The Great Tao Chronicle

v2 Chapter 747: I would like to be a bridge

Between heaven and earth, there is no cultivation, let alone orthodox or unorthodox.

Any martial arts, secret techniques, or even supernatural powers have evolved step by step. This is the case with Xuanxing Neijiaquan, Waijiaquan, martial arts in Jiufujie, and supernatural powers in Wanyangjie.

There is no method, knowledge is acquired overnight, and Su Jie's path is deviated, which is normal, and An Qisheng is not surprised.

The most sage of Confucianism still demands to teach Lao Dan and travel to various countries, so how can he expect Su Jie to make one step at a time and walk out of the difficult path?

"You know?"

Bai Hu was a little surprised.

Su Jie's experiments were also extremely secretive. Even in the Special Affairs Bureau, only a small number of them knew about it. Even Mr. Di of the Special Affairs Bureau was concealed.

Where did An Qisheng know about it?

Jiang Shili's heart also moved, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Only Wang Zhixuan and Su Jie's pupils shrank, and a frightening thought appeared in their hearts.

They could feel An Qisheng's attitude.

This is calm and casual, and he doesn't even care whether his own words will reveal anything, and whether it will cause other people's associations and guesses.

The meaning behind this made both of them feel chills in their hearts.

Facing the mixed eyes of everyone, An Qisheng said in a flat tone: "Humans are not as good as livestock without a heart, a dragon without a head can't walk an inch, and a **** without rules will be maddened."

"God rules? God king?"

Su Jie chewed a sentence in his mouth, but he seemed to understand: "The heart is the master of God, I understand that, but what is the rule of God?"

"The unscrupulous is the devil, and the one who abides by the order is the god! You make up an information group and interfere with the body with your spirit to achieve evolution beyond nature. This is the right way, but there are no rules and a circle..."

An Qisheng raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and seemed to see Li Yan, who was holding the iron box under him, across the Jade Emperor's Peak:

"Wang Anfeng's symptoms are not alienation, but a mental change that exceeds his limit, breaking the balance of all aspects of his body..."


Wang Zhixuan glanced at An Qisheng with a slightly complicated look, and nodded: "An Feng's various physical characteristics are in a good state, and they are improving all the time... But his consciousness is blocked by Wuzhiqi. covered by the Information Corps."

"A **** without **** is a demon. You have not failed, but if you ignore it, the one who survives will not be Wang Anfeng."

An Qisheng glanced at Su Jie lightly: "You should understand the reasoning between gods and demons."

"Mr. An, you have said so much, can you go and save An Feng first?"

Jiang Shili couldn't help it.

"Miss Jiang has a lot to do with me. You used to call yourself eldest sister."

An Qisheng gave a dumb smile, then shook his head: "You guys just went up the mountain, I've already shot, but you can't see it."

"At that time?"

Jiang Shili covered his mouth and exclaimed, but he remembered the aura he felt when he went up the mountain.


Wang Zhixuan's heart also trembled.

Even if he knew that An Qisheng's realm had already exceeded his imagination, it was still too high.

Martial arts, can you really practice to this level?


When everyone's mind was complicated, Li Yan's phone called, and Wang Anfeng had returned to normal.

"Is An Feng all right?"

Wang Zhixuan and the others were inexplicably pleasantly surprised, so they hurriedly bid farewell to An Qisheng and went to see Wang Anfeng.

But Su Jie stayed.

"I also understand the laws of artificial intelligence, but the information group is a means of rooting the soul, and the restraint on information is difficult to be effective."

Su Jie sighed.

He doesn't care about the backlash of the Information Corps, but if he doesn't solve this problem, it is impossible for him to popularize the Information Corps template.

Because even now, when there are so many dreamers, there are not many people who can compare with him.

And the information group is the big data that he simulated with Yinglong, which is all-encompassing, but it is not as rigid as artificial intelligence.

In a sense, it is the second soul.

How is the soul bound?

He still has nothing to do.

"I shouldn't answer this question for you."

An Qisheng smiled and did not answer. Instead, he glanced at the small backpack that Su Jie slung across. Inside, two crystal **** were shining brightly:

"You already have the key to the solution, but you don't need me to do it."

The crystal ball was originally transformed by the divine power that was lost from the godhead of the 'Craftsman God', which originally included his priesthood and divine authority.

Of course, above the mysterious star, divine power, clergy, and divine authority are useless.

But this crystal ball also contains the mystery of becoming a god, so it can naturally answer Su Jie's doubts, and it will be more comprehensive than him.

"A crystal ball..."

Touching the crystal ball in the bag, Su Jie's heart moved. After a while, he also got up to leave.

An Qisheng nodded, watched him leave, turned around again, and stood in front of the Jade Emperor Temple, comprehending the head of the Five Sacred Sacred Mountains, the aura of time contained on the legendary mountain.

"Mr. An..."

Before going down to the Jade Emperor's Ding, Su Jie's heart moved, and he looked back suddenly, as if he saw the rush of luck converging on the Jade Emperor's Palace.

Looking at An Qisheng again, in a trance, Su Jie only felt that this Mr. An was more sacred and majestic than the statue of the Jade Emperor enshrined in the temple.


Dark and deep, no light and strange.

This is a place that has never been seen before.

The King of Wheels was in a trance. He only felt that he was floating endlessly like duckweed, with no direction and no end.

"Is this the Queen of Heaven?"

The wheel-turning king's mind is condensed, he has the fear of the unknown, and he also has the freedom to escape from the cage.

The ninth Dacheng was still unable to overcome the kingship, and he was already desperate. Li Taibai's talent seemed to surpass his ancestors. The first battle defeated all the flukes, all the unwillingness, and all the persistence in his heart.

If the ninth life is not successful, can the tenth life be successful?

He was shaken, and he discovered that his state of mind was riddled with holes. After all, wheel-turning was not the method of longevity, and he had reached his limit.

In the tenth life, what he wants to do most is not to destroy the way of kingship, but to break open the gate of heaven!

But Li Taibai's sword broke the gate of heaven, and after thousands of years, there are many talents who have experienced the world, but they are unable to break the gate of heaven.

He wasn't sure either.

But after discovering that Daoist Wang Quan had reached an incomparable realm, he resolutely burned his ninth generation cultivation, and would rather try his best to cross the road than stay in the long-floating world.

Fortunately, it took a lot of effort, but in the end it was a success.


I don't know how long it took, until the wheel king was in a trance and couldn't grasp his own will, when he suddenly heard the wind.

His heart was shocked, and his scattered spirit was instantly unified, and he stared at it. For the first time, he saw light in this dark place!

At the beginning, the light was still very weak, as if it was cut off, but as he got closer, the light came out, dispelling all the shadows.

A world completely different from Jiufujie's aura, but also full of vitality, unfolded in front of him!

He saw the blue and cloudless sky, and heard the sound of the wind whining...

"Is this the fairy world?"

The Wheel King was fascinated and couldn't help muttering to himself. His heart was throbbing endlessly, but he was just speechless. He didn't expect to get an answer.

But to his surprise, a voice he was extremely familiar with resounded in his heart, as if the earth was torn apart:


"No? Then... eh?!"

The King of Wheels subconsciously responded half a sentence, then his heart trembled, he raised his head suddenly, and saw a face he had never seen before, but it was unforgettable.

"An Qisheng?!"

Like a moan, like an angry howl, the wheel-runner king was in a trance, and his mentality completely collapsed.

That was not the Daoist Wang Quan he was familiar with, but that indifferent calm, as if Tianbeng would not have the slightest tremor in his eyes.

In his tenth life, he appeared in countless midnight dreams.

This is Daoist Wang Quan, An Qisheng!

And himself, the ninth generation struggled, fighting for life and death again and again, until the fire broke open the gate of heaven, but it was still in his palm, between his five fingers...

An Qisheng spread out his fingers and stared down, as if he had penetrated into his almost collapsed heart:

"Long time no see, Wheel King."

"Haha, hahaha! It turns out that I never escaped from your palm from beginning to end..."

The spirit of the wheel-runner king trembled violently, like a candle in a gust of wind, and it had a tendency to go out at any time: "An Qisheng, you are so cruel..."

Struggling for the ninth generation, life for the tenth generation.

The struggle spanning 3,300 years, all my unwillingness, all struggles, are all a joke...

"You probably misunderstood. I'm not interested in mastering your destiny, and I won't have such free time."

Looking at the divine will of the Wheel Runner King, which seemed to be annihilated at any time, An Qisheng remained calm and said lightly:

"Instead, I gave you the ninth chance, but you are still useless!"

An Qisheng naturally saw the defeat of the Wheel-turning King IX, but it had nothing to do with him. He preached the kingship, but it was impossible to count the three thousand years, and he never left behind.

The failure of the wheel-turning king was ultimately because of his own faults in the law and the wrong way.


Between the words, an invisible aura pervaded and spread, which stabilized the Divine Will of the King of Wheels that was about to collapse.

"Win the king or lose the bandit! If you win, of course it's up to you!"

The wheel-turning king smiled miserably, and his trembling divine intent calmed down abruptly: "If you don't kill me, it's not for nothing."

Even though his state of mind collapsed and shattered, the King of Wheels was ambitious, he sensed An Qisheng's intentions, and ignited a glimmer of hope.

The reason why he can live ten lives is not only because of the special wheel-turning method, but also because his ability to survive is extremely strong.


At this moment, An Qisheng really felt a sense of admiration.

Even 3,300 years ago in the Jiufujie, he never regarded the Wheel Turning King as an opponent, but at this time, he looked at it a little differently.

Not to mention other things, just this desire to survive is not something ordinary people can have.


The wheel-turning king calmed down and reluctantly strengthened his body shape. He sat cross-legged in An Qisheng's palm with a bitter expression on his face: "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to change the bridge and continue the disconnection."

An Qisheng didn't hide anything, and directly stated his request.

"Before Tianmen?" The wheel-turning king moved in his heart, thinking of the road to Tianmen that was cut off by Li Taibai.

He cultivated for the tenth generation, and cultivated it for the ninth generation to open up the broken road to Heaven. Except for him, no one in the Jiufu world could do it.

"No, it's the Queen of Heaven."

There were ripples in the depths of An Qisheng's eyes.

After two thousand years of cultivation in the Myriad Yang Realm, he finally pushed the Dreaming Daqian to a four-star level, and this supernatural power has also revealed its power that is not inferior to Gu Changfeng's 'rebirth through calamities'. .

As long as he exerts his Dao strength, he can open the dream channel.

Will have been to the long-floating world where he has established a dream connection, and the human world is connected to the 'Infinite Cave, the Blessed Land of Reincarnation'!

The road that was envisioned will become a reality!

"Behind the Heaven's Gate?"

The wheel-turning king muttered to himself, and suddenly felt a sense of secrecy in his heart.

In the past three thousand years, what realm has this former enemy cultivated to?

After a while, the wheel-turning king came back to his senses, pressing the endless unwillingness, resentment, and resentment in his heart, and said calmly without any fluctuations in divine will:

"What can I get?"

An Qisheng lowered his eyes to the palm of his hand, penetrating everything. The wheel-turning king's mind was like a pattern on his palm, but he didn't care at all: "After a thousand years, I will give you freedom."


The spirit of the wheel-turning king suddenly fluctuated, almost inconceivable: "If you let the tiger return to the mountain, are you not afraid that one day, the attack and defense will change shape?"

Killing and killing hearts, cutting grass and rooting!

Tie Ze, which has run through the Long Floating Realm for tens of thousands of years, has not completely disappeared even in the three thousand years of the king's power and slaughter of the world.

This is human nature!

No one is so stupid as to let the tiger go back to the mountains to leave trouble. Only the enemy who is completely dead is a good enemy.

Daoist Wangquan was ruthless three thousand years ago, he still never forgot, how could such a person give himself freedom?

"Offensive and defensive change?"

An Qisheng smiled dumbly, his fingers slowly folded together, and his demeanor was calm and casual:

"You think too much."

Even 3,000 years ago, the Wheel King was never regarded as a great enemy by him, and now, naturally, he would not care.

Not to mention a thousand years later.


The Wheel Runner King had endless doubts in his heart, but as An Qisheng's fingers folded together, they were all overwhelmed by darkness.

"After all, it's a bit rushed, but, time is not waiting for me..."

Closing his An Qisheng raised his eyebrows and looked into the distance, staring at the sea of ​​stars, faintly, he felt the warning from Xuanxing.

A catastrophe, or is approaching...

The order of the Jue Ling universe is strict, and there is no inspiration at all. Even at this time, he cannot spy on the sea of ​​​​stars and deduce the future.

Without knowing the coordinates of the enemy, it is difficult for Daoyitu to spy on its fate.

The unknown is even more daunting.

What will replace the seemingly sieve and the strict internal order of the Spiritual Universe?

Nobody knows.

"I hope you can gain something..."

Withdrawing his gaze, An Qisheng slowly closed his eyes.

The shackles of the Land of Soullessness are so strong that it is unimaginable that even he can only rely on the expansion of the 'Qi Seed' to replace the stars and even the magnetic field of the universe before he can cultivate.

All the inner strength and infuriating energy cultivated by all the warriors in Xuanxing also originate from him!

If the 'Qi Seed' is compared to spiritual energy, he is the source of Xuan Xing's spiritual energy.

Xuanxing martial artist is also known as the communicator of 'Qi'. In a sense, this is already a perfect cycle.

As long as the footprints of the mysterious star dreamer spread to the solar system, the Milky Way, the Qi field will replace the stars, and even the magnetic field of the universe!

If there were no foreign enemies, he could follow the steps step by step without rushing, but at this time, he had to speed up the pace.

"The way of the world..."