The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 846: fine

After inspection, Shi Kefa cleared customs and left the terminal.

There are two aspects of inspection, one is the declaration of materials, and improper items are not allowed; the other is the quarantine inspection, which makes Shi Kefa feel novel.

He saw a wolf dog stepping forward to sniff everyone's luggage, calling it to check for illegal drugs. If in doubt, he would have to open the bag.

Some medical staff conduct simple physical examinations on the people who disembark, and if they are in doubt, they must cut the pulse to ensure safety.

Compared with Da Ming's inspection, the methods here are more detailed and the management is strict.

Shi Kefa was very healthy and didn't bring any prohibited items. He passed the inspection smoothly. When he disembarked and left the dock, it was dark.

Shi Kefa came alone, in the Clippers, and his family was in the ship behind.

The Clippers are fast. After Shi Kefa came, he was arranged to participate in the study, which saved time.

Specially accompanied Shi Kefa was an old civil servant from the southeast province, called Lao Chen, who was knowledgeable, capable of speaking, and very effective. He used this as a brainwashing for Shi Kefa.

For Shi Kefa, who is full of economics, you can't preach to him more, but you should speak with the facts. Take the night city and harbor night view, it is really shocking, and newcomers are deeply shocked!

The building is so high, the lights are so shining, and the pier is so prosperous. This should be the most beautiful night view in China at that time, and even in the world.

Daming did not have such a strong performance at all.

On the side of the passage outside the pier, a large group of porters, rickshaw drivers and donkey drivers are soliciting business.

"We went out first, had breakfast, and then drove to Southeast Asia University." Old Chen suggested.

"Yeah," Shi Kefa agreed.

He had a lot of luggage, mainly books, so Old Chen called a sturdy middle-aged porter to pick up the luggage, and Shi Kefa and Old Chen came to the street.

I saw the street, neat and tidy. The coast on one side of the street is covered with grass and coconut trees, and the other side is full of buildings and crowds. Although it is not bright yet, it is already very lively.

The large-scale advertisement caught Shi Kefa's eyes, as high as a few stories above!

In Daming, it's called street recruiting, and it's not as big as the advertisements in Southeast Mansion.

Lao Chen is an old horse who knows the way. He and Shi Kefa entered a street near the sea. The restaurants were lined up, all clean, with "Food Business Permit!" on the wall.

Well, under Yan Dashao's administration, there will naturally be Chinese characteristics.

A certificate indicates that the business office is under the supervision of the government and its safety is guaranteed.

The cutlery delivered still had residual temperature. Old Chen said: "All cutlery must be boiled in hot water and disinfected to make sure it is clean!"

Shi Kefa asked with interest, "Is it coal?"

"Yes!" Old Chen said.

Shi Kefa glanced over the clothes of the diners. People here were dressed much better than Ming. They generally wore silk and satin. Although the porter was clothed but not patched, all the popular colors were very good. Obviously the nutrition level was good. , Also surpassed Daming.

Everyone talked and laughed freely, with good spirits and no troubles.

From the small to the big, the rule of the Southeast Mansion is successful!

Shi Kefa compares the fertile land in the south of the Daming Jiangnan. Nothing is as good as anything else.

Picking up the dish, Shi Kefa saw that there were pork offal soup, pork meat, beef soup, papaya chicken soup, ground bladder and old duck soup, lotus root and pig feet soup, sirloin, oxtail soup, ... and fresh milk, and the price was very high. Close to the people, I couldn't help being surprised!

You know, a lot of it is meat too!

As the saying goes: "The landlord’s family has no surplus food" refers to the backward productivity of the old society. The landlord’s food is not much. Even the landlord’s family can eat some meat during the New Year. It is a first-class family to eat white rice. You can just light a candle. Rich people.

Everyone can eat meat here!

Seeing the diners eat naturally and happily, obviously these are homemade breakfasts, and Shi Kefa is touched again!

The saint said that "being clear and knowing the etiquette", why did the people of Shaanxi rise up? It's not uneaten yet!

As the earliest Southeastern capital city that established the "Vegetable Basket Project", Rising Sun City is obviously very successful and has achieved a boom in both purchases and sales.

Lao Chen ordered ribs rice with milk, and Shi Kefa, on his recommendation, ate a donkey fire and sandworm porridge!

The donkey meat is delicious in color and fragrance, fresh donkey meat, the taste is hot on the outside, and the soup is mellow. The sandworm is tender and smooth, even the pork inside is very delicate, and the porridge is too hot to eat, which makes people feel refreshed!

"Donkey meat is very authentic!" Shi Kefa praised.

"We have a lot of donkeys here!" Lao Chen said casually, "Island areas are not conducive to horses. Cows are used for farming and donkeys are used for miscellaneous. Do everything. Donkeys are strong, resistant to extensive, not easy to get sick, and have a temperament. Teddy, hardworking, and widely used by the army and the people. Donkey meat is also delicious, dragon meat in the sky, and underground donkey meat. This is what the leader said! Even if the donkey is dead, donkey skin can be used to make Ejiao!"

Only the leaders dare to say the dragon meat in the sky and the donkey meat in the underground. That year, the "dragon" was deeply admired by all walks of life.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart, "The donkey is really full of treasures!" Shi Kefa said first.


After breakfast, the porter carried the luggage, and they came to Huanshi Road, where there were many donkey carts waiting for passengers.

After they settled their wages with the porter, they got into a donkey cart and rushed to the Southeast Asian University in the suburbs!

Shi Kefa noticed the classification of roads. There are roads with animal-powered vehicles and pedestrian roads, but no matter what the road is, it is quite clean!

All in all, after arriving at Rising Sun City, the clean and dry one makes people happy.

He saw that the cleaning staff on every section of the "horse" road would promptly pick up the animal's excrement with the basket, very meticulous and serious, and Old Chen said: "Even though the mosquito is small, it is also meat, and this manure can also be sold for money! "

He also mentioned that the Southeast Government has completed public health reforms to ensure that all trash has a place and is properly handled.

With such benefits, Shi Kefa nodded repeatedly.

Looking at the scenery while talking, they arrived at Southeast Asia University an hour later and immediately saw the grand gate.

The predecessor of this university was Southeast University Java Branch With Yan Changwu gaining a foothold in Southeast Asia, the branch was also upgraded to Southeast Asia University, the gate of style, and the name of the school was written with a strong force and was a famous calligraphy of the former Ming Dynasty. Dong Qichang's handwriting is strong and powerful, and has ancient meaning. The calligraphy comes from the Jin and Tang dynasties, and it is of its own style. Shi Kefa has paid attention to it.

Dong Qichang, a senior scholar in the seventeenth year of Wanli, was awarded the editor of the Hanlin Academy, and he went to Nanjing as an official book to the Ministry of Rites. Chongzhen nine years, died, gave the posthumous title "Wen Min".

From the age of thirty-five years old to official career, this guy returned to his hometown at the age of eighty, and he was an official for eighteen years and returned for twenty-seven years. Compared with the sage Lu Ji in his hometown of Songjiang, who advocated "the scholars die for the confidant", Dong Qichang used the political wisdom of Mingzhe to protect himself. He entered the elite class with the imperial examination, and he not only made friends with the Donglin faction and the public security faction, but also cherished the anti-Donglin faction. His posthumous title "Wen Min" came from Ruan Dacheng.

The University of Southeast Asia is like a beautiful garden, with green grass, clusters of flowers, large area and plenty of shade, surrounded by buildings and lakes. The environment is beautiful. Students read under the green grass and trees.

To be sure, the place is clean and tidy. The teachers and students who come and go are well-dressed, generous and decent, with a strong book atmosphere, showing the turbulent atmosphere of a generation of academies.

Daming Beijing’s Imperial College is not as good as it is!