The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 826: The brave and unyielding Tatars

The Tatars on the front of the city looked at the Ming troops holding their heads in public with grief and indignation.

The Ming army chopped off the heads of important Tatar people and stuck them on wooden poles to show off under the city.

The attack by the Tatar cavalry outside the city against the Ming army ended in failure. Mandahai, Wakda, and Hilgen all died in battle. No one surrendered, and no one escaped.

Tragic! heroic!

The legs of the deceased are quite rested, but the distress faced by the living is even greater.

There are strong enemies outside, no reinforcements!

For what? !

They saw the battle just now, but they couldn't send troops. The Ming army's infantry launched a siege war and contained the defenders in the city.

At the same time, the Mongolian cavalry and the Ming army cavalry were also waiting for them. If the Tatars rushed out the cavalry, they would have no return.

The Ming army outside the city raised their heads and called for surrender loudly: "You have no reinforcements, surrender quickly!"

"Mr. Gan Huigan, the former chief commander of the Ming army, has invited the prince of the Qing Dynasty to have a dialogue!" A Ming army officer Ce Ma approached and shouted to the head of Shengjing.

After a while, Shuo Sai in the city and Gan Hui in the city were separated by less than 30 meters for a peak conversation.

Gan Hui was very bold and approached the city. Of course, he was also prepared. Behind him were densely packed shield soldiers, and the shotguns on the hills were ready to fire.

"Master Shuosai, hello!" Gan Hui said politely.

"Mandarin Governor Gan, hello!" Shuo Sai can speak Chinese, directly in Chinese, wearing a blindfold and becoming a cyclops.

"You played tenaciously, worthy of our admiration!" Gan Hui said.

"But you have also seen that your reinforcements are over, and you have no more reinforcements!" Gan Hui said loudly: "Before, your court was wiped out by our army in Beijing, and the army in the pass was also annihilated. You have already paid. At a heavy price, we think we can give you a way out!"

The city was silent, listening to the high-ranking Da Ming official coming to talk loudly: "Before our army leaves the customs, I have received three instructions from our leader. When appropriate, I can forgive you!"

"1. It was said that those who reach eighths will not forgive death sins, and the rest can forgive death sins. Now it can be said that all people, regardless of their background, will forgive death sins and be exiled to Southeast Asia.

"After two or fifteen years, if you perform well, you can be pardoned and returned to China and become an official citizen of Daming!"

"Three, for all of you three great sweats (old wild boar skin, Huang Taiji, and imperial emperor Shunzhi) are buried as kings, you can stay in the mausoleum!"

Gan Hui spread his hands and said impassionedly: "The leader said that peace in the world is his heartfelt wish! It's time to end this war and let the earth return to peace, and everyone can enjoy peace and happiness!"

It was the first time that most people in the Ming army lined up behind him heard the leader’s instructions. They all said that the leader was lenient, which is worthy of Mazu’s faithfulness. The Tatars had committed such a serious crime and were pardoned and went big. Shipped.

When Yan Changwu was still in Beijing, he made these three instructions. Qi Biaojia in the camp objected, but Yan Changwu persuaded him.

He believes that the end of the Tatars is approaching, and at this time they can be forgiving to show the forgiveness of the new dynasty. How many people can this be forgiven?

If the Tatars cannot do this while the main force is still alive, it would be to let the tiger go back to the mountain and be irresponsible to oneself. The military affairs are a trifling matter. After all, those nobles who earn eight points have a lot of energy.

In addition, Chinese culture emphasizes confinement of three and one problem, recruiting enemies who have no way out, and reducing military casualties. After all, our army is a benevolent and righteous division.

Hey, exiled to Southeast Asia, taught them to be Han people in minutes, and many Tatars went to Southeast Asia and couldn't return to the mainland!

As for the courtesy of the three dead imperial emperors, it is just an attitude. After all, the former Ming Daxing emperor Chongzhen hung a crooked neck tree. After the Tatars entered the capital, they also sent people to cry, sacrifice and bury them. Therefore, they will do the show, we will not do the show?

When the Tatars have been disarmed, give the dead a little courtesy and comfort the living.

Moreover, giving a way out to the Tatars is a major event of far-reaching importance. It is a good thing that the Tatars of Shengjing are willing to surrender!

Qi Biaojia nodded repeatedly, very pleased: "For such a cunning leader, Daming is fortunate!"

After Gan Hui gave out Yan Changwu's three instructions, Shuo Sai laughed loudly and said, "What a Ming country! What a magnanimous leader!"

He asked the surrounding Tatars: "The Ming people say that all those who surrender will forgive the death penalty, will you surrender or not?"

"Never surrender!" The Tatar said decisively!

"Have you heard, we will never surrender!" Shuo Sai waved his hand: "We will never insult the glory of Xian Khan. There are Qing subjects who died in battle and those who did not surrender!"

Until now, such a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred, it is shameful to surrender. If you surrender, what face will you have to see Xian Khan and colleagues under Jiuquan?

There is only one road to Huashan, resistance to the end!

You people, say that our Tatars are barbarians, aliens, Tatars, barbarians, and Sao slaves, but even if we die, we must let the world know that there is an unyielding Tatar Shengjing, not the former Ming. Beijing that does not resist!

This is what Yan Changwu really worries about: if the Tatars never surrender, they will be written down in history books, making Qian Ming and Chongzhen emperors deeply laughed at and becoming a shame to the Han dynasty!

The problem is, we are also the people of Daming!

Yan Changwu didn't want to let the history of the Tatars leave a name, which would destroy the glorious image of our Ming Dynasty and even the Han people.

Don't be afraid of difference, but be afraid of comparison.

The weird Emperor of Ming Dynasty, who is known to be full of sages and sages, talks about the crimes of loyalty to the emperor, patriotism, justice and morality. The Donglin Party is damned to death, and the army is greedy for life and fear of death and helpless ~ Not even the Tatars, they Shame, it made labor and management lose face.

If the Tatars surrendered in Shengjing, it would be better, but if the water was mixed up, it would be bad, the eldest brother Mo laughed the second brother.

Shuo Sai rejected Gan Hui's kindness!

Gan Hui sighed secretly, tried his best and threatened: "If you don't descend, the jade and stone will be burned on the day the city is broken!"

"No need to talk nonsense, come as you want, and we will accompany you to the end!" Shuo Sai said boldly.

Gan Hui let out a long breath: "When the two armies are fighting, it is the virtue of the general to not cut off the troops, not hurt the innocent people, and not kill the prisoners!"

"There are a large number of Liao people in your city. You say they are your people, but in fact they are Han people! Hing, the people suffer, die, and the people suffer." Gan Hui said, "If allowed, Gan will ask the prince to be kind De, let them out of the city and give them a way out."

Shuo Sai was indecisive, and Tun Qi said next to him: "Never, if you let them out of the city, it will weaken our army's defense strength and reduce their casualties. This is their strategy of killing two birds with one stone!"

He looked at Gan Hui not far below the city, and said cruelly: "The prince does not need to talk nonsense with them, that is, shoot him with a bow and arrow! If he can be killed, his army will be chaotic!"

"No!" Shuo Sai waved his hand to disagree with Tun Qi's opinion, and said to the city: "Okay, this king can let the people who are willing to go out of the city out of the city!"

"Great, Gan is very grateful!" Gan Hui said with pleasure and puns: "Liao people are the citizens of Daming when they leave the city!"

"Let them out of the city tomorrow!" Shuo Sai said.

"Thanks! Go!" Gan Hui led the team to retreat, but the Ming army did not attack the city that day.


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