The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 954: Angry Wei Wang Li Tai!

"Why do you owe someone money?" Li Tai felt that the matter was not simple!

Li Lizhi faltered and said: "I, I went out to gamble, and played for a while!"

After speaking, everyone was shocked instantly.

Good guy, the majestic Princess Changle actually went out to gamble? If you say this, you will definitely lose Li Shimin's face!

"Changle, Changle, that's really amazing! Father has warned you several times to let the guards follow you when you go out, just to protect you from being targeted by thieves! It's better for you to drive the guards away and secretly Went to gamble? Anyway, I admire you, and I lost!"

Li Tai patted his forehead, he really wanted to worry about his own sister.

Li Lizhi also had a look of grievance on her face, and said: "I, I just had an itchy hand for a while. I only wanted to play for 20 taels of gold. Who knew that the game would get bigger and bigger, and in the end, I actually lost 1000 taels of gold? I said I was Princess Changle, but they still didn't believe me, they said I was a liar, and finally sold me to pay off the debt! Fourth Brother, Brother Feng'er, you must save me!"

"Don't worry, with me and Lao Ba here, how could it possibly make you suffer!"

After Li Tai finished speaking, Li Lizhi nodded vigorously, and finally showed a long-lost smile on his face.

Who told her to be his younger sister? As a brother, he must love her and love her!

"Oh, Mr. Yun, what do you think of this girl? Are you satisfied?"

The old bustard had actually been watching secretly.

She didn't see Li Lizhi crying like Li Chengfeng and the others, she turned her head, but found that Li Lizhi and Li Tai and the others had a happy conversation, with a happy smile on their faces?

Aunt Wang, the bustard, felt that there was a show?

It is estimated that there is a play.

As long as you sell this girl, at least you can earn 1000 taels of gold, right?

So she ran over quickly and asked Li Tai what he wanted?

Sell ​​this girl to him if you think you can.

In fact, many ministers in the palace have their concubines in this way!

Many people, when they see a beautiful girl, they spend money to buy it and make it their own concubine.

Although this approach is disgusting, it will also be criticized and ridiculed by others.

Hey, but this kind of behavior is legal in Datang. Are you angry?

When the bustard came, Li Chengfeng smiled, and Li Tai also smiled.

Seeing the two of them laughing, the bustard also laughed along with her!

"Haha, Mr. Yun, this girl is obedient, and she looks like a water spirit. If she is waiting for her to grow up, she will definitely be a beauty who can overwhelm the country! How about it, 1000 taels of gold, what do you think, Mr. Yun?" ? This price is absolutely fair, no kidding!"

The old bustard began to discuss how to make money by selling people.

Now, Li Lizhi has her elder brother and younger brother here to support her, and she is not afraid of this old bustard anymore.

Li Lizhi looked at the madam very proudly, to see what other tricks she could play.

Li Chengfeng didn't speak, but Li Tai frowned.

Li Taidao: "Aunt Wang, you said, such a beautiful girl, you just sell me 1000 taels of gold? Is it a little less?"

"Ah? Then, what do you mean, Master Yun?" The old bustard's eyes widened in surprise. Could it be that Master Yun can give himself some more money?

Li Tai stretched out a finger and said, "It's not one thousand taels of gold, but ten thousand taels! What do you think?"

"One, 10,000 taels? Oh, my Mr. Yun, you are really rich and wealthy! Thank you, Mr. Yun!"

The old bustard, Aunt Wang, laughed happily.

From the time they opened Chunfenglou to now, they haven't earned 10,000 taels of gold yet.

Unexpectedly, this Mr. Yun would give money as soon as he opened his mouth?

However, what she didn't know was that Li Tai was actually fooling her.

Didn't expect that she would really dare to ask for it?

Li Tai's expression changed suddenly, and he shouted, "Aunt Wang, will you give me money?"

"Ah? No, no, Mr. Yun, will you give me money?"

"Bastard! Presumptuous, I'm here to pick up my sister home, do you want me to give you money? Huh?"

Li Tai suddenly became furious, and shouted: "Aunt Wang, do you think my sister is worth a thousand taels of gold? You sold it to me so cheaply?"

"What? You? Your sister? My God, Master Yun, what are you talking about?"

At this moment, Aunt Wang was a little confused.

Because she had heard from the gossip that this young master Yun was actually the fourth prince of the Tang Dynasty. He was usually fine and liked to go out for drinks and outings with the sons of the ministers in the palace.

Therefore, everyone knows that Young Master Yun is the Fourth Prince of the Tang Dynasty, King Wei Li Tai.

And Wei Wang Li Tai's younger sister? Isn't her own sister Li Lizhi, Princess Changle of the Tang Dynasty?

My nima vomited.

At this moment, Aunt Wang, the old bustard, felt like dying.

What the hell?

Could it be that the girl in front of me is really Princess Changle of Datang?

What a crime, who on earth caught her here and sold her to him?

Even Princess Changle dares to catch her?


In an instant, Aunt Wang knelt down on the ground in fright, kowtowed to apologize, and said, "I'm sorry, Master Yun, I was wrong, I really didn't know, she is your own sister!"

"Then you know now? Tell me, who sold her to you?"

Li Tai was extremely angry and roared.

The people on the side also looked at Li Tai and Li Chengfeng in amazement.

Because in the eyes of everyone, they all know that Aunt Wang is a respectable person here, how could she be scared to kneel on the ground by a young master?

Unless it is said that this son's status is so great that Aunt Wang dare not offend him.

As a result, the people on the side turned into melon-eating crowds and began to watch the show.

Aunt Wang said tremblingly, "Yes, they are two masked people. I only know their names are Xiaohu and A Niu! I don't know the rest!"

"Then they are human traffickers?" Li Tai asked.

Aunt Wang said: "Yes, yes, they are well-known human traffickers here, but we dare not report to the police to arrest him, otherwise, they will kill me!"

"So, you just joined forces with them and worked hand in hand? Well, it seems that there is no need for your Chunfeng Tower to exist!"

Li Taiyi's words are strict said in a mighty and domineering manner.

Li Chengfeng was on the sidelines, admiring Li Tai's work style and attitude.

He nodded slightly.

I have to say that Li Tai is very sunny, righteous and domineering.

Compared with Li Chengqian, Li Tai seems to have inherited Li Shimin's determination and imperial spirit.

As for Li Chengqian, apart from being too dark in his heart, there is nothing wrong with his personality and appearance. He is a proper super handsome man, smart and has great wisdom.

Unfortunately, Li Chengqian's great wisdom was not used in the right place!

Li Chengfeng is now learning the art of observing people.

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