The Great Tao Chronicle

v1 Chapter 167: Turn yourself into a black hole!

What is the spirit of heaven and earth?

This is the question An Qisheng has been thinking about since he developed his inner strength.

Is it the essence of the sun and the moon?

The beauty of mountains and rivers?

Or the ubiquitous magnetic field between heaven and earth? life energy?

At this time, An Qisheng didn't know this question, but he knew that the heaven and earth in the long-floating world were filled with all kinds of spiritual energy.

These auras nourish all things, and give rise to life and spirituality.

And it helps to improve the essence.

The spiritual grass, rare and exotic animals, and even some rare ores in this world all contain a lot of spiritual energy.

Their composition may not be more complicated than ordinary objects, but with the infusion of spiritual energy, it has become another completely different thing.

And people are also in this column.

However, compared to the passive acceptance of plants, animals and minerals, people with spiritual wisdom want more.

In the martial arts practice of Jiufujie, from polishing the physical body, condensing internal strength, infuriating qi, qi veins and even divine veins, all of them are the fusion of the human body and the spiritual qi of heaven and earth.

In the whole process, the improvement of the body is secondary, and the amount of spiritual energy in the world is the path they are pursuing.

As for himself, the existence of this spiritual energy allowed him to see the path ahead that could never be seen above Xuan Xing.

The existence of internal strength alone made his physique, before the completion of the 'Embrace the Holy Womb', already possessed a physical physique that was unmatched by all the elixir masters from ancient times to the present.

After 'holding the holy fetus' and changing blood, his physique has reached a peak in a certain sense.

Although he has never really played against each other, in terms of physique alone, no one in Xuanxing has become stronger than his current physique since ancient times.

Even if it is to see God, it is impossible to achieve the strength of his physique at this time.

This is just an internal force.

Inner strength, in the final analysis, is nothing but the gentle aura that people in this world have lived in for a long time in the aura of heaven and earth.

What about the real aura of heaven and earth?

Only a few of the qi meridian powerhouses he has seen have experienced physical torture, and most of them focus on the cultivation of true qi, but even so, their physical bodies are also extremely tyrannical.

"The so-called unique, but that's all."

An Qisheng felt something.

From ancient times to the present, Xuanxing has countless outstanding talents, and there are many people who are extremely talented and savvy. However, because of the limitations of heaven and earth, even a saint like Wang Yangming, who has appeared every thousand years, cannot get rid of the barriers of heaven and earth.

This is the difference in the world.

What if they came to this world?

An Qisheng knew in his heart that it was not how powerful he was that he could go from a dying old Taoist priest to this level in just a few months.

Instead, it has inherited the shadow of its predecessors and stood on the shoulders of giants.

In a world without the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the research of countless geniuses in the subtleties of the flesh from ancient times to the present is by no means comparable to the warriors in the long-floating world.

It has nothing to do with talent or understanding, it has nothing to do with the environment.

Born in a wealthy family, you will not spend a penny in half.

The fusion of two different but complementary martial arts systems does not bring about the effect that one plus one equals two.



With a mind to move his inner strength and blood, An Qisheng instantly fell into a dream of himself.

Begin to try one by one the combination of many spiritual qi and their own internal strength, and the condensed true qi and their own fit.

First of all, it is the air of the great sun.

The Dragon Tiger Pure Yang Gong practiced by Tongzheng Yang is the first-class secret method of true qi in the world. It is the pure yang qi that guides the great sun's pure yang spirit to sink into the body, form a rendezvous with its own vitality, and then is born.

Among the many methods of infuriating condensing he has collected, the pure yang energy is second only to the two infuriating condensing methods recorded in Tianyiduo Lingjing and Ferris Wheel.

Compared with Xue Chaoyang, Tuoba Chongguang, Zhao Changlin, Lan Da, Feng Zhenzong, and many others, the true qi condensed by the masters of the qi veins is even better.

It is a pity that this Dragon Tiger Pure Yang Gong is not completely consistent with the Taibai Extreme Gang Sutra, which is a great success of the Qi meridian, and the Hanguang Qi training method that cultivates inner strength.

So that when Tong Zhengyang arrived, he couldn't make it up.

In a dream, the inn.

An Qisheng fell into a dream, and after a slight induction, a scorching aura that roamed between the heavens and the earth entered from between his eyebrows.


Like swallowing charcoal, the body is hot.

However, his physique is far better than any martial artist in this world before condensing his true qi, and the process of making other martial artists face the enemy is only a matter of course for him.

With his current physique, even swallowing a mouthful of magma would not cause much damage, not to mention a great sun aura far away from heaven and earth.

As soon as his mind moved, his inner strength surged up, like a surging stream of water absorbing the spiritual energy of this world.

Spiritual energy is like fire, inner strength is like water.

Between the meeting of water and fire, he only felt a sinking in his stomach, as if a seed was slowly forming in the circle of infuriating energy.

"Pure Yang is really domineering"

After An Qisheng sensed it slightly, he still shook his head slightly: "Unfortunately, it's still a bit mean."

There are many differences in spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and individual physiques are also different. If the condensed internal strength and spiritual energy are not completely compatible, it will affect the progress of cultivation and the formation of Qi channels.

This is also the reason why many amazing and brilliant people and the disciples they accept are also extremely diligent, but it is often difficult for them to achieve the achievements of their teachers.

What suits you is the best.

But in this process, once the difference is discovered after the beginning, there is no room for repentance.

Not everyone has countless opportunities to try.

Turning his mind, An Qisheng started to try again.

"The Qi of pure Yang is not good enough for the Qi of plants and trees, and the Qi of plants and trees is not good enough."

Try again and again in a dream.

The aura entered the body again and again, trying to find the aura that best suited him.

Outside, time has passed, the sunset is over the western mountains, the red moon is hanging high, and it is already the second half of the night.

At a certain moment, An Qisheng suddenly opened his eyes.

There seemed to be lightning flashing across the void, and the dimly lit room instantly lit up.

In An Qisheng's eyes, the walls and houses seemed to no longer exist. In his eyes, the boundless night sky with seven red moons hung faintly.

The dim starlight was inconspicuous under the reflection of the crimson moonlight.

But in An Qisheng's eyes at this time, the endless starlight was more dazzling than any light.

What he sees, of course, is not starlight.

The aura of the stars is no different from other auras mixed between heaven and earth, or in other words, the aura of the stars is originally classified into other auras.

Sun and moon aura, isn't it a star aura?

The aura of stars is the most complex aura in the world, and it itself represents all auras.

Those who can fit with the aura of the stars will fit with the aura of any heaven and earth, and An Qisheng naturally does not have such a great blessing.

What he paid attention to was the light itself.


An Qisheng muttered to himself.

In this long-floating world, is light itself a kind of spiritual energy?

In the mysterious star, the essence of light is a photon flow in a specific frequency band, and the light is only because the electrons in the light source gain extra energy.

Is light also aura?

An Qisheng didn't think too much about whether the basic rules of the two worlds were the same, and if they were different, what was the difference.

He is a practitioner, not a scientist.

Thinking too much is pointless.



Many thoughts turn just for a moment.

An Qisheng's five-hearted breathing changed the rhythm until it remained at a very strange frequency.

A wisp of intangible and intangible, yet true spiritual energy poured in from the center of his eyebrows.

There was no heat from the aura of the Great Sun, no coldness from the moonlight, and no sharp edge from the golden qi, but the internal force in his body reacted extremely violently.

The blood seemed to boil completely.

After the fusion of internal force and spiritual energy, it was like a big rock falling into the water, making a 'gudong' sound that seemed to be true.

In the abdomen, the Seed of True Qi began to condense.

A wonderful sense of fit and agility, the blending of water and milk, fills the whole body and mind at once.

With An Qisheng's state of mind at this time, he was a little lost.

This kind of feeling seems to complement the shortcomings of life and find the most important thing. In an instant, the changes in the body are not as good as the touching of the soul.

It took a long time for An Qisheng to come back to his senses.

Feeling slightly, the infuriating energy in his abdomen slowly turned, like a light flickering like a lamp.

"If you follow the steps step by step, without the help of medicinal herbs, this process will take at least ten months to condense the Qi channels."

An Qisheng's mind turned.

There are two important points in condensing the seed of true qi, one is the strength of one's own internal strength, and the other is the efficiency of attracting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

With his current physique, it is not necessary to mention the efficiency of attracting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but his internal strength is his shortcoming.

In just five or six months, even with the help of medicinal pills, the efficiency of his own cultivation of internal power is far more than that of ordinary people, but it is only comparable to that before Wang Quan's internal power was taken away.

However, he had already prepared for this matter. In the past month or so, while 'visiting' many sects, he also exchanged silver notes, gold and silver jewelry, etc. for many medicinal pills.

As soon as he thought about it, the medicinal pills that had already been prepared automatically bounced up from the cuff, the bottle stopper fell off, and the medicinal pills seemed to be alive, jumping and falling into his mouth.

The heat in the abdomen is rolling, and the internal force transportation efficiency is greatly increased.


An Qisheng slowly closed his eyes under the pressure of soaring internal strength.

At this the pores of his whole body were completely stretched out with his breathing, as if opening his mouth wide, welcoming the arrival of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.


An Qisheng's body trembled, and with his current physique, the surging aura of heaven and earth still shocked his mind.

Fortunately, I had already tried it in my dream, and I was prepared to resist this aura entering my body.

The outside world, along with his actions, has also undergone tremendous changes.

The dark room suddenly fell into complete darkness!

It was as if the light had completely disappeared.

If someone is paying attention all the time, they will find that this room has completely disappeared from sight.

No gaze seemed to be able to penetrate that layer of complete darkness, and it seemed that even his gaze had been completely sucked away by the existence in the room.

Like a black hole.