The Great Tao Chronicle

v1 Chapter 112: Stew yourself in a wok

"Hui, Master Hui, that child has nothing to do with me!"

The fellow was sobbing:

"He gave me less money to buy medicine just now. I'm not with him."

"Stop talking nonsense! Answer me!"

Su Er gritted his teeth.

Nanliang County said that it is not too big or too small. After he burned the Taoist temple, he walked in for several days without finding any trace of the old Taoist priest.

At this time, I finally found out that I can't let go of the news.

The guy shook his body and hurriedly replied:

"That kid seems to live in the south of the city. I really don't know where it is! He just bought medicine here for half a month."

"If you dare to lie to me, you know the consequences."

Su Eryi let go.

The guy sat down on the ground and didn't dare.


Su Er turned around and looked at the place where Zhang Haohao disappeared, his eyes flickering.

Although Nanliang County is small and complete with five internal organs, the city is no match for it.

still be careful

Waiting for the night to go back to the result of this old thing

South of Nanling City.

In a low and small courtyard, wisps of blue smoke rose and drifted in the air.

In a small courtyard with a radius of no more than two or three feet, a large pot was propped up on the stove top built with large stones.

An Qisheng, who was wearing only a pair of shorts, sat cross-legged in the warm potion, his skin flushed.

The potion exudes a pungent smell that fills the tip of the nose, the water vapor lingers, and water drops all over his skin.

It has only been half a month, and his state has undergone tremendous changes from before.

The wrinkled face became flat, the loose flesh became firm, and the thin and hunched body became full.

Some people believe it when they say that they are more than ten years younger!

"Master, I'm back!"

Zhang Haohao rushed into the yard like the wind.

"Senior brother, you don't know how to close the door!"

Jiang Tingting raised her head from the ground, her face was full of ashes.


Zhang Haohao scratched his head, turned around and closed the door, then walked into the yard and untied the medicine bag.

"Leave nightshade three taels first, then see two coins when it snows, Zixuan four taels or two"

Zhang Haohao muttered in his mouth, and skillfully poured the same medicinal materials into the pot evenly.

However, he did not dare to look at the master.

At this time, the master's skin was red, and the muscles on his body were still scurrying around like a little mouse, which seemed to frighten him.



An Qisheng sat in the scalding medicinal liquid, and the pungent medicinal smell was blown away by the airflow escaping from his mouth and nose.

Boiling himself with various medicinal liquids is a method he learned from Tong Zhengyang's memory.

It can absorb the medicinal power contained in the medicinal materials into internal power at the fastest speed, polish the body, and fill the gap.

In the past half month, in addition to dreaming, cultivating internal skills, and boxing, he spent most of the time in the medicinal liquid, boiling himself over and over again.

That's why he was able to make such a big change.

While immersed in the medicinal liquid, he was not idle, he was still in the dream, and with the twenty-four hours he got in the dream, he continued to perfect the boy skill that he had modified.

Time passed, and soon it was evening, and the sky was full of red clouds.

An Qisheng slowly closed the momentum.

This pot of hot medicinal liquid has become cold, and its color has become transparent like clear water.


He strode out of the cauldron, without wiping it, the strength of his body shook spontaneously, and the water droplets all over his body were shaken.

Half a month is not enough for him to be reborn, but it is enough for him to control this body to the level of energy transformation, and under the nourishment of inner strength, the body gradually recovers.

After all, even though the internal strength of that old Taoist body that has been polished for 70 years has dissipated and his essence has been lost, he can walk again, but it is much faster than ordinary people starting from scratch.

Of course, there is also the effect of the bottle of pills that Tieshan sent.

"Six Gates is indeed rich and powerful, and the effect of the wound medicine that a fifth-rank catcher casually took out was unexpectedly good."

An Qisheng slowly put on his clothes and couldn't help but sigh.

The process of boiling itself has ended here, not because it has no effect, but because there is no money.

When he went down the mountain this time, he only had the twenty taels of silver that he extorted from Su Er, and the jade pendant that cost more than thirty taels of silver.

It cost more than 30 taels to buy medicine, 10 taels to rent the yard, plus three people to eat and buy clothes, it can be considered that there is not a single flower left.

At this time, he was somewhat expecting those gangsters to come to the door soon in the morning.

Otherwise, an old Taoist in his 90s and two babes would have no other way to make money besides begging.

"Master, the meal is ready."

Zhang Haohao's voice came.


When An Qisheng walked into the house, the two little guys were already sitting upright and waiting for dinner.

From here, An Qisheng also had to sigh, that Laodao had accepted two good apprentices, not to mention his diligence, and he did not have the characteristics of those arrogant children in the previous life.

A very obedient one.

"Master, we have no money"

After eating, Zhang Haohao took out his purse with a frown and counted it one by one:

"Thirty-six eldest sons, the three of us will eat at most for four or five days."

"Ah? Why is it so ordered? Senior brother, did you secretly go to buy candied haws to eat?"

When Jiang Tingting heard this, she frowned.

She didn't want to go hungry.

"I do not have!"

Zhang Haohao's face turned red, and he was very aggrieved: "I haven't eaten any more candied haws that Master bought for us."

"Okay, about the money, Master will find a way."

An Qisheng was a little ashamed. He was immersed in the practice these days, but he treated these two little guys badly.

But as a human being in two lifetimes, he never bothered about eating, so he subconsciously ignored it.

He touched Er Xiao's head and said with pity:

"When you have money in the future, you can eat as many candied haws as you want."

"Long live Master!"

The little guy, who was still downcast just now, immediately became elated.

A bunch of candied haws, they are already very satisfied


The red moon hangs high in the sky, and the night wind moves with a 'huhu'.

In the alley in the south of the city, a few figures came hurriedly in the night.

They moved slowly and flashed through the night.

"I heard that the sixth house in front is the place where the old Taoist rented, the first child, the second child, there is no mistake!"

A low man in night clothes said softly:

"The person I inquired about has a very deep memory, because the yard is filled with a pungent smell of medicine every day, and everyone around knows that this old man was seriously injured."


Su Er twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking of the twenty taels of silver and Yupei who had been deceived by the old bastard, his heart ached faintly.

Although Snake King Mountain has a big family, he doesn't have much money himself.

Twenty taels of silver was enough for him to order three girls in Zuiyuelou for four or five days, and he was spoiled by this old thing!

"Let's go! Kill this old beast, the second brother invites you to go to Zuiyuelou for a day."

Su Er's murderous intention grew in his heart, after gritting his teeth and making a promise.

Taking advantage of the night, he gritted his teeth and touched it.


In the small courtyard, An Qisheng slowly raised his fists and kicked his feet, and his body only swirled between square inches.

His movements were gentle, slower than those of Xuanxing's old ladies in the park.

He seemed to be wearing heavy iron clothes all over his body.

But if someone was around, he could hear the sound of 'click' and 'click' all over his body as his movements stretched.

Not only the muscles and bones are very active, but the physical exertion is also very large.


The night wind blows, and the leaves dance with the wind.

An Qisheng, who was punching slowly, moved his ears slightly, as if he heard something.

"Isn't this a sleepy pillow?"

An Qisheng's eyes lit up slightly, and he returned to silence.

Continue to punch slowly.

In half a month in reality, plus half a month in dreams, he has initially integrated dozens of hundreds of sets of internal and external boxing routines, from which he has selected the most suitable boxing movements that fit the boy's gong.

Playing this set of punches not only extracts internal force faster, but also polishes the muscles, bones, and membranes much better than the original boy skill.


Hearing the faint sound of 'click' in the wind, Su Eryi waved his hand and crouched at the corner of the wall.

"Second brother?"

A man asked in a low voice.

"Do not talk."

Su Er made a gesture, his body heaved gently, like a civet cat hanging from the low earth wall of the yard.

Carefully stick out his head to look.

In the courtyard, the old Taoist was punching slowly, and his bones were shaking while punching.

"This old guy is seriously injured, and the bones are ringing with such a soft fist, and there is no point in living."

Su Er sneered in his heart:

"Dare to lie to me and see how you die this time!"

He hung on the wall with one hand, and made a gesture with the other hand behind him, letting several other people go around and surround him from behind.

Then he leaned against the wall, raised his arms slightly, and aimed.


With a soft sound, the sleeve arrow emitting a faint blue light has broken through the air, and shot towards An Qisheng who was unaware!


Before the arrow reached his body, An Qisheng suddenly called out, leaning on his waist and bending over.

"Did your waist flash? Such a coincidence?"

Su Er was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of doubt flashed.

But Yu Guang glanced that the few people he brought with him had already climbed up the wall, so he dispelled his doubts, touched his hand on the lower back, and drew out the dagger.

As soon as he tried his best, he ran into the yard.



Several figures jumped down the wall.

Because Su Er slowed down for a while, those people had already rushed out, and the reddish light of the knife under the red moon was already slashing towards An Qisheng like a violent storm!

"Good come."

An Qisheng smiled in his bent his body, dodging the light of the knife slashing from behind.

With a shake of his body, the hands that Xu Xu embraced were clenched and thumped behind him.


Thumping out in one go.

An Qisheng's loose tendons tensed, and the air roared, as if the air had burst.

The gangster who slashed the air with a knife screamed badly in his heart, and the slapped body that drummed up a fierce airflow had already smashed heavily between his chest and abdomen!


Like a hammer on a drum!

With a low, muffled sound, the gangster's eyes popped, and he was knocked off the ground by a huge force.

The 'huh' flew out zhang Xu, and hit the stone wall heavily, and the bones and bones 'kacha' shattered.

Suddenly there was no sound.