The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 844: Burn my calories

Thanks to Hong Maofan’s silver for providing us with a battleship to fight them! (This is where they get angry)

Yan Changwu, the boss of the Southeast Palace, has almost no bad hobbies. He did not rule the palace, did not use military weapons, and soaked up some beauties. He was at the level of "class", ten, and other powerful people, at the level of "platoon", and his family had dozens of beauties. Even the "Lian" level brought out hundreds of beauties. Compared with them, Yan Changwu is really a hillbilly!

Regarding the huge amount of silver collected, it is mainly used in three aspects: army building, public welfare and infrastructure investment. The result of long-term investment is that "I will never forget it, there must be a response!"

The strength of the Southeast Force fleet is exploding!

The "Southeast Asia Class" three-tier battleship is equipped with 30 32-pounder guns, 30 24-pounder guns, 16 9-pounder guns, and 76 artillery pieces. 18 of them have entered service!

The "Nanhai-class" three-tier battleship is equipped with 26 24-pounders, 26 18-pounders, 6 12-pounders, and 12 6-pounders, for a total of 70 artillery, 48 at present!

There are also 4 "Southeast Class" as training ships, equipped with 50 artillery, including 24 pound guns/24 guns, 18 pound guns/20 guns, 12 pound guns/6 guns, as training ships.

In addition, four five-tier cruise ships, "North Harbor Class", equipped with 44 guns, 12 pounds/20 doors, 6 pounds/20 doors, and 1 pound/4 doors, also served as training ships.

There are 18 "Tainan Class" five-tier cruise ships (38 guns, 18 pounds/26 doors, 12 pounds/12 doors);

There are 62 "Kaohsiung I-Class" six-tier cruise ships (28 guns, 12-pound/18 guns, 6-pound/10 guns);

There are 76 "Kaohsiung Class II" six-class cruise ships (28 guns, 18 pounds/6 doors, 12 pounds/12 doors, 6 pounds/10 doors).

In this way, the number of combat warships in the southeast government reached an astonishing 218, but there were 18 "Nanhai-class" three-tier battleships and 48 "Kaohsiung I-class" six-tier cruise ships stationed in the port on the side of Daming, and the warships left in Southeast Asia. The number is 152 ships.

The 48 most powerful battleships and 18 fifth-tier cruise ships are divided into two halves, and half are stationed on the island of Java, called the "First Fleet", directly under the jurisdiction of the naval headquarters, mainly to protect the most prosperous island of Java, and the home port is the rising sun. The other half of the port is called the "Second Fleet". Its home port is on Belitung Island, not far from the Rising Sun Port.

Southeast Asia is indeed too big, and Yan Dashao is dissatisfied with the hundreds of warships put down.

His fleet is already dominating in Asia, and it is possible to break the wrist with the European powers, but there is a serious plot of "there will always be the people who want to harm me". He always thinks that he has not enough warships and the artillery is not strong enough. When he had the money, he continued to build the "Southeast Asia-class" Tier 3 battleship and the "Kaohsiung II Tier" 6-tier cruise ship. The number of the two tiers of battleships increased at the rate of 8 and 16 each year.

This is still the normal speed. After the speed increase, the result is doubled. Now the Southeast Mansion is rapidly building ships, and there are many berths along the coast of Java. In addition to warships, a large number of merchant ships, passenger ships, yachts, fishing boats, etc. are also built. The nation’s favorite is life on the sea. The ocean provides them with unlimited resources and treasures. There are many kinds of ships built. After the scale is up, the warships are also built well, with low cost and high quality. This is what I am crazy about infrastructure in Greater China. The true nature of the devil is unmatched and unstoppable!


Belitung Island, Dancheng Port, the station of the Second Fleet Headquarters of the Southeastern Navy.

Belitung Island has an important position. It is located between the South China Sea and the Java Sea, and in the middle of the Malay Peninsula, Kalimantan Island, Sumatra Island and Java Island. From here, it is easy to reach the big islands and can also be controlled. The Strait of Malacca, so the Second Fleet is stationed here.

It covers an area of ​​5,000 square kilometers and has a population of about 50,000 (non-garrison). Don’t underestimate this 50,000 population. For the vast Southeast Asia, the population density of Belitung Island is very large!

The main reason was that the garrison brought a population, and then found that the qualifications of the place were fairly good, so the population was larger.

There are many coral reefs on the seashore, the beaches and shallow seascapes are fascinating, but the actual Chinese are at best lazy, they are busy making money.

There is a big tin mine here!

There is a large reserve. The Chinese refine tin, make utensils and important wrapping paper. People in Southeast Province like to use tin foil to make wrapping paper, packaging those biscuits, toffee, beef jerky, cigarettes, etc. The sales volume is very large.

Agricultural pepper is a valuable commodity, but the output is not large. Sea cucumbers are produced along the coast and income is also acceptable.

The key is that there is a garrison of tens of thousands of people. In fact, the people on the island mainly serve them, and the rest are side jobs. They help the garrison with infrastructure construction, logistics services, and the vegetable basket project, and they raise dairy cows, poultry, and pigs. Cattle and sheep, they have achieved great success.

Well, the incoming Second Fleet Commander Hong Xi was horrified to find that the food here was terribly good, and he could open his belly and drink milk for breakfast every day. With the sumptuous seafood feast and solid meat, he was one of them. He weighed five catties in the month, and when he was young, he showed a tendency to double chin, which scared him to increase his exercise and diet!

He complained to Deputy Commander Cheng Yu, "Isn't this harmful? The daily milk quota is two catties (commander treatment), and you can use it as water and eat seafood and barbecue every day!"

After the chef cooked the thick-armed sea cucumber, he lied to them that there was nothing fat in it to eat as much as they wanted. As a result, people got fatter after eating!

"The food here is really good, even better than the one in Rising Sun Harbor!" said "half-man" Cheng Yu. He partnered with official Hong Xi. With Cheng Yu's qualifications, it is not a problem to be the commander of the fleet, but unfortunately he can't get on board. On the countertop, he didn't want to see too many other people's colored eyes, so he simply went to Belitung Island to take up a post. In this way, he only cares about business, not like the First Fleet of Rising Sun Port.

Cheng Yu has participated in many great sea battles. During the battle, he was blind, lost a hand and limped on one leg. He was a "half man", but his naval business level was very strong and Yan Changwu had made the best use of it. He was still reused, so the people who defamed him said that Yan Changwu's military tactics gave Wu even the disabled to be caught on the battlefield, and the elementary school students also had to carry guns higher than them for military training...

Cheng Yu was able to fight, militant, and did not fight for power, so Hong Xiguan respected him very much and got along well with him.

After dinner, the two of them were walking on the coastal promenade outside the Fleet Headquarters for food. The sea breeze seats, the shadows of the trees, the shadows of the sails on the sea, and there is a fat cow on the grassland in the distance, which is for them to eat. The group of milk, so Hong Xiguan shook his head and said, "The food is so good, it's too much!"

The chef who cooks their food has won awards in the military kitchen. He has tried his best to do his best. The food is not very good every day. There are too many people in the headquarters to eat fat. The official Hong Xi issued an order to reduce weight, which is linked to the salary. !

There are a lot of seafood here, cheap, and few people, so the food in the entire fleet is quite good. Official Hong Xi complained, "I suspect that our second fleet is the most overweight of all the troops!"

Cheng Yu laughed and said, "It's too late for others to envy, and you are still all kinds of dissatisfaction!"

"Eat so well, if you don't fight well, I can't explain it!" Looking at the sea, Hong Xiguan said with his hands in his arms.

"What's to be afraid of? It's not you who live or die, or you live, so, eat better now!" Cheng Yuzhu snorted coldly while holding the iron rod.

Official Hong Xi nodded and said, "Yes! Yes!"

"The army wants this kind of spirit. When it comes to the battlefield, it doesn't want to do anything, kill it and eat it when you come back, training until you can't get up!" Cheng Yu said, officer Hong Xi canceled the order to reduce the meal expenses of the fleet officers and soldiers. , Let those guys have a good time, increase training, and let them eat and go to the battlefield!

He couldn't help humming. "The first sentence every day when you get up, give yourself a breath.

Every time I eat an extra grain of I have to say sorry.

Mirror Mirror look at me, where is my collarbone.

Beautiful, I want to be beautiful, I want to become a heartthrob!


Calories my natural enemy!

Burn my calories..."

I heard Cheng Yu's goose bumps all over!

He wondered puzzledly, "How did our boss come up with such a weird song?"

This song came from Yan Changwu’s wife and concubine. Once Li Xiangjun said that it was created by Yan Changwu. Fortunately, he is the boss and it is normal. Otherwise, if he creates such a song, his loyal subordinates will have to Like the "emperor suffocating manure" paragraph, fill him with a bowl of mellow rice fields!

A good medicine for madness, you must know it!
