The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 852: Attack of the mayor Shi

Unlike the former Ming-style officials, local officials must govern according to laws and regulations.

There are regulations for what officials can and cannot say and what officials can and cannot do.

For example, the three thousand yuan that Shi Kefa got in his hand belonged to a special case. He took the money and spent it in the city of Rising Sun. It only needed to have a receipt.

But when they arrive in the village, the balance must be paid to the Finance Office, and the expenditure must be witnessed.

There is also a "public announcement column". The policies of the Southeast Government and the affairs of the township, large and small, must be publicized. If the expenditure does not involve confidentiality, it must also be publicized!

Welfare facilities such as township-run schools, hospitals, and supply and marketing cooperatives have been established to provide services to the villagers.

There are start-up funds for township construction, which are used to build sanitation, water supply systems, road construction, etc., according to the regulations, step by step.

Together! The territory of the Southeast Mansion is governed by the leaders and detailed plans formulated by the administrative departments.

Shi Kefa was caught in intense work, but the difference was that he had an assistant to help him. He mainly made regulations, and then guided and supervised the implementation.

The staff of his township were not ready yet, but everyone was very motivated and promptly supported the size of a township.

The supply and marketing cooperative has opened, and there are various farm implements and various suitable items for new immigrants to choose from.

Mark the price clearly and clearly state the regulations of the Price Bureau, and no price increase is allowed!

Who is the Yan family? He knows that if the island economy causes prices to soar, it will be worth it!

The hospital starts its work, provides medical treatment for everyone, and provides outpatient services and pays attention to service.

School has started to fight

Two professionals from Shi Kefa and the Economic Affairs Office explored terrain everywhere and made plans for farmland water conservancy.

Bali is divided into rainy and dry seasons. The rainy season is from October to March of the following year. They arrive at the end of the rainy season. Time waits for no one. The people cut trees and weeds to carry out pioneering work.

According to History, the so-called development is nothing more than three things

The first is to lay the foundation for governance, that is, the establishment of the township government system;

The second is the pioneering of the people’s fields;

The third is the construction of public utilities such as roads, water conservancy, water supply, and sanitation.

Others have a division of labor, and as a township head, you have to do three things together!

By the end of the rainy season, Shi Kefa and the public launched a vigorous development!

They drained stagnant water, filled up marshes, leveled the land, built houses and repaired canals.

In suitable places upstream of Xinxi, people build reservoirs, and technicians from the county seat guide everyone to build simple dams and build diversion canals.

The county allocated the building materials, cement and steel bars, and had to transport them by himself. Regardless of his old age, Shi Kefa went to the county to collect the materials himself.

What surprised him was that the materials did not "float", how many books were on the books, and how much they actually got.

In the years to come, he found that the materials and funds allocated by the superiors were not discounted, and they were not evacuated or misappropriated. It turned out that the supervision department was very strict, and whoever dares to do it will be held accountable!

With the supplies, people worked hard, and all the staff went into battle. Even the township government only left the necessary staff. Everyone participated in the construction of the reservoir. In just one month, a simple dam was completed!

Although it is fast, it is not bad. The cement has a high marking and is very strong.

The supervision department is really strict, with surprise inspections and post-completion inspections. In addition to the supervision department, there are also professionals and temporarily transferred personnel to check together.

In the years to come, it is necessary to deal with the supervisory department.

Although the supervisory personnel have great powers, they also have strict legal restrictions and cannot go beyond the thunder pool.

If there is a reservoir, we will build diversion canals to divert water to various fields, and land allocation is based on lottery to determine luck. After the land is divided, the land will be burned. People cut down the usable trees and put them away. Experienced farmers do their own things. The public builds land under the guidance of professionals.

Using wood to build homes, many people used to sleep in tents, but now they finally have a home.

The Eastern government has always been in charge of the heavens and the land, and from the beginning it has restrained the homes. For example, poultry is not free-range, large livestock have their own sheds, humans and livestock are not mixed, and garbage is recycled and landfilled.

Take sanitation and epidemic prevention measures, everyone pays attention to hygiene, and every house is clean.

Pave roads in the village, pave hard-bottom roads, and dig drains.

Build squares and repair activity rooms to provide people with a place to rest,

Be organized and build a new countryside in Southeast Asia!

The most important thing is to build farmland and water conservancy. Everyone is working hard. The new immigrants work hard, and the officials of the township government can help everywhere as long as they finish the work at hand.

Go ahead!

Shi Kefa has to make a plan for the whole picture, and he must also be busy with small things. He also helps elementary school students in class in time!

His figure is busy in the fields and on the construction site.

Wearing a blue coarse cloth worker's clothing, it was soaked every day. The concubine he brought was reduced to a laundryman, and his fingers were washed white.

He was deeply moved, remembering that Ming Qiang was an official, living aloft, living in eight seats, majestic and majestic.

Now that I stay among the people, I can't tell who is the official and who is the people.

But, very happy!

I saw the formation of fields everywhere, especially some vegetable plots. In the fertile volcanic ash, the vegetables rose from the ground and grew upwards, even in silence, the sound of their branches and breaking ground could be determined.

The roads and canals stretched far away and gradually became spider webs.

The houses were set up on the ground, neatly and uniformly.

In the past, this area was a grassy land.

Seeing all this, a sense of satisfaction arises spontaneously!

Everyone has contributed their own strength, this is the career, this is the real work that the leader talks about.

Shi Kefa recognized Yan Changwu's status, he was an out-and-out leader.

In addition, he is also very concerned about rose planting.

For the sake of his wealth plan, the invited Ramon Ramon explored the terrain everywhere, looking for suitable fields for planting roses.

He believes that the land here is fertile, the water source is abundant, and the sunlight is strong. Although there is a rainy season that is prone to waterlogging, he has the right rose seeds in his hand and can be targeted.

There are annual roses that can be planted in the dry season and can now be planted.

There are two-year-old and three-year-old roses that can bloom during the rainy and dry seasons.

In fact, roses are plants of the genus Rosaceae. In daily life, it is a collective term for a series of cultivars of the genus Rosa with large and gorgeous flowers, including roses, roses, roses, etc., and there are many types. Anyway, the roses planted by Raymond are different. Said to be able to adapt to the local climate, it is only necessary to plant a higher terrain.

Raymond made adequate preparations and brought a lot of seeds, thinking about making a big deal.

What are you waiting for, let's do it!

Shi Kefa has 50 acres of vocational land. When he was in office, he could grow anything without paying any taxes. When he left office, he would take it back. Because of the large amount of land, he imitated the land system of the Song Dynasty. It was a kind of public land. The land is owned by the state, but it is provided to the incumbent officials for vigorous cultivation, and the harvest is used as part of the official salary, increasing the income of the officials.

The Southeast Government stipulates that high-ranking officials 200 acres, intermediate officials 100 acres, and township chiefs are 50 acres. All incumbent civilian officials with establishments have vocational vocational fields have been warmly welcomed by the officials. In addition to increasing income for everyone, many officials simply have time to take care of them and take their families on vacation. This is because the farming genes hidden in everyone's body are at work!

Skefa’s field did not look for plains, but for mountains. Raymond took care of it and planted roses, half of which were annual roses, and the other half were perennial roses.

Seeing that the biggest official in the township planted flowers instead of food, the people felt novel.

A few households voluntarily accepted technical training, and set aside some land to grow roses, while others watched the fun.

They have 50 acres of land each, and the area is not small. Ten acres are allocated to grow roses, and they are not afraid of affecting their rations.

Seeing that no one was planting anymore, Shi Kefa applied for renting two hundred acres of wasteland, hired manpower, used special expenses, and planted all the seeds after opening up wasteland. In this way, more than 300 acres of roses were planted in the whole town.

Everything has a beginning, work hard and wait for the harvest!
