The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 817: No need to mention old things

The Tatars of Ning Yuanjin, the defense line of the Ming army, became active. They were particularly energetic when they invaded the Ming city.

If it is said that fighting blocking is taking venting medicine-expending energy, horsepower and resources, then siege is taking tonics, getting gold and silver and supplies, and the delicate and delicious little girl skin!

Hearing that there are quite a few female soldiers in the army, hehe!

Ai Songgu is so experienced that he first sent three hundred horses and divided them into three teams to harass along the front line of Ningyuan Jin. They shouted under Jinzhou City and shot arrows at the edge of Ningyuan City, creating the illusion that Tatars were everywhere. Lead seven hundred riders and attack Matsuyama!

Songshan was chosen because Songshan is located on the edge of the main road. Compared with Ning Yuanjin’s defense, Songshan had to let the former Ming army have an unforgettable failure: in the 14th year of Chongzhen, Mingmos Liao governor Hong Chengchou led the Ming eight generals and led the elite. 130,000, Ma Siwan, and Huang Taiji fought in the Jinzhou area of ​​Songshan. They were defeated. Hong Chengchou fled to Songshan and the city was broken and captured.

The Xinming Army went out, Songshan rejoined the territory of the Ming Dynasty, Ai Songgu wanted to attack Songshan again, he, slaughtered the city, killed the Guangming people, let the Ming people once again in Songshan, raise my prestige!

The plan was very good, but it was too late. After the Tatars swaggered through Jinzhou, the five hundred cavalrymen of the Ming Jinzhou garrison left the city to invite battle!

Seeing that there were only five hundred cavalry in the Ming army, Ai Songgu was furious!

In the past, the Tatars surpassed a thousand with one ride, and 300 riders dared to attack the Ming army with tens of thousands of people! For example, during the First World War in Shenyang, Huang Taiji, the puppet emperor, led three thousand cavalrymen into the Ming Dynasty reinforcement formation of 20,000 men.

There are only five hundred men in the Ming army now. Looking at the cavalry of the Ming army, the kind of horses that can't even run in a straight line, dare you to pick more Tatar cavalry than them, and be brave? Impatient to live!

Ai Songgu Chuli was angry and determined to kill this Ming army cavalry.

"Children, destroy the Ming army, let's go to Songshan for dinner again!" Ai Songgu said.

Alxa, the deputy governor who was walking with him, was equally proud and said to Ai Songgu: "My lord, the Ming army dare to underestimate our army, and the adults will leave two hundred cavalry for me, and I will deal with this Ming army cavalry!"

Alxa is inlaid with red flags, has a sturdy physique like a bull, and is rude and militant by nature. He has participated in the Songjin battle and fought Li Zicheng after entering the customs. Later, he was assigned back to his hometown for concealing the seized property, but escaped.

The result turned upside down. Ai Songgu was more interested in dealing with the Ming cavalry. He led five hundred cavalry to stay to fight the Ming cavalry, and divided two hundred cavalry to Posongshan!

According to the Tatar reconnaissance, Songshan's garrison was guarded by 1,000 men, divided into four gates. On one side, two hundred and five and two hundred cavalry rushed into the city to disperse them.

Alxa is full of confidence in this.

Ai Songgu is also very confident.

According to them, the Xinming Army was so powerful with its military array firearms. If they had no military array, it would have been slaughtered by the Tatars.

What are your thoughts?

Haven't tried it, now decide to try!

So Alxa led his army and rushed to Songshan, while Ai Songgu rushed to fight the Ming cavalry.

That Alxa is thick and thin, and when you head to Songshan, you will kill all the people to avoid leaking the wind.

He did not attack the city during the day, but rested that night, lying in a woods west of Songshan City.

Early the next morning, when the gate of Songshan City opened, he brazenly entered.

I have to say that by surprise, the Tatars caught Matsuyama City by surprise!

They loosened their cloaks, wore cyan arrow clothing, and showed the full-faced man with shaved foreheads. The black braids were tossed and slashed as they ran, slashing with their knives, yelling, "Here is the Qing soldiers!"

"Da Zi is here!" An exclamation made the whole city boil!

Alxa is looking forward to the cowardly people vying to escape and chaos into a pot of porridge, satisfying his abnormal psychology.

It’s really strange to say that they can fight like Li Zicheng’s "Dashun Army" and kill people like Zhang Xianzhong’s "Great Western Army". All the souls of the dead are gone, and they collapsed immediately, and there is no one who dares to resist.

I can't imagine the power of the Qing soldiers to achieve this deterrent effect. Could it be that kind of shaved braids? !

They chose a good time. Today, the Songshan garrison concentrated on the parade in the north of the city, and they entered the city from the west gate. The west gate was followed by a lively street (in fact, there were few lively streets in the ancient city) where people were selling breakfast. , Ready to sell vegetables or something, and there are a lot of people who get up early, eating breakfast and buying vegetables.

Alxa was over-excited, but he didn't notice that the Ming people were generally strong, and there were many people carrying muskets.

These people are the people in the customs who have entered the Songshan village. After they arrived in Songshan, they divided the fields and immediately started to work. The fields are arranged here, and the government over there pays them to work (the people who leave the customs do not need to perform corvee) to do municipal work. Construction, a small number of people, a lot of work, very busy, plus no entertainment at night to go to bed early, so everyone gets up early.

When they heard the "Daqing Soldiers Arrived", they were first stunned, and then they saw the Tatars rushing into the city and realized that this was not a joke!

Amidst various noises, people in roadside shops took out muskets from the shops, while people with guns reloaded the muskets, those without guns ran home, and some people flexibly climbed into the room.

When Alxa rushed into Songshan City, he and his troops were in great trouble.

They hacked to death the Mingren who could not escape, and the horse trampling flew some unlucky Mingren, but more often the Tatars had their guns.

Passing by a shop, there was a big fire and a loud noise from the It was a double-tube sprayer, hitting a war horse, and the poor animal hissed wildly. The master slammed onto the side wall, and the huge momentum caused the Tatar to knock out a big humanoid hole in the wall!

The dust is everywhere, and the end is amazing.

This was an unprecedented scene of chaos. The Tatars marched on the street, while the people in the shops opened fire. There were also people on the roofs firing at the Tatars, and there were also people gathering in the alleys. The Tatars opened fire.

Fearless, **** violent!

The propaganda is very popular. The people know that if you don't resist, you will die. If you surrender and become a traitor, your fate will be even worse!

Okay, let's hit it.

If you don’t die, you’re going to die. Killing one is enough, but killing two will make a profit!

Alxa was shocked and now gunshots were heard everywhere. Yes, it was the militia who resisted them and plunged them into the ocean of People's War!

There is no need to mention the old things, and the things that can be expected to capture a city with a shout will not regenerate.

The Tatars are in an embarrassing situation. Due to resistance, they dare not dismount, so they cannot pose a threat to the bright people in the shops, on the roofs and in the alleys. They are very big targets right away.

Ming Ren shot them and threw bombs, hitting them all on their backs, regretting it.

"Flute, big, big flute..." The horn sounded, and the garrison in the city was dispatched!


About the end of the morning, Ai Songgu's cavalry arrived at Songshan. Seeing their unlucky expressions, it was obvious that they did not take advantage of the battle with the Jinzhou Ming cavalry.

What shocked Ai Songgu even more was the bunch of human heads hanging in the wooden cage on the city, and the ugly pigtail braids were the vanguard of the attack on Songshan.

No one greeted Ai Songgu, their entire army was wiped out!


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