The Great Tao Chronicle

v1 Chapter 178: like a prison

"Feng Qingxuan is in the city?"

Chiwuti raised his thick and long eyebrows, a little surprised: "He didn't go to Zhongzhou?"

Although he has not paid too much attention to the affairs of Dafeng recently, but Feng Qingxuan made such a big noise, few people in the real martial arts know about it.

Yun Haitian Gathering Place Master Yu Chia Yimen, this Feng Qingxuan didn't go to Zhongzhou?

"Saint Son wants to accumulate momentum, and naturally he won't do halfway interception! What he wants to do is to defeat everyone including Yun Haitian in an upright manner."

Bai Xian'er rolled her eyes and answered calmly.

It is absolutely impossible for her to accept this six prison orders.

In the restaurant and her party, she could faintly feel that An Qisheng had a disgust for this group of poisoned people.

If he were to spread the word that Qingzhou had poisoned his eyes and ears, the number of people who died would be a hundred times more than the Qingzhou city.

At that time, she suspected that she would be killed by her 'grandfather' righteously before returning to the sect.

"Is that right"

Chi Wuti believed a little.

He once heard the Master Zhuan Lun Wang speak of the "War Demon Heart Sutra". This magical art is the most important. It pays attention to the general trend.

Back then, Pang Wanyang was also challenged by many major sects one by one, and bit by bit, he accumulated the general trend of being number one in the world.

Feng Qingxuanruo did the same, and there seems to be nothing wrong.

Bai Xian'er did not speak, and felt a little uneasy in her heart.

She is not afraid that Chiwuti will not believe it. What she is afraid of is that if she brings this Chiwuti to the door, Grandpa will not be happy

"So, lead the way."

Chi Wuti loosened his brows, still believing in doubt.

But this is something that can be known in just a few steps, such a deception is inferior and unnecessary.

"The mage comes with me."

Bai Xian'er took a deep breath and smiled, making Chi Wuti dazzled.

Beautiful woman, every move is pleasing to the eye.

‘Perhaps after this incident, someone can be sent to the Great Sun Sect to ask the Dharma King for relatives’

Chi Wuti thought about it in his mind.

The two have already left the Yanyun Pavilion one after the other.

Qingzhou Fucheng in the night is quieter than in the daytime. There is no other movement on the wide street except for the leaves that are blown by the breeze.

"Is your country going to go to war with Dafeng?"

While pacing, Bai Xian'er asked pretending to be curious.

The start of the war was very big, and it was impossible to hide it from everyone, and she also heard some rumors.

"It's not a secret."

Chi Wuti nodded slightly:

"Fengguo has been fighting horses for many years, and sooner or later they will have to do it! Instead of passively parrying, it is better to strike first! Qingzhou Racecourse is the top priority of Dafeng. Once there is a war, if there is not enough supply of war horses, Fengguo will not be the opponent of our country's wolf riding. !"

The Golden Wolf Kingdom is known as a nation on horseback. In the country, from princes to ordinary children, there is no one who can't ride a horse. The cavalry has always been the best in the world.

Although Dafeng's weapons are better, if the war horse is missing, once the war starts, it will suffer a big loss.

This time, his first goal was horses. Unfortunately, Fengguo's supervision of war horses was extremely strict.

"I wonder how much poison the mage brought here?"

Bai Xian'er asked again tentatively.

"The Heavenly Wolf Powder is extremely poisonous. One drop is enough to poison the masters of qi channels. In this Qingzhou mansion, I only put one drop, and it poisoned thousands of people. Where can I use a lot?"

Chi Wuti smiled faintly:

"The weight I brought, if Feng Guo didn't move fast enough, it would be possible to poison hundreds of thousands of people."

"so much?"

Bai Xian'er was shocked.

Heavenly Wolf Powder is the legendary poison of the Golden Wolf Kingdom. It is said that it is extracted from minerals. It is a rare poison in the world that can poison the Qi veins, and it is extremely precious.

Now this Chiwuti has come prepared, I am afraid that he is bound to win.

But if hundreds of thousands of people were poisoned, the Dafeng court would probably go crazy

Between the two of them talking, Chi Wuti suddenly stopped.


Bai Xian'er frowned slightly.

"Great master!"

Chi Wuti looked up at the restaurant at the end of the long street, his face slightly solemn.

In his induction, there seemed to be a giant beast that swallowed the sky across the restaurant, exuding an aura that shocked him.

What surprised him even more was that the moonlight seemed to have dimmed a lot there.

So much so that the restaurant is getting darker and darker.

"You holy son, but in that restaurant?"

Chi Wuti turned to ask.

He has never seen Feng Qingxuan, but this aura is so tyrannical, who else could it be if it wasn't Feng Qingxuan?


Bai Xian'er swallowed, her heart throbbing.

Jing Chi Wuti reminded her that she also felt an indescribable tremendous pressure.

In the dark restaurant, it seemed that a giant beast was about to wake up, making her tremble.

"It is worthy of that disciple, and the name of the Holy Son is worthy of it."

Chi Wuti exclaimed.

It's not false, the strength of this breath is much stronger than that of the older generation of Qi masters.

At this time, he believed Bai Xian'er's words.

"The Holy Son seems to be practicing, can Xian'er be the first to report?"

Bai Xian'er's eyes wandered and she said tentatively.

"No need! We have never been hiding, Brother Feng will not be unaware of our arrival."

Chi Wuti waved his hand.

Step forward past Bai Xian'er.

The Qi channel is connected to the sky and the earth, and the perception is far from that of ordinary warriors, and the needle drop can be heard within a hundred feet.

They never hid their tracks, fearing that they would have been discovered when they stepped into the long street.

Bai Xian'er felt up and down in her heart, so she had to bite the bullet and step forward.

"This Feng Qingxuan's breath is so tyrannical"

In the low sound of footsteps, Chi Wuti was amazed in his heart.

Zhuanlun Temple meditates on the Ferris Wheel Method. His spirit is different from ordinary people, and he is the most sensitive. In his perception, every step he takes, the heaviness of his heart deepens.

This kind of feeling has never happened when I met many old monks in Zhuanlun Temple.

I am afraid that the rumors are true, this son has approached the divine vein.

Da da! da da~

Suddenly, Chi Wuti stepped down.

A crisp footstep sounded from nowhere, and it sounded very clearly in his ears.

"The Footsteps"

Chi Wuti's eyelids jumped.

His perception is very strong, and he can clearly perceive that at the same time as the footsteps sounded, the stone slabs of the entire long street seemed to vibrate at the same time.

It was as if the Baizhang Street had turned into water, and ripples spread as the man walked.

It was more like its footsteps fell like drumsticks, and the long street was like a drumhead.

To his horror, the sound of footsteps continued to sound.

Layers of invisible fluctuations spread to his body, and his body, bones, muscles, and organs were trembling slightly!

How incredible is this?

I don't see anyone, I don't hear their voices, just the sound of footsteps has such momentum!


Bai Xian'er's heart tightened.

Her perception was no better than Chiwuti, but she knew who the footsteps were coming from.

Da da!

Amidst the crisp and rhythmic footsteps, a figure stepped out of the restaurant.

"how is this possible??"

Chi Wuti's eyes widened, but he couldn't see the man's face.

This is an extremely incredible thing for him. With his eyesight, even in the moonless night, it is impossible to see anything within a few hundred meters.

But at this time, he really can't see it!

It was as if all the light between heaven and earth, including his eyes, was swallowed by a black hole!

So much so that he couldn't see the person's appearance at all.

He felt it to the utmost, only to feel that as the figure paced, the darkness slowly spread, as if to devour him and the moonlight in the sky!

Da da

An Qisheng came pacing, and under the windless night, his clothes rattled, as if the pores of his body were communicating with the outside world, so that the clothes moved without wind.

His eyes were flat, and he looked at the bald head at the end of the long street a hundred feet away, and said lightly:

"You want to see me?"

His voice was neither high nor low, without the inner strength of infuriating energy, but it calmly spread down the Baizhang Street.

And with the sound of the voice, the pervading darkness seemed to disappear in an instant.

The crimson moonlight flowed down from the sky to the extreme behind, rippling like water.

Chi Wuti looked up, and only then did he really see the appearance of the person who came.

Wearing a white Taoist robe, he hunted and moved, his long hair drifted slowly behind him, and there seemed to be a whistling of air all the time around his body.

"Grandpa, he seems to be stronger"

Bai Xian'er, who had stopped for a long time, watched this scene, and the awe in her heart climbed even higher.

Even if he really knew that this was his 'grandfather', he couldn't help but feel fear.

It's like a person standing on a high-rise building overlooking the ground, and looking at the sea from a small boat, knowing that he is safe, but still throbbing in his heart.

This is the body's spontaneous trembling when it senses force majeure.


Chi Wuti was inexplicably nervous, and when he opened his mouth, he was startled.

His voice was jerky, like a long sword and grindstone full of rust, unpredictable and unspeakable.


He took a deep breath, and his face became very ugly:

"You are not Feng Qingxuan"

Although he has never seen Feng Qingxuan, he still knows some characteristics of Feng Qingxuan.

Feng Qingxuan usually only wears a robe with black bottom and gold, with a black knife hanging from his waist, but the person who comes here is wearing a white Taoist robe, and his body is refreshing, and he has never carried a knife at all.

This was impossible for Feng Qingxuan, who practiced magic swords.


An Qisheng stood with his hands behind his glanced at Bai Xian'er in the corner, and shifted his gaze to Chiwuti.

With a trace of understanding, a trace of coldness said:

"It turned out to be you, very good, very good."

In an instant, he had learned the information about this bald man, and naturally he also knew his purpose, purpose, and what he had done.

Even his martial arts routines, background teachers, relatives and friends, enemies and enemies


Chi Wuti's heart froze, only to feel that the light in his eyes was as deep as the night sky, as if he had penetrated all his secrets at a glance.

Let him feel cold all over, as if standing naked on this long street.

"Damn you!"

A sigh shook the long street like thunder.

Then the gust of wind suddenly rose, raising boundless dust into the sky!