The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 334: Angry Li Shimin

Maybe, because he remembered an unbearable past, he hated Turks and Tubo so deeply.

Yeah, watching your compatriots being eaten? Can Li Xiaogong not hate Tubo and Turks?

And Li Chengfeng, in fact, did know in history that when the Turks attacked Datang, they captured a city in Datang, and they actually made the people of Datang directly into meatloaf to feed their soldiers?

Whenever he thinks about this matter, Li Chengfeng hates Turkic thieves to the bone.

"Eight princes, how can I let you go alone to resist the invasion of the Tubo army? Now, the old minister has sent a letter to Chang'an City to inform the emperor of this matter! And as long as we persist for about three days, the emperor will come to you." We will send troops and horses to Suzhou to support us, and we only need to stick to it for three days, and that's enough!"

"No need!" Li Chengfeng waved his hand, and said domineeringly: "If you sow a cause, you will reap a cause, and if you sow a fruit, you will reap a fruit. I, Li Chengfeng, must let me, Li Chengfeng, solve the cause and effect by myself, and no one else needs to intervene!"

After finishing speaking, Li Chengfeng looked at Changsun Wuyi and said, "Changsun Wuyi, let's go, let's go to protect the southern city and resist the invasion of Tubo soldiers!"

"Yes, Eighth Prince!"

Changsun Wuyi is Li Chengfeng's military adviser, he will not disobey Li Chengfeng's order.

Since Li Chengfeng plans to go to the battlefield in person? So what reason do you have to retreat?

Seeing Li Chengfeng and Changsun Wuyi walking down the tower, Li Xiaogong stomped anxiously on the tower.

"Hey, why didn't the eighth prince listen to my advice? Now we have to wait for the emperor to send troops to support Suzhou as soon as possible!"

Li Xiaogong knew that if Li Chengfeng wanted to do something, he couldn't stop him.

Because his official position is not as high as Li Chengfeng, but the most important thing is that Li Xiaogong vaguely feels that he can't beat Li Chengfeng?

Although Li Chengfeng was only six years old, Li Xiaogong felt an inexplicable pressure from Li Chengfeng.

This kind of pressure is even stronger than the pressure brought to him by the military **** Li Jing!

Soon, Li Chengfeng organized the 3000 Xuanjia army he brought, and set off for the southern city of Suzhou.

In the entire northern city of Suzhou, no one dared to stop Li Chengfeng, and Li Xiaogong could only stand on the tower, watching Li Chengfeng and his 3000 Xuanjia army gradually go away.

When this matter reached Li Shimin's ears, Li Shimin, who was far away in Chang'an City, instantly exploded!

"What? Cheng Yaojin, tell me again, the Turks and Tubo led an army of 200,000 and joined forces to attack Suzhou in the Tang Dynasty? What's going on?"


Li Shimin patted the dragon chair heavily, and the whole court was filled with a serious atmosphere.

All the ministers under the court showed panic expressions.

What is the concept of 200,000 troops? It should be worth a super big battle.

Such battles are generally recorded in the annals of history.

In the audience, the person who reported the information was Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin gritted his teeth tightly and said, "Your Majesty, the letter is written like this! Moreover, it is General Li Xiaogong's handwriting, this veteran can still see it!"

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Li Shimin frowned tightly, with a hint of doubt between his brows, and said: "Now it is a year of severe drought, and the Turks and Tubo are busy governing the country and distributing food. How could they lead their troops collectively to attack our Great Tang? What about Zhoucheng? Cheng Yaojin, tell me quickly, what's going on here?"

Cheng Yaojin looked at the contents of the letter, his face instantly dumbfounded.

On the side, Du Ruhui clenched his fists, took a step forward, and said, "Your Majesty, don't forget that the Eighth Prince is still in Suzhou City! Moreover, Suzhou is still an indispensable part of our Tang Dynasty. If Suzhou is destroyed , then the Tang Dynasty will be attacked by Turks and Tibetans at the same time!"

"Yes, Suzhou is very important to our Tang Dynasty! Besides, the Eighth Prince is still inspecting Suzhou! This little **** won't come back for half a month, and he doesn't know what he is going to do. What are you doing in Suzhou? Alas..."

Li Shimin frowned.

However, at this moment, Cheng Yaojin in the audience faltered and said: "Your Majesty, you want to know why the Turks and Tubo suddenly became angry and led an army of more than 200,000 troops to attack the Tang Dynasty?"

"Why?" Li Shimin asked.

Cheng Yaojin replied, "Because the letter said that it was the Eighth Prince who stole 430,000 gold from the five border cities of Turkic and Tubo by himself!"

"What? Tell me aside, how much did the Eighth Prince cheat them?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin's eyes widened immediately.

In just half a month, Li Chengfeng cheated 430,000 gold in the five border cities of Turks and Tubo in Suzhou?

How on earth did he do it?

He is just a six-year-old child, how did he cheat others of 430,000 gold?

Moreover, they are not fools!

At this moment, not only Li Shimin was surprised, but the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were also surprised from ear to ear.

Money worth 430,000 gold is not a small fortune for Datang.

But it happened that Li Chengfeng cheated so much money from others in just half a month? But it's not so much a pit, it's better to say it's earned.

Moreover, Turks and Tibetans are not fools, are they?

If you want to blame, blame Li Chengfeng for being too smart. Although they are not fools, but with Li Chengfeng's super high IQ, he can still play the opponent as a fool!

Li Shimin finally knew why Li Chengfeng took the 220,000 gold from his Prince's Mansion and left for Suzhou without saying goodbye. It turned out that he went to Suzhou to earn money from the Turks and Tubo?

"Hey, look at what good things this kid has done!"

Li Shimin's face became more and more serious.

"He keeps making noises in the It's okay to make noises, at least this is the palace, so he can make noises as he pleases!"

"But doesn't he think it's exciting? He actually went to Suzhou to steal 430,000 gold from the Turkic and Tubo countries? Is this kid really willing to make me mad to death?"

"It's all right now, Turks and Tubo have led an army of more than 200,000 soldiers and horses, and they want to attack Tang Suzhou?"

"General Li Xiaogong led the army there alone, how could he possibly be able to withstand it?"

Li Shimin was angry in the court hall, and everyone in the audience sighed again and again.

It has to be said that Li Chengfeng is a genius, and he is also a genius among geniuses.

But he never seems to think about the consequences when he does things. Now it's all right, Li Chengfeng has completely angered the two countries of Turkic and Tubo.

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