughed and said, "Let’s look at the big torch!"

But the Acehnese stayed in the jungle, watching the fire in the distance and weeping silently.

Aceh’s nobles avoid war, and Aceh people are not reconciled to succumb!

Where there is oppression, there will be resistance. When the Southeast Fleet attacked the seaport city of Medan, the local defenders bravely resisted. Of course, the heavy artillery of the battleship completely destroyed Medan, and the artillery of the Southeast Army shot down the Acehnes one after another.

Their urban buildings were not developed, and there was too much open space to fight street fighting. Under the dense bullets, the defenders were wiped out.

Because the invaders did not garrison troops, flashed flashes, and did not enter the jungle, it was difficult for the people of Aceh to take advantage of it.

Under the night, dozens of small boats floated on the water like ducks, carrying hundreds of Acehnese to attack the southeast ship stationed in the far sea.

The Southeast Fleet pays great attention to protecting its fleet. They never berth offshore, or simply sail at night, so that the Acehnesians cannot determine their location. They like this the most. They sail at night, launch an offensive the next day, and then the next day. It is relatively safe to sail to another place at night.

The Southeast Fleet was anchored on a small island in the far sea, and the Acehnese tried to attack them.

The Acehnese tied the oars with cloth and rowed quietly towards the Southeast Fleet.

But when they were a few hundred meters away from the fleet, the Chinese pastoral dog raised on the southeast warship reacted!

The sound of the assailant was so far apart that humans could not hear but dogs could hear it!

Their owner called the police, and the Southeast Army was alarmed. With the sound of the sirens, they immediately rushed to the deck of the ship. The lights were brightly lit. They threw fires that could float on the water to illuminate them, and fired flares with parachutes into the sky!

The parachute was made of silk and was invented by Yan Dashao. It was considered high-tech at the time. It fell slowly. Although the brightness is not bright, it can also help.

Use searchlights!

Make a metal smooth funnel, put the flame at the focal point, and shoot it far away.

Find the target, let the guns go!


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