The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 289: 4 states cut off food, Li Chengfeng re

Although he has never dealt with government affairs, but when he listened to the court before, he also learned how Li Shimin went to court.

I saw Liu Zhenghui opened the memorial in his hand, and said: "Show the eighth prince! What the old minister wants to play is about the people's livelihood!"

"Recently, the Tang Dynasty suffered a serious disaster. Yangzhou, Liuzhou, Jinzhou and other cities have run out of food, and there is no food to provide to the Tang Dynasty. Seriously, there is a lack of food! In addition to the hot weather, there are countless deaths and injuries among the people, and the people are in dire straits! Therefore, after inspecting the people's situation, Jingchen and others implore the Eighth Prince to open a warehouse to release 2 million catties of grain! One million catties will be transported to Xuanzhou, and one million catties Transport it to Youzhou! To survive the year of natural disasters!"

After Liu Zhenghui finished speaking, Li Chengfeng pursed his lips, frowned and began to think.

Two million catties of grain is not a small amount.

Li Chengfeng checked the number of treasury granaries handed over by Wang Dequan, and found that there were tens of millions of catties of grain stored in them.

Many of these grains are even dry grains left over from the Sui Dynasty.

So Li Chengfeng nodded his head and said, "Quick play!"

"Food is the most important thing for the people! One million catties of grain is not too much. If we lose money this year, we can earn it back next year!"

Li Chengfeng waved his hands generously, and gave a loud shout.

Liu Zhenghui immediately showed joy, and said, "Thank you, the Eighth Prince! The old minister will replace the people in Xuanzhou and Youzhou City, and kowtow to the Eighth Prince!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Zhenghui immediately knelt down and kowtowed three times to the ground.

It was not that simple to transport food in the past.

Because Li Shimin had a lot of worries, he usually took a long time to think about it before distributing half of the food.

But in fact, because of the drought year, people will definitely starve to death.

The emperor is ruthless. Li Shimin knew that the granary in the treasury could not save the people all over the world, so he had to starve to death first, and release food to save the rest.

This is the best option.

But when Li Chengfeng took office, he cut through the mess quickly.

No food, right? Open the national treasury to put food in. If you lose money today, you can earn it back next year.

Li Shimin takes a long-term view, so he will not release too much grain from the treasury all at once, because Li Shimin is afraid that the next year will be a year of natural disasters, and he must preserve the grain from the treasury and the strength of Datang.

But Li Chengfeng and Li Shimin have different ideas.

Li Shimin is afraid of disasters in the coming year, but Li Chengfeng is not afraid at all.

The food we lost this year will be earned back next year.

Natural disasters blocking the way? drought? Flood? Then Li Chengfeng will directly use the system for you, build a Three Gorges Dam, control the water source, and see if there is anything else to say?

Once the reservoir is completed and the Grand Canal is completed, there will be two Grand Canals in the entire Tang Dynasty.

One is the commercialized Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and the other is the agriculturalized water transport Grand Canal.

In this way, are you afraid that you will not be able to grow food in the coming year?

Moreover, the hybrid rice that produces 2,000 catties of grain per mu in the backyard of the Prince's Mansion in Li Chengfeng Town is no joke.

As long as there is land and water, hybrid rice can be grown.

Even if Datang didn't have pesticides and fertilizers, Li Chengfeng didn't ask them to produce 2,000 catties per mu, or 1,000 catties per mu, would they be able to grow them?

In this way, as long as the seeds of hybrid rice are planted in the entire Tang Dynasty in the coming year, there will be a bumper harvest.

Li Chengfeng was confident in his heart, that's why he resolutely opened the warehouse to release the grain.

However, those ministers were shocked by Li Chengfeng's actions.

The former emperor, Li Shimin, had to think a lot about opening the granary and releasing the grain, but the eighth prince only thought about it for three seconds, and he was ready to play?

Isn't this too fast?

No wonder the emperor said that the Eighth Prince's handling of government affairs is definitely a quick cut.

This is simply cutting off all intractable diseases with one knife.

But the question is, can Datang's treasury afford such consequences?

If he can't afford it, will Li Shimin take over and wipe his **** after letting the Eighth Prince mess around?

Isn't the emperor looking for trouble for himself, looking for bad luck?

If Li Chengfeng's grain distribution rate is followed, the national treasury will definitely be unable to make ends meet, and within a few years, the national treasury will be completely at a loss!

"Qizuo Eighth Prince, Taizhou, Tanzhou and other areas have also fallen into a drought disaster, and the people are starved of food. The old minister implores the Eighth Prince to approve 1 million catties of grain and go to support the victims!"

Another minister in charge of the cities of the two states stood up and said that it was time to play.

Li Chengfeng frowned and thought for a while, then asked, "Is the disaster serious?"

The minister said: "Reporting to the Eighth Prince, when the old minister went to inspect, people were starving to death on the side of the road! And..."

"Okay, stop talking, Zhunzao!"

With a wave of Li Chengfeng's small hand, he approved again.

This time, Manchao Wenwu was stunned again, and Li Chengfeng took advantage of the opportunity to reap a wave of naughty points.

Many ministers saw that the Eighth Prince's decision was so decisive, they all stood up one by one, and announced the great event of the drought among the people.

"The eighth prince, as well as Chengzhou, Quanzhou and other cities, need food..."

"Eighth Prince, the people of Lizhou are also suffering from a food shortage, and may be about to enter a famine soon!"

Many ministers are all about food.

Li Chengfeng asked again: "Excuse me, my prince, I have a question now, I just don't understand it!"

Li Chengfeng's last voice was very heavy.

For a moment, those ministers who started the memorial were silent for an instant, not daring to speak.

They didn't expect that the eighth prince would actually scold people in the court? Swearing.

Wei Zheng arched his hands and said respectfully: "Eighth Prince, please express your doubts, and the old minister will answer for you!"

Wei Zheng knew that the eighth prince was dealing with the government for the first time, and there were bound to be many intractable problems that could not be solved, so Wei Zheng had been waiting for Li Chengfeng to ask questions, and then stood up to explain.

I just heard Li Chengfeng say: "Prime Minister Wei Zheng, my prince has a question that I really don't understand!"

"Eighth Prince, please tell me!" Wei Chengfeng said: "Why is the Tang Dynasty so prosperous and powerful, but the people can't survive a year of natural disasters for the sake of the people's livelihood? Don't they have any food reserves at home?" ? Couldn’t it last even a year?”

"You say that those red soil lands in the north lack food in places where food can't be grown, that's okay! But why is there no food in places like Yangzhou, a land of fish and rice, and Yangzhou, a land of rice? What's going on?"

Li Chengfeng asked a serious question.

Wei Zheng answered seriously: "Eighth prince, you don't know something! Let me listen to the old minister in detail!"

"The state governs the county, the county governs the city, the city governs the village, and the village governs the people!"

"And our Datang Palace manages all the states and cities of the Tang Dynasty!"

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