The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 602: Tell the truth, sell the real thing!

The most attractive part of Sri Lanka is that there are gems everywhere!

   Geographically speaking, Sri Lanka is a small island with a very long history. More than 90% of the rocks on this island come from the Precambrian, and the rock age is old, so there is a basis for the accumulation of gems.

  The happiness here is that 90% of the land has the possibility of gestating gems. You may kick out a gem if you walk along!

   Sri Lankan sapphire occupies an important place in the world gem kingdom. In addition to rich sapphires, there are tourmalines, rubies, cat's eyes, spinels, topazes, garnets, amethysts, moonstones and other precious colored gemstones. In addition to blue sapphires, there are also rose-like pink sapphires, Sri Lanka's unique orange sapphires and so on.

   Originally, the Chinese love jade the most, to what extent? The national character is a simplified character with jade in the frame, which is for the country, which shows the status of jade in the country.

But in recent years, under the influence of the leader, the people of Southeast Mansion are no longer limited to jade, and their interest in colorful gems has increased significantly-the leaders’ wives and concubines wear various gemstone necklaces, gemstone rings, gemstone headgear, etc. Wait, it's very beautiful.

  The leader pretends that he spends all his money on military spending, welfare of the people, and national investment, so that he has no money to buy precious jade for his wife and concubine, so he has to wear some worthless pebbles.

   But Dai Kailai, the leader's wife and concubine, immediately led the fashion. All kinds of gemstones became popular in the Southeast Prefecture, even affecting Daming, and then the small nations such as Wa, North Korea, and Annan were all affected.

   All iron-blooded athletes like Hong Xiguan have to go to Gem Street to get some gems so that they can deal with their wives and concubines after returning home!

   Colombo’s Gem Street is a place where gemstones have been concentrated with the rise of the gem trade in recent years. People selling gems can be seen everywhere in that row of streets.

   There are not many buyers there, but there are all kinds of people, such as Hong Maofan, Chinese, West Asian, Asan, indigenous people and so on.

   The colorful pebbles, mostly unpolished source stones, are piled up on the street stalls, so everyone is dazzled and has no choice.

   At this time, Song Yucheng, a Chinese fellow who led them here, recommended himself: "Sir, come and have a look at my shop!"

   Song Yucheng is a fellow of Tingzhou, Fujian, a veteran of the Southeast Army ten years ago!

   After he retired, he has been working hard in Southeast Asia, without a fixed home, and wandering around. Nearly two years ago, he arrived in Sri Lanka, found business opportunities, and opened a store on Gem Street.

   is rented, the store is not big, a counter, the width of the space inside the counter is half a meter, while the counter is half a meter wide, with precious stones, and the outside of the counter is one meter wide. The sturdy men like Hong Xiguan stuffed it all up.

   Song Yucheng showed the finest sapphires. His sapphires are pure in color, beautiful and pleasing to the eye, with moderate chromaticity. The purple blue is the best. It is the famous cornflower blue, which is very beautiful.

   also showed the golden-green cat's eye, that is, the color-changing cat's eye. With the different light, its color changes, making everyone amazed.

   There is also Ceylonite, which is colorless and has a sparkling color like a diamond!


   Song Yucheng introduced all kinds of gems to everyone and made a big business!

"Sir, the price of your pile of gems is 120 Spanish silver dollars!" Song Yucheng said bluntly, "One hundred silver dollars is the cost price, twenty silver dollars is my profit, and my gems are all Really!"

   "This value!" Hong Xiguan was very satisfied with the pile of gems, heavy and shiny. Among them, a sapphire the size of a pigeon egg was Song Yucheng's treasure of the town, and he bought it for him!

   "Do you accept Nanfangfu banknotes?" someone asked.

   "How can you not receive the leader's money? How can you not listen to the leader's words!" Song Yucheng said quickly and honestly, making the officers very happy and paying the money.

   The officers almost cleared out the gems of Song Yucheng’s store, and even the source stone was swept away. Song Yucheng has been open for five years!

   Even after hundreds of years, the output of gems in Sri Lanka is still very large, and it has not been exported to all parts of the world in large quantities, and the price is quite low.

   The key is that Song Yucheng is very frank about what is good and what is bad. Everyone has a price. Everyone buys inferior goods at a low price. They understand in their hearts that you are very comfortable.

   Knowing that the lives of Chinese outsiders are not easy, Hong Xiguan said: "Get paper and pen!"

   "Wait!" Song Yucheng was pleasantly surprised, and immediately rushed to the Chinese grocery store on the neighboring street to get the best lake pen and rice paper.

   Hong Xiguan soaked the pen with ink, and wrote three large characters on the rice paper "Gems Song!"

   Seeing the strong and powerful handwriting, the people around were full of praise, and Song Yucheng's hand holding the rice paper trembled even more.

   Feeling satisfied, Hong Xiguan took out his personal seal and stamped it.

The Southeast Army has requirements for the "Guoxue" of officers. All officers often have training, both military training and moral education, such as "loyalty, benevolence and filial piety" and "junchun gentleman" in Chinese studies. Used to beat the officers to understand.

   The "Pin, Chess, Calligraphy and Calligraphy" in Chinese National Studies was promoted among military officers, at least as proficient. Official Hong Xi has done a lot of hard work in calligraphy.

   He gave this handwriting to Song Yucheng and said with a serious face: "Leaders teach that you must be honest in life, do not sell fakes in business, do not tell lies, gentlemen love money, and get them in a proper way!"

   "Remember me and you together!"

Song Yucheng took a deep breath and said, "I have listed the general's teaching as a family passed down from generation to generation! The word "General" is my heirloom. If you can't do it, you won't be eligible. Own this character!"

   "Very good!" Official Hong Xi nodded, and filed a complaint with the other officers to leave.

After   , Song Yucheng continued to run the gem trade. He told the truth and sold genuine goods, and achieved great success. He became a famous gem merchant in Sri Lanka and the famous "Gem Song".

   While Hong Xiguan waited for the completion of the task and continued to wander around, they found that the food in Sri Lanka was not very good ---- of course, there was no meat, as for the red hair fan, they can cook?

   It’s a fruit full of fruit. Sri Lanka, which is located at the equator, is born a paradise for tropical fruits. There are so many types of fruits that are countless.

Walking on the streets, you will be attracted by the various shapes and colors of fruits. Fruit stalls can be found everywhere in the streets and alleys, selling exotic and exotic fruits. Even on the country roads, there will be fruit stalls scattered randomly. There is a shop on the ground for those who forage to enjoy.

   In fact, many Sri Lankans who believe in Buddhism even eat less rice and live on fruit!

   The officers ate a lot of fruit and couldn't walk anymore. They were sitting on the roadside stalls with dead bodies.

   At this moment, two sturdy-looking Sri Lankan natives sneaked over, showed a small bag, and asked in blunt Chinese: "Do you want gems?"

   There was a bright spot in the eye, and the officers were shocked. They were all first-class gems!

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