The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 912: Tattered Fleet of the Battle of Ceylon

When Yan Changwu led his navy to pounce on the Hong Maofan aggressively, the British general Michael Parker frowned on the forward flagship of the Hong Maofan that he had just been concerned about.

He expressed satisfaction with his ship and his crew. The "Lion" is the latest battleship of the sailing period in Britain. For the first time, it adopts a streamlined shape and is faster than the previous large ships. Moreover, the British shipbuilding technology is first-rate, and it drives a new one. The naval officers of the class battleship were all overjoyed.

All the British on the battleship were loyal to their duties, engrossed, and silent. He really had nothing to say or do. He was only dissatisfied after sweeping the shattered and shrugged sails on the ship.

This is the case for capital ships like him, and the other warships are not much better, like a fleet of beggars, and generally like beggars' quilted clothes, supplemented and supplemented!

Michael Parker never dreamed that the dignified European Union Fleet would lack canvas to such an extent!

The canvas was damaged in the last battle and has not been replenished.

God, it's been a full year since the Chinese fought against the red hair, but the canvas has not been made up!

Michael Parker knows what's going on. Because of the high stress on the mast, as the ship gets bigger and bigger, it must be made of high-quality canvas. Ordinary canvas cannot withstand high pressure.

High-quality canvas manufacturing is not a problem at all in Europe, but it has become a big problem in Asia.

From Africa to the west of the Malacca Strait, there is no high-end canvas factory. There used to be a canvas factory in the Kochi area of ​​India, which was able to produce high-end canvases for sailing ships. However, when the tide of Chinese goods hit, the Chinese used Kochi One-fifth of the price of Qin Canvas Factory’s products was dumped on high-end marine canvases, and Kochi Canvas Factory went bankrupt in such a tragic manner...

After the bankruptcy of the Cochin Canvas Factory, there were no manufacturers, and the Chinese embargoed the Orchid fan, and the Orchid fan failed to ship canvas from Europe in time, causing the current Orchid fan fleet to go into battle like a beggar fleet.

In addition, the Chinese produce sugar in Taiwan and also in India. Taiwanese sugar is only equivalent to two-thirds of the price of native sugar in the sugar-producing regions of India when Taiwanese sugar is shipped to India. What’s more terrifying is that Taiwanese sugar is thin and white with a good taste. As a result, Indian sugar has been smashed. If Taiwan sugar is not in short supply, the money in India cannot buy it, I am afraid that there will be no sugar cane in India!

Good quality and low price are the business cards of Chinese products. The Chinese are diligent, have livestock, infrastructure, technology, etc., and have high production efficiency. Moreover, the cost of the Maritime Silk Road is better than that of the land Silk Road (the ship has a large capacity). This is especially true when the Chinese occupy Southeast Asia.

The British regarded Michael Parker as a high-level figure. He understood the national conditions and knew that the Chinese were price butchers. The prices of commodities that could be manufactured became the prices of cabbage. Now this terrible "talent" has been revealed.

The Chinese goods are of good quality and low prices. What's more, they are all-encompassing and can make everything.

As long as they can produce it, they will occupy the market at an unbelievably low price and completely wipe out the products of other countries!

Therefore, in other countries, there are only trivial local products, “medicine” and silver that cannot be manufactured by the Chinese. It may be that the Chinese did not expect that their leaders have left other countries with nowhere to go after only 22 years in power. , Only war!

Well, any fleet has to go into battle, but I have to say that compared to the glamorous Chinese naval crew, the Hong Maofan fleet is tattered!

In the turquoise clear water, the two fleets approached passionately, eagerly trying to throw things at each other.

They drove for almost three hours. When the distance was about ten kilometers, the saying goes, "I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry." The ships on both sides drove, the sails slacken, and they fluttered in the wind. Then it bulged again, but in less than ten minutes, it drooped down and the wind completely stopped.

All the boats stopped, only the ocean current was at work, pushing everyone slowly to the southeast.

Unlike frigates, battleships cannot be driven by paddles.

The sails wilted all of a sudden, and they coincided with each other. Everyone had lunch before talking about it.

The food that everyone eats is surprisingly similar. Hong Maofan eats hard biscuits with bacon, cheese, and dried beans. In addition to hard biscuits and bacon, the Chinese eat dried vegetable soup and tea.

After eating and eating, everyone simply fooled, because the wind wrinkled the sea again, and the wind direction suddenly turned. Obviously, the design of the "Southeast Asia Class" battleships is extraordinary, and their tall and large sails only require weak wind. Propelling them can drive them to advance quickly, surpassing the "South China Sea class" battleship.

The wind is getting stronger gradually, and the fleet rides the wind and waves forward, making use of the wind as much as possible. The water queens unwind the winches and pull up all the sails to make better use of the wind.

Sailing during the sailing period looks romantic, but it’s actually troublesome. The wind gets better and then becomes insufficient. The waves slow down the ship. If the middle-mast sail cannot be opened, the ship will never reach the highest speed.

Everyone approached at the speed of a tortoise, "Ready to turn!" On the lead ship, Cheng Yu gave the order, Southeast Asia No. 5 began to grab the wind, everything went smoothly, the starboard full sail was successfully adjusted, and the sail rope was stretched very tight, like a harp. The string is average.

The battleships from behind also followed. At this time, the Hong Maofan fleet also began to rush to adjust the direction of the wind. The ship turned and the sails turned one by one. Everyone tried their best. It seemed to be a long time. It was easy to approach, and the leading ships on both sides met, and the sailors were relieved.

The cannon can finally be fired, it is already two o'clock in the afternoon!

It's too The sun is shining, and it's a good time to dry up.

The Southeast Fleet is now sailing out to the southwest of Ceylon Island and has the upper hand, while the Red Hairfan Fleet is at a disadvantage between Ceylon Island and the Southeast Fleet, and everyone is satisfied.

The generals on both sides were nervously watching the wind and measuring each other's position. At this time, the distance was three hundred meters. Cheng Yu ordered "volley, fire!"

Within a few seconds, a group of 912-pound shells hit the battleship "Holland Dia" like a storm. The Chinese gunner’s hit rate was extremely high, and most of the shells hit this unfortunate battleship firmly. Everywhere on the hull, its bow tilted and almost left the formation. The red-haired fans roared and tried to correct its course to follow the brigade.

At the same time, the Chinese ships fired together, and shells poured in and hit the Hong Maofan warships. The ships felt like they were falling apart.

As soon as the war started, the Red Hair Fans couldn't help being shocked, the firepower of this Chinese was fierce enough!

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