The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 858: Set sail for Xinyaozhou

"Turkish Australia, now we occupy the four corners there. Starting from the southeast, the states of New Yao in the southeast (almost the states of New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania, that is, the areas of Sydney and Melbourne) ); Xinshun State in the northeast corner (Queensland, the Great Barrier Reef area); Xinyu State in the northwest corner (the Darwin Harbor area, which was the place initially occupied); and Xinyan State in the southwest corner (Perth City)." Liu Zhifeng Opened the map.

Thanks to the geological prospecting team of the Southeastern Prefecture. Their hard work was not in vain. They adopted the method of drawing from Hong Maofan to draw a preliminary map of the mainland of Australia unearthed.

Shi Kefa was very emotional when he saw it, because looking at the distance everywhere, it was really far apart!

It is terrifying that the Chinese have come so far.

"At most 20,000 per state. Others say that the leader's pace is big enough, but I don't think the leader's heart is fast enough!" Liu Zhifeng was also impressed. As a veteran who followed the leader, he knew too well that the Southeast Mansion was like this. Stride forward, the territory on the map is getting bigger every year!

Even when he was not in Southeast Asia, immigration still did not stop.

"Xinyu Prefecture is the most secure immigrants from the southeast coastal area, while Xinshun Prefecture and Xinyanzhou are mixed immigrants, including Chinese from other regions, exiled Shanxi people, and family members of criminal officials, while Xinyao Prefecture is The Tatars, those Tatars have engaged in development on the island of Sumatra. We have selected 20,000 people to go there. We are not bad to them and have not abused them. After all, we want to convert them. The district governor Han Zheng is also a veteran, but it has been three months since he lost contact with us!" Liu Zhifeng said anxiously, "You have to go there quickly."

"Can I have any support?" Shi Kefa asked calmly.

Liu Zhifeng raised **** and said, "I can’t help you much. You can only take away two sloops. That is the ship of the Governor’s Mansion Maritime Patrol. They call it a Tier 7 ship. It is called a coastal defense ship. It can only carry 14 guns and has a displacement of less than 200 tons. A total of 200 soldiers will be sent to you."

"Awesome!" Shi Kefa replied.

"Not bad?" Liu Zhifeng said in a puzzled way.

"I will break two hundred people into twenty thousand, although Sun Wu also wants to admire my courage!" Shi Kefa angrily said: "Who came up with such an idea? No wonder this situation, send me!"

This was a bit ridiculous, and Liu Zhifeng calmed him and said, "Don't worry, how can you be sent to death? If you die, our efforts will be wasted!"

"That's the right thing!" Shi Kefa grinned and said, he knew why he was able to stand out. Indeed, Rising Sun City would not let him go to death in vain.

"The combat ships in the mainland of Tuao and Australia are all sloops of this kind, and there are no cruise ships. They can give you little support, better than nothing." Liu Zhifeng told the truth.

"How are the supplies there?" Shi Kefa asked.

"There should be no shortage. We have always transported enough materials in the past." Liu Zhifeng said.

"What are you waiting for, arrange the boat, and I will set off!" Shi Kefa said.

"Okay, refreshing, I will make arrangements! I have something for you!" Liu Zhifeng said.

He asked people to fetch the things. Soon after, they fetched it. It was a large book. Sike Farah took a look at it. The first page was "Top Secret"!

Open it, it is actually a developed encyclopedia!

It covers personnel organization, military system, military training, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, construction, smelting, commodity production, etc. Turn over a few pages and see soap making technology, cement making, activated carbon making, coking, iron making , Sugar making, gunpowder making, caustic soda making, guns making, artillery making, pharmacy, farm tool making, etc.!

For example, in animal husbandry, there are introductions of various pastures, drawing patterns, introducing the distribution of pastures, advantages and disadvantages, etc.

Compared with the information on the market, the information in this book is more detailed, and some are even rich in pictures and texts.

I don’t know how many people’s efforts have been gathered. This is the practical essence of Eastern civilization!

With this book, you can run an economic circle wherever you go, as long as there are people. .

"This book is given to every governor by the Prime Minister's Office. Let's take this book and run the mainland and Australia. I will report to the Prime Minister's Office at that time!" Liu Zhifeng said.

Shi Kefa was moved for a while, and Liu Zhifeng took a little risk by doing so.

He thanked Liu Zhifeng and mentioned the naturalization of Lei Meng. Liu Zhifeng said, "It's a trivial matter, it's on my body!"


In the early morning of the third day, Shi Kefa boarded the "Baxuan (Bali Maritime Patrol) No. 16 Ship", which set off together with the "Baxuan No. 17 Ship" and rushed to Xinyao State.

Compared with the cruiser, the No. 16 cruiser is obviously smaller. It has an open deck, a gun deck, a cargo hold and a lower tank. Shi Kefa thought to himself: "It's really small!"

Although the troops were not many, Shi Kefa could see that the crew members Liu Zhifeng arranged for him were veteran and capable. The navigators of the two ships had both been to Xinyaozhou.

When Shi Kefa patrolled the ship, he could see that he saw the neatly arranged rigging and the straight hanging slings arranged in a circle like geometric figures. All the work was done step by step and meticulous, just like the captain on the ship---he. The salt-hardened uniforms soaked in sweat seemed to be stiff as if they had been pitched, and he asked the sailors to disrespectfully put the trusses of the mid-mast sails in place in the huge surge.

The deck was not stained, the barrels of the guns were polished brightly, and the coiled cables were neatly laid out like cylinders. The parade ground was as clean as the pots in the kitchen. Watching the sailors move quickly and skillfully, The officers are serious and serious, and you can see many things in their style, and Shi Kefa has a little confidence.

The captain of the Pakistan Cruiser No.16, please ask Shi Kefa to live in the stern The cabin is not big, except for the storage cabinets, he can barely put down a table, a chair and a bed. , But much better than the other sailors. Shi Kefa is a man who is easy to come by. It is good to have a single room. He satisfactorily appreciates the inwardly inclined portholes in the cabin. The windows are beautiful and generous, the window glass is crystal clear, and the seven portholes are lined up. Open, you can see the ships and sea water in the harbor.

Captain Cheng asked him to leave the ship, and Shi Kefa waved his hand and said: "On the ship, you are the biggest, sailing thing, you don't use it to ask me, just follow the steps and send me to Xinyaozhou!"

"Yes, sir!" Captain Cheng happily raised his hand to salute him.

The officers on the warship who are most afraid of the half-bucket of water, they don't know how to pretend to understand, so it is not for the officers of the ship to listen, nor is it not to listen.

The Chief History Officer is so easy to talk, so he has less trouble!

So Captain Cheng, who returned to the open deck of the ship, ordered the voyage, but he still sent someone to notify Shi Kefa, and Shi Kefa soon reached the open deck.

When the bell rang, the Pakistan Tour 16 was towed out of the military port by two high-powered paddle boats. It set sail, carrying Shi Kefa to the distant and unpredictable mainland of Tuao!