The Great Tao Chronicle

v2 Chapter 749: 23 things in the world

The wind and ink river is surging and shaking, rolling for 83,000 miles. It exits from Pingbo Mountain, passes through three prefectures, six cities and twelve counties, irrigates farmland on both sides of the river, swamps and millions of people, and finally flows into the South China Sea.

It was already late autumn, and although the mid-winter had not yet arrived, the cold air had already come along with the river, affecting this water town in the southwest of the Central Continent.

Jing'an City is majestic and tall, backed by three mountains and nine waters. It is rich in products and has a large population, which naturally gives birth to endless prosperity.

At this time, it was 89,600 years in the first era of Tai Chi (the 11th century of Emperor Tian), and after a world-shattering war thousands of years ago, there was a temporary tranquility in the Central Continent.

Jing'an City is not comparable to the largest city in the Central Continent, the "Qingdu", but it is also one of the largest cities in the Central Continent.

With the city as the center, countless small cities, counties, and villages are scattered, and the population of them is ten times that of Jing'an City.

Unlike Jing'an City, these small people live by fishing and hunting, and they also make a living by planting spiritual fields, digging mine veins, and carrying goods for the past merchants.

In the past 90,000 years, the heaven and the earth have changed, and the 'Jiacha' centered on the Qingdu City has already spread throughout the middle land, but shipping is naturally indispensable.

Jing'an City, known as the Three Rivers and Nine Waters, has naturally become the location of the traffic artery in the southwest. It handles countless goods every day and feeds an unknown number of people.

Because there are Taoists from the Taiji Dojo, there are still ghosts and ghosts, but they are all suppressed by the prosperity, and ordinary people have even forgotten the existence of ghosts.


One after another, thunderous sounds resounded through the wilderness, alarming the birds and beasts in the grass and trees in the distance.

Xu Xun raised his head abruptly, and saw that on the straight road running through the wild mountains and rivers, a behemoth with a height of two feet and an unknown length of several hundred feet roared.

Its speed is extremely fast, and the naked eye can see the air bubbles generated by the violent flow of air in the air, and the sound of sonic booms like the roar of dragons and tigers is left far behind.

When the armored car whizzed past, it exploded like a barrage of cannons in the wilderness, forests, and mountains.

The beasts are terrified!

"Where is the war happening again? Hundreds of armored vehicles passed by in one day, and we didn't even hit a bird for a day!"

The young man dressed as a hunter had a sullen face.

The moving beasts of the armored vehicles were terrified, and the sound waves exploded into the ground, not to mention ordinary beasts, even the legendary monsters would have their **** urinated.

It's weird to hit something.

"This is also impossible."

Xu Xun shook his head slightly, with some doubts in his heart. This armored car came and went too often. It must be known that the hunting place they chose was a remote place where it was not common to drive.

His name is Xu Xun, his name is Shengyang, and he is eighteen years old.

His father was a talented scholar, and his mother was a lady, and it was said that he had eloped and fled.

It is because he has such a pair of parents that he can have words in addition to his name. Ordinary villagers, even the names are random, let alone words.

"It looks like I can't hit anything today."

The companion shouted bad luck, put away the sword and bow, and placed long arrows one by one, Fang said: "I heard that someone in the next village saw immortals from the 'Tai Chi Dojo' haunt this mountain forest a few days ago, maybe there is something strange in this mountain. , it's better not to spend the night."

"You go back first."

Xu Xun hesitated slightly, but shook his head and refused.

He came out this time not only for hunting, his father was seriously ill and needed precious medicine to prolong his life, as well as spiritual nourishment of meat.

More importantly, he is the best hunter in the vicinity of a hundred miles, but he has not seen those legendary ghosts in all these years.

In my heart, I don't really believe it.

"Then be careful." The companion had already known Xu Xun's character, so he asked casually. Seeing that he refused, he didn't say much, and he was ready to go down the mountain.


Another car galloped past.

Xu Xun shook his head in his heart, but he could only change places, but the sound of this armored car passing a hundred miles, it was impossible to think that it would have no effect at all.

As a matter of fact, the armored car was already running all over the mainland, and in a sense, it was the first line of defense to prevent wild beasts from colliding.

"Going deep into the mountains"

Xu Xun bent down and fastened his trousers, and with a knife and bow, he fled into the forest, away from where the armored car was.

While walking, he could still hear armored vehicles speeding by, and he couldn't help but mutter in his heart that something was wrong with this frequency.

His feet are very fast, and the distance is a few meters away, and the rugged and roadless mountains do not cause him the slightest trouble.

But he was surprised by the armored car, and he rarely saw birds and beasts along the way, and there was no trace of the spiritual beasts he needed.

Gradually, the sky darkened, and Xu Xun's brows became deeper and deeper. Even if the frequency of armored vehicles became higher today, he should not get nothing.


After walking for an unknown time, the sunset was about to set, and Xu Xun finally stopped, sweating on his forehead.

He has a little martial arts, but he is not a master, and he is tired after walking for so long. In addition, the sky is bleak, and he must find a place to stay.

There was no hut for hunters in this deep mountain, and Xu Xun searched for a long time before he found a secluded valley.

But as soon as he entered the forest, his brows were wrinkled.

Hearing the voices of people in the valley, there are people in this deep mountain? Could it be that there are hunters resting here nearby?

With caution in his heart, he gradually walked into the valley.

The Snake Valley is not big, but the grass and trees seem to be evergreen and not withered, and there are various unknown flowers blooming. Among them, Xu Xun saw a lot of precious spiritual materials, but unfortunately they were not what he was looking for.

After walking for a long time, Ruo Ruwu's voice became clear, Xu Xun moved in his heart, hid in a bush, and looked at it quietly.

It is in the middle of the valley, a small lake where small waterfalls converge.

There is an old tree surrounded by a few people by the small lake.

Under the tree, there are four old men with high crowns or robes, facing each other, as if they were playing chess.

"This is"

As soon as Xu Xun's heart moved, he heard one of the old men in Taoist robes say: "There is no eternal strength in the world, and no one is undefeated. It has been three thousand years since the old master disappeared. I am afraid that the three on the other side of the sea will be ready to move."

The voice of the old man in Taoist robe was full of Taoism, and it was like a spring breeze. Xu Xun listened, only to feel the exhaustion of running around all day dissipated, and his body was as warm as a hot spring.

Suddenly I was a little surprised: "This, this is the immortal of Taiji Dojo"

People are always very strange. They don't believe in ghosts and ghosts, but they believe in gods, Buddhas, and immortals. Xu Xun is no exception.

"The life and death of the old celestial master may not be known, but the divine court still hangs above the nine heavens to regulate the cultivation of the world. The great spiritual officer has unparalleled supernatural powers and supervises the world. Those three have only fought against the old celestial master for thousands of years. I am afraid it is not a great spirit. official rival"

The one who spoke was a monk holding a Buddha bead, and he sighed slightly: "It's a pity, Lao Tianshi, he is such a powerful person, if he didn't choose such a path, it would be easy to become a Buddha and become an ancestor, right?"

God Master? !

Who are they talking about?

A contemporary celestial master of Tai Chi Dojo?

Or the two old celestial masters in the legend?

Xu Xun thought about it in his mind, and was a little stunned for a while, but did not go out.

"The court is strong, even if there is no Laotianshi, there are still Yan Xiake, Wei Shaoyou, and Emperor Gou. I'm afraid the war hasn't erupted yet, right?"

Gao Guanbo led an old man who looked like a great Confucian who was full of poetry and books, stroked his beard, and his eyes flickered: "Those three have been doing things better than the Taiji Dojo, and they are definitely not the objects of our dependence."

His words were addressed to the only blood-robed old man among the four who had never spoken.

"What's the use of a dog, a bone, and a crippled man? Without the Heavenly Master, they can't keep the Divine Court, and they can't keep the Central Continent!"

The blood-robed old man's voice was hoarse, his mouth rubbed like iron and stone, and it was sharp and piercing. Hearing it, it seemed as if a snake was walking around and spitting out letters on his neck.

Xu Xun's heart 'squeaked', faintly aware that something was wrong, this person doesn't seem to be a kind person.

"Everyone's only destination lies in the emperor!"

The blood-robed old man pointed to the dim sky, and his eyes were faint: "My lord feels the heart of the sky, and predicted that there will be variables in the southwest of the Central Continent. Here, I specially invite three people to join hands with me to slaughter this southwest land! "

"Tu Southwest?"

The three monks, Taoists and Confucians looked at each other with fear, but they all did not respond.

The gods ruled the world, the heavens ruled the gods, and the Central Continent had never slaughtered ordinary people for tens of thousands of years. How could they dare to agree so easily?

Even if they have long been dissatisfied with the court of God.

The blood-robed old man saw this and went straight to the point:

"The three of them are major repairs, and they have practiced for thousands of years. They should be proud to laugh at the world and let me go all the way, but they are regulated in the mountains and forests, and they can't do anything while sitting and watching the child being mercenary!

I have been oppressed so far, why don't you join me and fight against Wang Ei! "

"How dare you mention the name of the Great Spirit Officer?!"

The three of them changed their expressions in unison, as if they had heard the most terrifying thing in the world, their hearts uncontrollably climbed out of shock.

The retribution of good and evil goes hand in hand!

That Dutian Great Spiritual Officer has an invincible cultivation base. According to legend, he cultivated to the Supreme Realm long before the Taiji Era. For tens of thousands of years, few people have dared to call him by his first name.

"I have a treasure with me, why should I be afraid of the clay statue-like Wang Lingguan in the temple?!"

The blood-robed old man responded proudly, and in the rippling red light behind him, there seemed to be a flash of a divine sword stained with endless slaughter and blood.

Even if it was just a flash, the hearts of the three of them all jumped, as if they saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, an endless killing scene, and the primordial spirits all felt stinged.

Xu Xun's pupils shrank, only to feel pain all over his body, as if he was going to be beheaded on the spot in the next instant!

"Then, who actually gave you all this treasure?!" The three monks, Taoists, and Confucians were all horrified, apprehensive, and even left their seats, involuntarily avoiding them.

The Three Immortals who descended into the world, according to legend, came to follow the will of the emperor, and the invincible existence of the upper realm bestowed the treasures, and they were absolutely invincible.

Between the heavens and the earth, only the divine court can contend, and without the divine court, not even the old celestial master can stop the power of the supreme treasure!

This blood-robed old man was actually given a How could they dare to believe it? !

"Although it is not a treasure, it has a part of its mystery. The treasure is invincible, and one part of it is enough to run the world! This treasure is in hand, Wang E suppresses the court and cannot leave without permission, while the rest of the court waits."

The blood-robed old man stood up, his breath was mysterious and powerful:

"If you come, kill it like killing a dog!"

The voice drifted, but it has not yet landed.

The pupils of the four people, including the blood-robed old man, suddenly shrank, as if they felt some extremely terrifying existence.

Qi Qi looked up.

I saw that in the early night, the full moon was in the sky, and in the moonlight like water, there was a shadow flowing down.

Thousands and tens of thousands of miles away, it descends between the mountains and the valley, its sound is rebellious, but it is like the sound of the sky, and thousands of thunders explode:

"You said, you want to kill the dog?"