The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 971: Bubble blonde girl paper

In the Huxin Pavilion, the uncle Yan Changwu held the girl's tender hand and talked with her!

The attendants next to them were regarded as nothing, and they lowered their eyebrows and offered tea and snacks.

Louise introduced him the honey cakes and homemade red date cheese she personally baked, and Yan Changwu smiled happily.

The relationship between the two heats up quickly, you are in love with me, you give me a bite, and I give you a bite!

After talking non-stop, Yan Changwu tapped on her side to get a clear understanding of her experience after she was born and sensible.

After she was born, she was the education of a British noble lady, and she was also the kind of "a woman without talent is a virtue". She already knows Shakespeare's literature very well!

Before she planned to come to the East, her education suddenly accelerated. She finished studying Shakespeare's literature, understood Shakespeare's four major comedies and four major tragedies, understood Shakespeare's sonnets, and had a deeper understanding of Greek literature. To learn Western painting.

With the arrangement at home, she got theology, law, and medicine taught by professors at the University of Cambridge. Oh, she even studied mathematics. She could actually look at the drawings of Romanesque buildings!

There was an impromptu "Havemorthanyousho, speaklessthanyoukno!"

The meaning is "Huaibi is cautious, knowledgeable and cautious", which is exactly the famous saying in Shakespeare's "King Lear".

Louise can shoot, play with foil, know how to ride, and learn how to ride a horse. Now she rides here every day, and she also raises a pony.

She said innocently: "My uncle said that I don't have to learn to row, and I will make my arms thick! But I can swim more, so my posture is good!"

Yan Changwu nodded and said, "Your uncle knows a lot!"

When Louise arrived in the city of Rising Sun, she learned more, Chinese traditional studies, leader quotations, all she learned, was taught "playing the piano and flute, chanting and writing, drawing and painting Go", etc., as well as fine decorations. Skills and physical training are followed by learning Yan Changwu's economics and humanity.

Spend a lot of money to invite famous teachers to teach, and use a lot of money to maintain the body.

So Yan Changwu came to understand that the little beauty who was accompanying her was the out-and-out "Yangzhou Skinny Horse", or the kind of Fanguimei version!

After careful training, the little beauty is amazingly beautiful and has a graceful posture. I saw her light and long hair, charming and moving, and her hands and feet inadvertently revealed the tranquility and beauty that belonged to her. Just now she put her upstairs in her skirt. The posture is entirely the princess herself, the girl with the blonde hair is full of feeling, and the beauty is like a painting.

The blond hair is brilliant in the sun, and the golden halo covers the body, like a fairy descending to the world, so beautiful!

Great, why not do it!

If you don't take it, you must be blamed!

Thinking of this, I grasped the other girl's hand tighter!

Yan Changwu didn't want to just listen to the little girl. He also talked about his glorious achievements, which attracted the look of admiration of the little girl.

He is triumphant, like a peacock with an open screen!


They talked happily there, and didn't leave until someone called during lunch.

There are long tables in the dining room, which are made of thick red sandalwood. Mr. David said that he made all the furniture into teak, ebony, red sandalwood and other wood. Yan Changwu deeply agrees, saying that the same is true for his palace!

"Those things will be more valuable if they are left for a long time!" The two big men whispered, happily talking about money.

Don't look at them for money. They don't treat money as money. Yan Changwu spends money like water. If Mr. David Yan Changwu doesn't give it, he will hardly argue.

But they know better than anyone that a penny can stump heroes!

Yan Changwu sits in the top center, with Mr. David and his wife on the left, Mr. Zhang at the top, Mr. David at the bottom, Louise on the right, and Chen Bangyan at the bottom.

The Yan Dai family is good for the family. Zhang can sit beside Yan Changwu, but she is not suitable to sit opposite Chen Bangyan, so this arrangement is made.

The dishes arranged are French dishes!

Although Mr. David is from the UK, there is no food culture in the UK. Even Mr. David is deeply regarded as a BS.

The French cuisine on the other side of the strait is well-known in Europe, and it dares to compete with Chinese food. Of course, it is not the opponent of Chinese food, but it is very chewy to eat by accident.

In fact, Yan Changwu's lunch and dinner are French dishes on this day.

There are French fried fish, black blood sausage with apples, fried scallops with foie gras sauce, French onion soup, French lamb steak, beef stew with red wine, duck in oil, grilled cheese, etc. The aroma is full of flavor, and each has its own flavor characteristics. It is very pleasant.

According to Mr. David, this is a popular dish of French royal family and aristocracy. It is a classic cuisine faction. The chef’s skills are exquisite and the ingredients must be the best quality. Commonly used food ingredients include lobster, oysters, steaks and champagne. Wine and flour are the base of the sauce, which is concentrated afterwards. It has a rich and rich taste and is mostly thickened with butter or cream.

The chef came out to introduce the dishes, with a high nose and deep eyes, and a tall and big man. He was a red hair fan.

Chen Bangyan couldn't help but see: "Isn't this the chef of Prowang Hotel in the city?"

As far as he knows, the cuisine of Provence Hotel is mainly French cuisine, and the business is very good.

"The major shareholder of this big hotel is just a mere trifle!" Mr. David said, patting his chest.

In order to run this hotel, he also specially invited five chefs from France, all of whom were naturalized in the Southeast. Since then, French cuisine has taken root in the East.

Yan Changwu said happily, "Mr. David has done a great job in promoting the exchange of food culture between the East and the West!"

They had lunch together happily, and then Louise led Yan Changwu to rest in the guest room on the second floor.

The main guest room has complete facilities, including a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom, and a study room with luxurious decoration.

And Louise’s room is next to the main guest room!

Hey, don't think about it, the lunch break was short and nothing happened.

The afternoon belongs to the men. Under the big trees and on the grass, tables are spread out. Yan Changwu, Mr. David and Chen Bangyan have afternoon tea and snacks together.

It seems to be very leisurely, but in fact is discussing a vital matter, attacking the Ottoman Empire!

Both Yan Changwu and his important ministers and generals have reached a consensus.

Here, increase the population and develop the economy in Southeast Asia and the mainland of Turkey and Australia.

Over there, the army continues to go west!

The navy's power has reached the extreme of the Indian Ocean and has no rivals.

If you keep going, you have to capture Africa and go up the coast of Africa, and finally reach Europe.

This road is dangerous and dangerous. First, there is the Cape of Good Hope. The ships of the sailing age seem to be easy to come and go regardless of Westerners. In fact, the surface is glamorous. I don't know how many ships have sunk and how many families are crying behind them!

Westerners are still like this, and the Easterners with inferior sailing skills have the Cape of Good Hope, I am afraid it is even more unbearable.

As for attacking Europe along the east and west coasts of Africa, perhaps the navy is okay. The question is, can the bases in Africa support the landing of the army in Europe?

No need to even think about the expedition of Master Lao!

At least Yan Changwu's generation is difficult to complete.

Then there is another road, going up the Red Sea and heading straight to Egypt!

In this way, we have to fight with the Ottoman Turk Empire. What is the situation there?

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