The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 1236: Loving mother loses child!

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The guard opened the door of the cell, sighed, and said: "The eldest prince has not eaten or drank recently, just lying on the haystack in a daze, and the emperor has never visited him. I really don't know how long the eldest prince can last." Ah, only every time you bring some food to the queen, he will eat it!"

"Well, so I have to visit him often!"

"Yeah, sorry for the hearts of parents in the world, I hope the emperor will be magnanimous to the eldest prince in the future, let him be released!"

"Yes, I hope too!"

Afterwards, the guards retreated to one side, let Changsun Wugou and his guards enter the dungeon together, and sent wine and roast chicken inside.

The guard stepped aside and rested.

Because Empress Changsun often came to visit Li Chengqian, and there was no mistake in the country.

So the guards don't worry, Empress Changsun will do something like rob the prison.

Moreover, she only brought three guards here, they were all serving drinks, even if they were masters, they couldn't get out of the dungeon!

"Ganer, mother came to visit you later!"

After Changsun Wugou entered, he walked directly towards Li Chengqian on the haystack.

At this moment, the clothes on Li Chengqian's body were torn, and the clothes on his chest were even torn.

Moreover, there were many red bloodstains on his chest, which were the bloodstains that Li Chengqian was unable to bear, went crazy in the middle of the night, and scratched himself.

Now, he hated Li Chengfeng and Li Shimin to the core, but there was nothing he could do.

Now that his status as the crown prince has been abolished, no one will stand by him anymore.

Therefore, the general situation was over, and Li Chengqian's heart became depressed.

He didn't even want to get out of the prison this day.

If you can die, you might as well die.

Because he knew that he had completely lost to his younger brother, the Eighth Prince Li Chengfeng.

But Li Chengqian still has one thing that he still hasn't figured out.

That is, how did Li Chengfeng announce the conversation he had with him that day in the court?

Could it be that he is really a fairy?

That's right, if Li Chengfeng is really the reincarnation of a god, then I have no chance of defeating him.

Thinking of this, Li Chengqian felt uncomfortable again.

At this time, Li Chengqian noticed that the person in front of him was his mother, Empress Changsun.

Li Chengqian just glanced at her lightly, then turned his head away, changed the angle and continued to sleep.

But he was pretending to be asleep, his eyes wide open but lifeless, staring at a place in a daze.

The environment in the dungeon is dark and smelly.

Only some candles are constantly shining.

Li Chengqian's body was already covered with dirt on his forehead and bumps.

I was so dirty that I couldn't take a shower.

Sky Prison, the strictest prison cell in the imperial palace, once the people in the sky prison are basically ministers who have committed serious crimes, or people who are about to die.

Looking at Li Chengqian who was emitting a stench all over his body, Changsun Wugou's heart was being cut like a knife.

I only heard Changsun Wugou say: "Ganer, mother came to visit you, why are you still silent?"

Li Chengqian glanced at Changsun Wugou for a while, then continued to turn his head away.

The eldest grandson Wugou said: "Ganer, don't be like this, you still have a chance to start again, the queen mother will get you out, from now on, you can live a good life, okay?"

"No, I don't want to go out, shame on me!"

Li Chengqian just said this sentence lightly.

The eldest grandson Wugou said: "Hey, godfather, cheer up, even though you are not the prince of the Tang Dynasty now, you can still live a good life! It's good to be plain, just live well. When the queen mother sees you happy, she feels happy in her heart." It's enough, if you are not happy, the queen mother will never be happy!"

Li Chengqian sneered, spit out three words lightly, and said: "I lost!"

"You lost? What lost?"

"You don't understand, women don't ask about my affairs!"

Li Chengqian is now broken, and even the queen mother, who is usually respected, has become a woman?

But after Changsun Wugou listened to it, his heart felt cramped again!

The eldest grandson Wugou said: "Why did you lose? Just live a good life!"

Li Chengqian said: "No, I will either become a **** or a ghost in my life. I will not be willing to be a commoner. In my life, it is impossible for me to stand up in front of my father!"

"Also, I hate my father, I hate the eighth prince! Why, the eighth prince has only been in the palace for more than a year, and he has been appreciated by his father, and he has been named the unique king of the Tang Dynasty! And I, as A great Tang prince, but got nothing? Why?"

"I think that my ability is no worse than that of the Eighth Prince, but he is outstanding. But to be a king, to be an emperor, he must not be able to match me!"

"I know, Qian'er, you are the prince, you are the future king of the Tang Dynasty, why are you so obsessed with it?"

Li Chengqian said: "Hmph, what was the purpose of launching the Xuanwu Sect change back then?"

"Shh, don't mention it!"

Changsun Wugou was really afraid that Li Chengqian would talk about the change of Xuanwu Gate, because this was Li Shimin's rebellion, and whoever said it would die.

If it accidentally reaches Li Shimin's ears, Li Chengqian will probably suffer a lot of flesh and blood again.

But Li Chengqian was not afraid at all, and said: "If he can do it, can't others tell it?"

"Killing my brother to usurp the throne, forcing my grandfather to abdicate, and becoming the emperor himself? He is just a prince. People in the world call him Li Er, and everyone in the world knows it. Why don't you let others say it?"

"Hush, keep your voice down, do you want to die?"

"Yes, I just want to die. Li Shimin comes in and kills me if he has the ability. How dare a little prince kill his elder brother to usurp the throne?"

"I don't want to be the second Li don't want to be a puppet prince like Uncle Li Jiancheng, and I don't want the eighth prince to kill me when he grows up, and then force his father to abdicate? Oh no, if the eighth prince really kills me, then I guess the father will give up to him directly. The two of them planned it long ago, and it has nothing to do with me, hahaha... Hahaha... I knew they were a group, I couldn't beat them, I couldn't play them... Hahaha..."

Li Chengqian went crazy again, and in the prison again, he yelled in pain.

The sound spread throughout the dungeon.

Fortunately, the house is airtight, otherwise it will definitely attract a group of people to watch jokes.

Outside the door, the guard guarding the door hurriedly turned his head away, regardless of these things.

Because Li Chengqian went crazy at night, howling in pain like this.

He also told the emperor Li Shimin about it.

But Li Shimin said, let him call, I want to see how long he can call?

If you don't know how to repent, you will never let him go.

If you know your mistakes and correct them, you may have a chance to come out in the future!

If you don't change it, then don't even think about going out in this life.

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