The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 705: Changes in Jiashen (1)

The decadent Daming finally came to its end!

On the first month of the 16th year of Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty (AD 1643), Li Zicheng established a political power in Xiangyang. After breaking the Chengtian (now Zhongxiang, Hubei), he was named "Marshal of Fengtian and Advocating Righteousness", and his brother Luo Rucai (Cao Cao) "fus the people of Tianfu." General Wade".

The plan is based on Jingxiang, Xiangyang is changed to Xiangjing, and Tianfu is changed to Yangwuzhou. In the words of Niu Jinxing, officials were appointed. Li Zicheng has no children, and his brother Li Guo and his wife and brother Gao Yigong live around one after another. With Tian Jianxiu and Liu Zongmin as the power generals, and Li Yan, He Jin (king of Zuo Jin), and Liu Xiyao (king of the change) as the generals. Zhang Nai, Dang Shousu, etc. are the mighty generals, Gu Kecheng, Ren Weirong, etc. are the Guoyi generals, and the twenty-two generals of the Fanwu Battalion. It was also placed in civilian positions such as the chief minister, Zuo Fu, and You Bi, under which there were officials, households, ceremonies, soldiers, criminals, workers and other government officials, and also established local governments such as prefectures and counties.

Don't underestimate this dynasty establishment. It shows that a hostile force is full of power. It is not only a gangster, but an upright regime, which has a great impact on the existing orthodox regime!

The so-called day without two days, when the northern captives established political power in the Northeast, the Ming emperor and his officials were collectively eclipsed and shocked for this reason!

In March of that year, the bandits internally merged. Li Zicheng killed Luo Rucai, then sought and killed Lin Yangcheng (the king of chaos), and seized the horse Shouying (Laohuihui) soldiers. Ma Shouying switched to Zhang Xianzhong, plus the previous homicides and those who died in the hands of the officers and soldiers. So far, the original thirteen anti-thieves only existed by Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong. They ordered the unity and their strength greatly increased.

In May, Zhang Xianzhong became the king of the West, broke Hanyang and Wuchang, bound Chu Wang Zhu Huakui, and sank into the river. Killed all the Chu clan and was called the King of the West. Wuchang was changed to Tianshou Mansion, and officials were appointed to recruit scholars. Fat Chu Di Jin reliefs the hungry people. Twenty-one states and counties including Qi and Huang were all attached, and another anti-thief regime was established.

The Great Ming disaster did not come singly. Since February, there has been a great epidemic in Beijing and countless people have died.

It's bad luck to say that if there is any drought or flood, as long as the people are alive, they can go to the Southeast Mansion, or the Southeast Mansion can directly transport food to buy people and go.

But when the epidemic broke out, the people in the Southeast Mansion ran away quickly, everyone died, and Daming was really in trouble.

"The death of the court, the death of Ming!"

The last famous general of Ming Dynasty, Sun Chuanting, could not hold back the anxious emperor Chongzhen urged in Tongguan. He brought untrained recruits to fight, but was defeated by Li Zicheng, and Sun Chuanting committed suicide and died.

Since then, Li Zicheng has no opponents anymore.

As the biggest opponent of the Ming Dynasty, Li Zicheng had been on the verge of death several times. At the worst, his army was lost and he had only 18 riders around him.

But all let him escape, and finally counterattack.

The overall situation of the suppression of the thief at the end of the Ming Dynasty or the fight against the Jurchen outside the Guan, also had excellent opportunities and dawn, but for various reasons, some were the leapfrog command of the Emperor Chongzhen, or the sudden delay and the appearance of moths. failure.

Now, Li Zicheng is dead!

In October, Li Zicheng broke Xi'an and changed his name to Chang'an, named Xijing.

In November, Li Zicheng broke Yan'an and changed it to Tianbaofu, and then went down to the Weibei lands, reaching Yulin in the north and Longyou in the west (west of Longshan).

In December, forwards were sent east to Shanxi and west to break Ganzhou (now Zhangye, Gansu).

Li Zicheng controlled Daming to death step by step, and had no opponents wherever he went.

When a piece of bad news came to Beijing one after another, a good news suddenly came from the northern captives: Huang Taiji was dead.

Emperor Huang Taiji of the Qing Dynasty died violently, and Zi Fulin took the throne as Emperor Shizongzhang. The government was assisted by Prince Rui, Prince Dorgon and Prince Zheng Jierhalang, and the next year was the first year of Shunzhi.

This is a piece of late good news. Daming has always struggled with fighting on both sides, and the northern captives are the masters of the country, and they just freed up their hands to deal with the robbers.

However, all the generals that Daming could fight were dead, and all the soldiers who could fight were gone.

Daming ushered in the seventeenth year of Chongzhen in a bleak wind and cold rain, which is the Jiashen year of the lunar calendar, and the Jiashen change is coming soon!

Li Zicheng established the Dashun regime and said that the eighteen sons are the master of the magical weapon, and he clearly stated that he would sit in the Dragon Court! On the third day of the junior high school, Li Zicheng founded the country in Xi'an, with the national name Dashun, Jianyuan Yongchang, and changed Xi'an to Chang'an, called Xijing. Appoint heroes, appoint officials, define the military system, keep prices flat, open new courses and recruit talents, and tell far and near.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, Li Zicheng's millions of troops (known as) set off from Xi'an, crossed the Yellow River east, divided into two groups, and went straight to Beijing!

In February, Li Zicheng occupied Taiyuan. After Li Zicheng led the Dashun army to fall into Fenzhou (now Fenyang, Shanxi), he captured Taiyuan on the eighth day of the month and became the king of the Jin Dynasty, Zhu Qiugui. Look for the Shangdang (now Changzhi, Shanxi), Zhangde (now Anyang, Henan), break the Guguan, and Zhending (now Zhengding, Hebei), and the volunteers will attack Guinan.

On the 16th, Taiyuan fell, and reports of defeats were frequent. The Beijing Normal University was shaken!

People are in panic, saying that Daming Qi is exhausted, Daming pills.

Emperor Chongzhen was heartbroken, and complained to the ministers: "Why don't you know how to share the worry for me!"

There are still loyal ministers, Zuo Zhongyun and Li Mingrui said: "The thief is arrogant and arrogant, and is approaching the capital of the capital. At this time of crisis and survival, only moving the capital to Nanjing can solve the current emergency, and then try to conquer the merits!"

This is a good strategy. I think that Song Gaozong and Zhao Gou fled all the way in a hurry to escape for his life. I don’t know how many times he moved. Songzhou, Yangzhou, Jiankang, Yuezhou, Hangzhou, etc. were all the places he stayed in, and finally settled in Hangzhou , Very embarrassed.

The situation of Emperor Chongzhen was much better than that of Zhao Gou. Although the North and the Central Plains were bad, the south of the Huaihe River was intact, the place was vast, the regime was stable, and there was a complete set of backup administrative teams.

In fact, in June of last year, Empress Zhou mentioned the proposal to move the capital. She "emergency" and tried to test her husband: "There is still a home in the south of Wunan!" This refers to Nanjing, the accompanying capital.

But the relocation was such a big event that Zhou Yanru, the auxiliary minister, was imprisoned for raising the capital, and then he was gone.

Now that Li Mingrui mentioned the old things again, the Emperor Chongzhen summoned his officials to discuss the transfer of the capital. Unexpectedly, there were very few approvers, but he opposed the transfer of the capital.

The ministers have learned lessons!

In the past, there was a Tumu Fortress change in The emperor was captured and Beijing was besieged. Didn’t someone once proposed and supported the move to the capital?

The names of those people have been firmly nailed to the shameful monument of history, and Yu Qian, who opposed moving the capital, is named in history!

Who would dare to move the capital?

The key is that everyone has seen through the emperor Chongzhen's personality. After the capital is moved, he will talk about the proposal of moving the capital. The emperor will say: "It is not that I want to move the capital, but the ministers are afraid of death and force me to move the capital!"

Yes, whoever dares to move the capital is looking for death on his own. The emperor does not bear it, he is not authentic, and we can't take him out of the fire!

Moreover, the ministers still have such a gloomy mentality. Even if Li Zicheng really overthrew the Ming Dynasty and changed the dynasty, can their mud legs rule the world?

We have to rely on professionals like us to govern the world. We are just changing the court and the master.

As a result, cabinet scholars Chen Yan and Wei Zaode closed their mouths when the emperor repeatedly signaled, while their party members, Bingke Zhishi Zhongguang Shiheng jumped out and resolutely opposed moving the capital. He impassionedly said: "The emperor guards the gate of the country. Family law, this Li Mingrui's proposal to move the capital violates the ancestral system and disturbs people's hearts. Not killing is not enough to conquer the world!"

All the people said, the ministers said in the same way: "The ministers seconded!"

Chongzhen had to say: "The ancestors have worked hard and set the trip here. If the thief comes and I go alone, how can I be worthy of the ancestral temple and the millions of living beings? Even if things cannot be done, the monarch will die. It is righteousness, I will never move south!"

In order to show his determination, Li Mingrui was beheaded to show the public by taking advantage of Li Mingrui's head!

Since then, no one dares to mention the move of the capital.

Li Mingrui went to death generously, without fear, only sighed: "I am not Lu Zijing, and my majesty is not Sun Zhongmou, and there is no Zhou Gongjin!" u More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy