The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 837: Add 9 tin (2)

At this time, Yan Changwu pretended to say "Never!"

The trick of three resignations and three compromises is indispensable, which means that I am not what I want, but what everyone forced me to want!

Fortunately, his convulsions are rare. For example, the Emperor Chongzhen of Daxing has played off. He clearly wants what he wants, but he doesn't say what he wants. After saying it, once something happens, he will push the matter and propose it. The minister bears the hardships and has not taken care of it!

At the beginning, I wanted to negotiate a peace with Huang Taiji, and Chen Xinjia, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, was in charge. The matter was revealed, Chongzhen turned his face and refused to admit it, and Chen Xinjia was imprisoned and died.

Later, when Li Zicheng approached Beijing, Chongzhen wanted to move the capital and asked the ministers. This time, the ministers were all good at it. They did not propose to move the capital. They also asked to cut off the people who proposed to move the capital. Chongzhen was hung up on the crooked neck tree.

However, Wang Yan from the southeast is brave enough to take the responsibility. He signed his own name without hesitation in publishing the policy. If he made a mistake, he would recognize it and change it!

He endorsed the ministers, so the ministers dared to speak out and perform their tasks.

Let’s say that Yan Changwu received the Nine Tins, and his celebration was handled together with the celebration of the Great Northern Expedition. In and outside Nanjing, the ceremony was grand and joyous!

Since Zijin Mountain is a king, a new palace was built in Zijin Mountain. When the new palace was completed, his wife Yiyang Princess was sitting there. From then on, Nanjing's political and economic center moved to the Zijin Mountain area and developed rapidly.

Yan Changwu gave a great reward to the Northern Expeditionary generals, Gan Hui was great, and he was awarded the title of Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and he was awarded the title of first-class man!

There was room when he was conferred the title of Lord of the State. Gan Hui was the third-class father, but now he is the first-class father, and he is the fastest rising nobleman.

The other generals, such as Zu Dashou, He Kegang, Liu Zeqing, Yan Dian, and Chen Qiao also gave a reward. Naturally, everyone was very happy.

Yan Changwu has always been generous. He gave a lot of positions, ranks, titles, money, and fields, far better than the Chongzhen dynasty. The reason for this is that economic development is his specialty, and his finances are rich and affordable.

This is not, just three days after adding nine tins, he recruited cabinet members Yao Minggong, Ma Shiying, Ruan Dacheng, Yang Chengxin and Du Yinxi to discuss the work together, "The war is over, the national center work focuses on economic construction, and actively develops the population! "

"The development of the South is normal. We don’t need to intervene more. The North has to recuperate and give priority to the development of agriculture. This year is about to pass. Next year, all areas north of the Yangtze River will be exempted from agricultural tax, and only half will be collected in the next two years. Collect taxes normally!" Yan Changwu said unquestionably, and the ministers nodded unanimously.

This is an old-fashioned move. There is no agricultural instability. Everyone can live and work in peace and contentment and make further development.

"For agriculture-related industries, such as seeds, fertilizers, cattle, etc., all taxes will be reduced, and the slack must be used to do a good job in farmland water conservancy!" Yan Changwu is seasoned and authentic.

"According to local conditions, actively develop industry and promote commodity circulation!"

"Focus on people's livelihood, develop population, and increase employment rate. People who die of freezing and starvation are not allowed in Daming. This is the responsibility of the imperial court and local officials and cannot be shirk!"

Yan Changwu continuously issued instructions to set major policies. Officials had to formulate detailed strategies and ensure implementation.

Then he dispatched manpower to "after the beginning of spring, hurry up in spring ploughing, and invite Mr. Yang (Chengxin) to inspect southern affairs, Mr. Duge (Yinxi) inspect northern affairs, and Mr. Ma (Shiying) and his king went to the southeast mansion. ."

In this case, only Yao Minggong and Ruan Dacheng had to be staffed in the cabinet, and Yan Changwu sent additional staff. Qian Qianyi was the candidate.

Qian Qianyi joined the cabinet and was in charge of ritual and music education and people's livelihood. Ruan Dacheng was the political and legal expert, and Yao Minggong was in charge of the four departments of soldiers, households, and workers.

At the time, Qian Qianyi was a man, but I have to say that he made it!


In Shenyang, Gan Hui did the finishing touch. He copied the Tatar's surrender text and sent people to the remnant site of the Tatars, accompanied by the Tatars of Feala Mountain City, to let everyone know that the war was over.

The main areas are located to the east and north of Shenyang. The times have changed. The Tatars in those areas do not need to be exiled, but there are not many people, and the number of points is less than 5,000. They can't make waves at all, and they surrendered smoothly. Gan Hui accepts.

So far, the territory outside the Daming Pass has been restored, and the Chahar area has been acquired. Not only has it not been reduced, it has expanded.

After receiving the instructions and rewards from the imperial court for the ratification of the treaty from 400 miles, the people of Gan Hui naturally celebrated with each other.

As for the mountain city of Feala, the Tatars were all depressed after receiving the reply from the court.

Once upon a time, they had a glorious moment, traveled across the world, and the Ming people had their hands on their hands. They regarded the North of Ming Dynasty as their own, coming and going as they wanted, and the scenery was extremely beautiful.

To put it bluntly, what is missing in the Tatar's house, just go to the Ming's house to get it!

Now I am surrendered to Daming. According to the agreement, I have only a hundred miles of territory, and it is a remote country. If you leave the country, you can be dressed as a man, otherwise you will be arrested!

The original majestic sweating position became the first-class Jianwei Duke. Although imitated the precedent of Hanshan Yanggong (that is, the situation after Han Xiandi's renunciation), the contrast between the front and the back is strong!

The documents of the court were announced, and the sixth son of Hauge secured the title of first-class duke.

After the happiness of escaping their lives dissipated, they complained deeply about Sony, who led the peace talks, especially when they heard that Daming gave Sony a marquee as a third-class Heshunhou, hereditary, and his deputy Ai Songgu was named The third-class Anxiang uncle is also hereditary.

They sold Daqing a good price, so Sony's house was stoned by angry Tatars!

For the Qing people’s complaints, Sony knew well that he refused to accept the imperial edict, and refused to accept the court’s reward, saying, “Although I have saved the lives of the people of the tribe, I am ashamed of the Qing Dynasty and have no face to see profuse sweat. How can you be judged!"

Repeated persuasion by the envoy of the Ming Dynasty Zhang Jiayu was also invalid, Sony refused to accept the title.

He didn't accept it, and Ai Songgu didn't dare to accept it. Therefore, the Manchus only accepted the job arrangement of the small court of Feala Mountain City, and no one accepted the award of the Ming Dynasty-except for the first-class Jianwei Gong granted by the Ming Dynasty.

Sony brought Guarja Turai to discuss with him.

Guarja Turai, the seventh son of Fei Yingdong, the founding father of the Qing Dynasty, a general in the early Qing Dynasty, was a man from Manchuria. Taizong repeatedly attacked Mingningyuan and various places within the Great Wall from the army. In 1634, he was promoted to Ba Yala (that is, the guardian) Zhu Zhangjing. In 1644, he led his army to defeat the Tang Tongbu of the peasant army in a piece of stone, and then defeated the peasant army Yuwangdu in Shanhaiguan, and entered the customs. Grant third-class public. From Duoduo, he suppressed the Li Zicheng uprising army and captured Tongguan. Later, due to abnormal changes in North Korea, he returned to guard outside the pass and escaped the calamity inside the pass.

Turai didn't catch a cold with Sony, but Sony's words aroused his attention, "Ming ambassador Zhang Jiayu once told me that although Jianwei is the world's post, the gentleman's zeal has been exhausted three times."

Sony told him that Turai was furious, "Does the Ming people dare to say that words don't count?"

"No, what the Mingren said counts. You didn't hear clearly. I'm talking about the zeal of the gentleman, which is exhausted three times. The normal saying is that the zeal of the gentleman is exhausted for three generations." Sony explained, "This'time' refers to rebellion. , If you rebel three times, you will definitely get rid of the world position!"

"The world position can be retained there is a gold medal for exemption, but treason is not included!" Sony said.

"So what?!" Tulai said proudly.

"I know you are one of the masterminds preparing to rebel!" Sony said softly.

Immediately Tulai froze, he was indeed connecting people, only when the time was right, he would rebel and reappear the glory of the Qing Dynasty.

Sony didn't say much, only preaching, "Rebellion really depends on the timing. As long as the Southeast King is alive, no one will succeed. Do it yourself!"

Waved to let Tulai go out.

After Turai went back, he said to everyone that everyone disapproved of them and said, "Sony, a courageless ghost, completely scared Mingren. Let's ignore him and continue to do ours!"

At the time Turai thought so too, but he received the news the next day, which made him feel like a blow.

Sony is dead, committed suicide by taking poison, and admonishes the people!
