The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 856: Implement policy

The southeast government is in the ascendant, and the constant arrival of immigrants has created a continuous increase in official positions.

As long as achievements are made, promotion is easy. The former head of Xingwang County has been promoted to a new position.

"The position of the county magistrate can do a lot of things, but you must be very careful, do things boldly and carefully, and behave like walking on thin ice!" Liu Zhifeng said as a person who came over.

"Counties and counties are safe in the world. The head of a county today is different from the previous county magistrate. There are many aspects that need to be considered. Of course, there are more people helping you. You must know how to use people!"

"Developing the economy is the most important thing. Nothing can be done without money. You can see the ending of the Ming Dynasty!" Liu Zhifeng said with emotion.

"Leaders value the economy, but the development of the economy requires laws and regulations. This depends on your ability. The demands on you are high. Fortunately, you handed in a satisfactory answer sheet. I hope you will guard against arrogance and rashness. ,keep it up!"

"Economic development, wealth increase, and the temptation for officials increases. We must resist corrosion and never touch! Don't think about getting rich in politics and collecting money that shouldn't be required. Everything must be in accordance with the law!"

"The welfare of the people is very important. This is a new topic, and we must not be sloppy..."

With Liu Zhifeng's ardent expectations, Shi Kefa returned to Xingwang County. He was accompanied by personnel officials from the Governor's Mansion of Bali. He presided over the meeting of middle-level officials and above in the county to announce the appointment of Shi Kefa.

The officials were all amazed, how long has Shi Kefa been here!

This time Shi Kefa will no longer openly show his cards when he was the mayor of Xinxi Township. The officials of Xinxi Township have privately promoted him. They have received rumors that the deputy mayor who followed Shi Kefa to the main island to sell essential oils He was promoted to the head of the township, and he was promoted quickly!

In just one day, the officials in the entire officialdom showed respect to Shi Kefa, and initially achieved the state of unity in the whole county, and the people were united in politics.

Work hard and send this township chief Shi to a higher promotion. Everyone will also have a chance to make progress. This is a happy practice for everyone.

Shi Kefa put forward his policy agenda

First, we must do a good job in all the basic construction of the county, such as schools, hospitals, health, security, institution construction, etc. These infrastructures are necessary for every administrative unit and must not be discounted, and all must be passed.

Second, we must strengthen the construction of farmland water conservancy to ensure agricultural production.

"We are outlying islands. The cost of transporting food from the outer islands is very high.

Therefore, each township is based on self-sufficiency in food, not only to have enough food, but also to eat well! To ensure sufficient food supplies, vigorously develop animal husbandry and poultry farming, as well as marine fishing, so that the people have meat, fish and eggs to eat! "

As long as everyone has food, the rule of the regime is guaranteed.

The third is to build roads so that all townships and counties have access roads, so that good roads can be connected.

The so-called "If you want to get rich, build roads first," but for officials, road building has another meaning.

Wherever the road goes, the rule will be there. Only when the road outside the city is unblocked can the decree be unblocked!

So he established a road construction headquarters, and he himself served as the commander-in-chief.

Fourth, we must actively cooperate with the Bali aromatherapy group in the development of the aromatherapy business in the county, and we must go all out to become bigger and stronger.

"The investment of the Bali Aromatherapy Group is a rare opportunity for this county. We must seize this opportunity and strive to make our county a strong county in the aromatherapy industry!" Shi Kefa announced the establishment of the Xingwang County Flower Production Office, and he personally seized this opportunity Office, to ensure that the flower industry is prosperous!


When the officials from the Southeast and Xinming come to power, they must publicly express their positions, publicly clarify his policy program, show their determination, and accept the supervision of superiors and subordinates.

Shi Kefa made ten points that day, related to economy, welfare, institution building, maintenance of law and order, justice, taxation, and related population registration and land distribution work, etc., only felt that one after another tight curse was applied to him. Yali Mountain is big!

Only then can I understand why all people must be united, otherwise he will have three heads and six arms, and he will not be able to complete the task.

Therefore, he added one more thing, that is, "team building". It is necessary to establish a politically qualified, strong style, strong execution, and united and forge ahead civilian system to carry out the county's work hard and complete the tasks.

He planned to decompose the task level by level, and everyone came to sign military orders. Those who failed to complete the task would be held accountable, and those who completed the task would be rewarded!

I'm not having a good time, and neither of you are having a good time.

Once successful, everyone will spend the difference together!

The meeting ended with a wave of applause!

This meeting clarified the direction for the county's work, and officials at all levels made work plans around this direction.

So under his leadership, Xingwang County launched a vigorous economic construction tide, and strived to complete the work goals proposed by the county magistrate.

Even in the rainy season, officials and people still work non-stop!

When the dry season arrives, it will be even more dry.

The roads connecting all townships to the county seat are all people working together to contribute.

Funding is not a problem. Shi Kefa has received strong support from the Governor's Mansion in Bali. People cut mountains and trees, drained swamps, and started work before dawn, and then closed the team at night, sometimes with lights and night battles!

Bali is mountainous, and some places are very dangerous, and the construction work is not difficult.

The endless mountains, the hanging man like a spider, the hands that are cracked like pine skin, the shoes and socks covered with soil, are like the "Foolish Old Man Moves the Mountain" in the fable. This scene really happened on the cliff in Xingwang County. .

One pair of gloves a day, one pair of cloth shoes a month, the people **** and hoe, and smashed against the stubborn cliff.

Shi Kefa led the county officials to battle together. He concluded, "All of us, as long as we work hard, open the mountains and cleave the rocks, and go through the ground meter by meter, there will be a day of getting through!"

The garrison troops came to support them. They used explosives to blast the rocks and rocks, and finally opened up a "road to heaven" on the cliff!

The road was extended and the county and township were connected. The work plan was completed in just one year and a smooth cement road was built.

And the production of flowers in the county has also entered a new level. In addition to the paddy fields in the plains, flowers can be seen everywhere in the mountains and fields. People have made concerted efforts to initially build a large flower base with more than a thousand acres (collected more flower species), and produce The essential oil of the year was thousands of kilograms, and the sales amount was more than 100,000 yuan.

In addition to essential oils, it also creatively produces rose flower cakes, a mouthful of rose petals, one bite down, the teeth are full of fragrance ~ ~ sweet but not greasy, which is unforgettable.

With the passage of time, the business of Xingwang County's flowers has become bigger and stronger!


In just one year, Xingwang County has changed a lot, among which roads, farmland water conservancy, and flower fields are the most significant.

Governor Liu Zhifeng came to inspect and expressed his satisfaction!

He praised the pragmatic spirit of the officials, especially the county magistrate Shi Kefa, at the middle and high-level meetings in the county, and announced on the spot the implementation of the policy on Shi Kefa.

"The performance of County Mayor Shi is outstanding and fully implements the leader's spirit of "doing hard work and rejuvenating the country, and empty talk about the country". We have policies. For this kind of officials, we must vigorously promote and support them. We will not blame the past! Therefore, we will implement the policy for him. His previous resume was unfrozen and restored, and the Southeast Mansion acknowledged his previous resume!"

Liu Zhifeng's words aroused the amazement of all officials. The prestigious experience of the Shangshu of the former Ming Ministry of War was recognized, which means that this small temple in Xingwang County can no longer sit under the great **** of Shi Kefa, and he is just around the corner!
