The Great Tao Chronicle

v2 Chapter 356: funny and sad

Chapter 366 Ridiculous and pathetic A green sword?

There was an unspeakable surprise in the eyes of the three people on the mountain.

Of course, they could see that the azure sword was not a magic weapon, but a long sword of ordinary and ordinary style.

But the three of them did not dare to be careless. The Daoist's aura was too strong. He just stood calmly, but he stood like a majestic mountain, like facing a cliff of ten thousand feet, and he was in danger of being crushed at any time.


Jia An snorted coldly, pinched his sword fingers, and then the flying swords all over his body unfolded like a peacock, and the bright light illuminated the bright night sky:

"My Heaven's Will Sect is dominating the four seas and the world, and the master's primordial spirit has achieved immeasurable power. It is not easy for your Excellency to enter the Dao. Are you really going to be an enemy of us?"

Jian Xiu has the sharpest intuition. He has been cultivating swords for decades, and the heart of a sword is transparent.

But after seeing this Taoist man in white, his sword heart seemed to be covered with dust, unable to rotate properly, and layers of crises arose in his heart, otherwise, with his original temperament, he would have been slashed out at this time.

Where would there be so much nonsense.

"I thought you would say that no one in heaven and earth can save me."

An Qisheng flicked his fingers, the scabbard shattered silently, and the three-footed sword body waved like water:

"At this point, I'm still thinking about turning around. Should I call you ridiculous or pathetic?"


The voice has not yet landed.

On the top of the mountain, Jia An couldn't hold it any longer. He stomped his feet, roared, and his sword fingers burst out.

"Then it will be divided between you and me!!!"


In an instant, the sword light rolled down like rain, like a waterfall, and rolled down like a Tianhe, illuminating the entire lonely mountain for a while.

The flying sword is fierce, and the sword light is like a waterfall.

A sword is issued, more than ten thousand swords, and the countless sword lights are not scattered, but intertwined with each other, forming a sword light dragon behind the flying sword.

Accompanied by the flying sword and slashed down!

The might of the flying sword is absolutely incomparable to the vulgar. Wherever it passes, whether it is vegetation or mud, it disappears in an instant, but it is cut into particles smaller than dust by this extremely sharp aura.

An Qisheng raised his eyes and saw that the sword light and the long dragon were lifelike and vivid. The sword lights were intertwined and intertwined, and they were denser than the best fish scale armor in the world, just like the scales of a real dragon.

This sword, he recognized, was the first style of the Nine Questions of Heaven's Will, Tianlong Yin.

Not only did he know him, he had seen Jia An use this sword to compete with others more than once in his dreams, and he had even seen his cultivation experience from scratch.

An Qisheng gently stroked the long sword with his fingers, and a layer of divine light spread to see the gods. In the depths of his soul, the Wang Quan sword in the blessed land of reincarnation shone with a faint light, and then went against the current and submerged into the long sword.

The sword of kingship is intangible and intangible, and it can play a hundred soldiers. However, a carrier is still needed in a dream. This azure sword is of ordinary material, but it can also carry its power for a short time.

When the mighty airflow filled the sky, the Stegosaurus swooped down.

An Qisheng flicked his sword into the air!


Like a thunderclap on the ground!

The bodies of the two Taoists, tall and short, trembled involuntarily on the top of the mountain, only to feel that the heaven and earth were instantly filled with a grand and cold aura.

There is no need to lower your head, you have already seen a dazzling indescribable sword light soaring into the sky.

For a moment, this sword light seemed to have penetrated the clouds and night, like a bridge between heaven and earth!

"This sword"

Under the light of the sword, Jia An's pupils shrank.

This sword light is introverted, but it seems to contain a world, not a pure sword light.

In a trance, he seemed to see water, wind, mountains, rivers, mountains, birds, beasts, insects, fish, and even the sun, moon, and stars in this sword!

It seems that this sword contains the world.

In an instant, his heart felt a chill, and the mana in his body surged out from the sword fingers, stirring the ubiquitous heaven and earth essence in the world, and erupting the most violent sword energy.

clang clang clang ~

The sound of thousands of collisions of gold and iron resounded through the Lonely Mountain.

The mountains and rivers swayed, the grass and trees turned to ashes, the sky, the ground, the mountains, and the mountains all seemed to become an ocean of swords for a while.

Seeing this scene, the two Taoists behind Jia An were about to suffocate, so shocked that they could not speak.

Whether it's Jia An's sword, Tianlong Yin, or that white-clothed Taoist's sword, it is enough to kill them ten times, a hundred times of terrifying power, so how can they not be shaken in their hearts.


It seemed that in an instant, the sound of thousands of collisions of gold and iron was terminated by a louder noise.

The air waves and the wind rolled back against the current, and the solitary mountain was blown by smoke and dust, and the earth and stones rolled. If anyone saw this scene from a distance, they would find that the top of this lonely mountain had been completely flattened.

The mountains are smaller.

The mountains and trees were swept away, and none of the leaves that were strangled by the fierce sword energy were left.

An Qisheng flicked the dust that did not exist on the sleeve robe, and the long sword in front of him had been flying away:

"Divided between life and death, you are not worthy."

Faced with such humiliation, Jia An had no response.

His palms stretched forward tremblingly, and his five fingers couldn't help but want to squeeze them together, but where could they still be closed? His face was as pale as a ghost, and the bright colors in his eyes had completely dimmed:

"I'm not reconciled"

Without the slightest wound, he was already dead.

The sword is the destiny, and if the sword is broken, the person will die.

Even when he died, he didn't believe that he died like that.

How dare he?

How dare he really kill me


Under the sword, Jia An was already dead.

The tall and short Taoists were all mad and seemed to let out a roar. At the same time, they took a step forward as if they were about to shoot, and then turned around and fled.


The two escaped only a hundred feet away, and their bodies stiffened. Two stones had pierced through their magical aura, pouring in from the back of their heads, and accompanied by blood and brains rushing out from their brows.

By this time, the mana field of the practitioner had no secret to An Qisheng.

In his eyes, the magical aura of the two little monks who had not even fulfilled their destiny was like a piece of paper.

Even, under the blessing of his divine will, he didn't even have the chance to be a ghost.


When An Qisheng moved, he climbed the top of Gushan, which had been flattened in half. Before the Taoist temple that had been turned into ruins, Jia An was still standing.

"somewhat quirky"

An Qisheng frowned slightly, his palm was empty, and a ball of green light was already caught in his palm.

Killing, he is a professional, killing souls is not a big problem for him.

King Quanjian itself is neither qi nor god. Under the blessing of his divine will, a sword slashes down, which not only cuts the body but also kills the soul.

It was only at the last moment that Jia An's soul seemed to have changed a bit.

It was this mutation that caused him to cut half of the sword before it was fully completed, and the other half suddenly disappeared. It seemed that he had escaped into a different dimension, making it too late for him to beheaded.

After all, he was still unable to break through the void at this time.


An Qisheng's eyes flashed, and Jia An's memory flashed in his heart.

It's just that in his memory, there is no memory of this aspect.

However, he can also figure it out.

There was still a life-saving thing given by the Ruyi monk on Virtue, but Jia An did not have it. He was a little surprised before, but now that he thinks about it, there is also some means.

"It's just that I was cut off by me. Three souls and seven souls lost two souls and four souls. When they were rescued, they were just a ghost with dementia."

An Qisheng smiled lightly and crushed the green fire in his palm:

"But I don't know the real Yuanshen, is there any means to complete his soul?"

Daqing Wangdu.

The main altar of the Providence Sect, in a small courtyard somewhere.

A little Taoist boy was carefully cleaning the courtyard when he heard a change in the house.

"Oops, could it be that the mouse pushed the uncle, the life lamp of the ancestors?"

His heart was beating wildly, and he trotted into the house.

This room is ordinary and unremarkable at all, but inside it hides the life lamps of many "real people" taught by God's will.

As soon as he entered, he saw that the ninth life lamp on the left in the third row had been extinguished and fell down. He couldn't help but shudder:

"Jia Shishu, Jia Shishu's life lamp went out!"


At the same time as Daotong shouted, a middle-aged Taoist priest sitting cross-legged not far away suddenly stood up: "Junior Brother Jia died?"

He looked frightened and angry, and the Providence Church had not had any casualties for decades.

Not to mention direct disciples?

Jia An's death was reported layer by layer in an instant, just a moment before and after, Xiao Feng had already learned about it.

"Jia An, he is in charge of Liangzhou, who is it, virtue, or"

Xiao Feng's eyes flashed, his body disappeared in place, and he reappeared, before reaching an underground palace hundreds of feet underground.

"Vice Master!"

Several disciples guarding the underground palace bowed and saluted.

"Jia An's life light is off, where is his spare body? Take me there quickly!"

Xiao Feng spoke softly.

There are not many true direct disciples of the Heaven's Will Sect, and it is not as good as the Tathagata Academy's gift of life-saving things, because every direct disciple has the sound of the lamp of life, and has no less than ten useful bodies.

These body shells are specially designed to be replaced after the disciples die, or have their limbs injured, or are old and debilitated.

Jia An is dead?

The hearts of several disciples guarding the underground palace were all shocked, and immediately bowed to respond: "Yes!"

Immediately, the door to the underground palace opened.

In the underground palace, in a dimly lit small room with only a trace of light.

A sallow-faced little girl curled up in the corner with her legs in her arms, trembling as she looked at her brother who seemed to have changed into a person on the bed.

On the bed, a blue-faced little boy Carp also seemed to be stomping hard, and the slammed bed board groaned, and in his mouth, he kept shouting a name:

"Pei Yuanhua"

"Brother, Brother"

The little girl's tears couldn't stop falling, her heart was sad, fearful, and afraid of being helpless.


The door The little girl shivered.

Looking at the little boy who was twitching on the bed, his complexion turned blue and twisted like a fresh fish in a frying pan, Xiao Feng's face suddenly turned ashen:

"Where's the soul?!"

The expressions of the two disciples of the Providence Sect behind them also changed when they saw this scene.

This state is clearly a lack of soul, and even the consciousness of this body cannot be suppressed.


Xiao Fengyi raised his hand, grabbed the little boy in his hand, and shouted:

"wake up!"

As if struck by lightning, the little boy opened his eyes in a trance, foaming at the corners of his mouth:

"Mother, I want candy, hee hee hee"