The Great Tao Chronicle

v2 Chapter 895: are you waiting for me?

   Chapter 897 Are you waiting for me?


   Looking at the beggar whose expression was fading with hair, the candle dragon's expression remained unchanged, but a huge wave turned up in his heart.

   In the ancient years, before that turmoil, there was a great change in the world.

   On that day, thunderclouds filled the sky, and visions erupted in the sky and even the galaxy. For a time, the world shook, and many strong people were alarmed.

  Ten monsters that resembled demons but were not demons or demons were born between heaven and earth.

   Those ten demons and ghosts were born with infinite magic power. Wherever they passed, mountains and rivers collapsed, rivers and seas dried up, and countless creatures were devoured and killed.

   finally attracted the Heavenly Court to take action, and the God of War led the army to the lower bounds, and just then killed these ten big demons.

   However, after a century, these ten great demons have reappeared. Although they have no memory of their past, they are even more ferocious. Only at this time did someone realize that these ten great demons actually have immortality and immortality.

   And, among the ten big demons, the one who killed the most fiercely and fiercely had the record of swallowing and killing good fortune!

"What's your name?"

   Gently suppressed the shock in his heart, and Torch Dragon lowered his voice, as if he was afraid that the sound would be too loud and he would kill the monster.

   He has lived long enough to understand nature enough.

   The beggar in front of him seems to be weak, but if anyone kills him, I am afraid that the extremely vicious poisonous dragon will be drawn out in an instant!

  Lin Qianlong bowed his head.

In the decades that    Xiuwei was beheaded, he had tasted the powerlessness and sadness of mortals, and became numb day by day. If there was still a glimmer of hope, he would have died of madness.

   "Uncle Lin, I came to see you."

   Zhulong looked back, and a middle-aged woman with a frosty face came over with a food box.

   Then, he saw this man with long hair and an indifferent face, showing a fleeting smile.

   silently took the wotou handed over by the woman, Lin Qianlong sighed: "You, don't come again."

   There was an unspeakable touch in his heart.

   Self-cultivation has been abolished and reduced to a wooden city until now, the once little girl is now a middle-aged woman who has been serving him meals for decades.

"got used to."

  The woman skillfully packed the food box, glanced at a few candle dragons who stepped back into the crowd, and replied casually:

   "Uncle Lin, I heard that the Taoist priest came back a few years ago. You, you must admit it. Taoist priest, he is a good person."

   "Good man, good man"

  Wotou was pinched to shreds, Lin Qianlong thumped his legs that had been abolished for many years, as if he could not hold back his emotions, he let out a roar like a beast:

   "Yes, I'm going to see him! I, I'm going to ask him personally, I, Lin Qianlong, how heinous is this?!"

   After saying that, he stuffed Wotou into his mouth, dragged his legs that had been broken for many years, and was about to crawl out of the city.

   "Hey, Uncle Lin, what are you doing here? It's more than a hundred miles away from Shouyang Mountain. How did you climb there?"

  The woman never thought that a casual sentence would cause such a big movement as Lin Qianlong, and she panicked for a while, and she was about to chase after the food box.

   didn't want to, climbed a few steps, Lin Qianlong sighed again, and fell to the ground.

  Shouyang Mountain is only more than a hundred miles away from the city of Hunyi. Even if his legs are broken, it is not impossible to climb over. However, the cultivation base of that Taoist is unfathomable.

   If you don’t want to see yourself, how can you find him, and even if you find it, what can you do?

  I didn't dare to ask that day, but now, do I dare to ask?

  No one in the city knows that the Daoist Hongxuan, who is known as the number one in the world, was the last person he saw before returning to the mountain. He was a beggar like himself.

   "Who do you want me to wait for, who to wait for."

  Recalling the day we met, he was in a trance for a long time, and finally pulled his tattered robe to cover his face, and lay on the side of the road as if dead.

   "This person, his mood has been broken."

   In the crowd, Zhulong watched this scene quietly, but while shaking his head in his heart, he was secretly shocked by Daoist Na Hongxuan's methods.

  The ten great demons known as the 'Emperor's Ten Ruins' are all born from the heaven and earth, and they are the most unruly and fierce. There were many great gods in ancient times, and the Buddha could not get them if he wanted to take them as mounts.

   All kinds of divine powers are exhausted, and they can't break their fundamental evil nature. Even if they are reincarnated as human beings, their heart nature will not change at all, but at this time, this head is clearly broken.

   Advance and dare not advance, retreat and never retreat, die and never die.

   Where is there half a bit of ferocity?

  Candle Dragon Walker hesitated in his heart, whether to intervene, suddenly frowned, and looked back at the north of the city: "Huh?"


   Mixed in the north of the city, a stream of light rose from the ground, exploded like fireworks, and reflected a Taoist platform that was higher than all the pavilions and attics in the city.

   That's the teleporter.

  The transmission platform has existed for a long time, and it can be traced back to the opening of Daxia.

   However, compared to Daxia's teleportation platform, Dazhou is far worse, not to mention the access to all continents, even if it is teleportation in Dazhou's realm, only practitioners above Jindan can use it.

   even got hurt.

  In the past, it was mostly used to spread laws in the imperial court.

   "There is actually a teleportation platform in the city of Hunyi? Yes, with that Taoist master here, how can those craftsmen from Tiangongfu dare not care?"

   "I heard that in the 496-year restructuring of Dazhou, one of them is this teleportation platform. I heard that this teleportation platform has been restored to its former glory. Even ordinary people will not be killed by backlash?"

   "There have been similar rumors a few years ago, but do you dare to try it? With your cultivation and me, if something goes wrong, I'm afraid it will be destroyed."

   Seeing the shadow of the divine light, people were talking about it in all the streets of Hunyi City, and people in all the restaurants and courtyards also stood up and looked at it.

  Hunyicheng's teleportation platform is only in the beginning. It is said that only people from the imperial capital can use it to come. At this time, seeing someone coming, I can't help but feel curious.

   "This Long Xingyi really got that person's inheritance?"

   Hearing all the remarks, Torch Dragon became more and more bizarre in his heart, thinking about what he had seen and heard over the past few days, he seemed to have noticed something, and felt that everything seemed to be covered with a layer of fog.


   The divine light is faint, like the rolling tide of the sea, like the clouds drifting.

   "It's no wonder that few great monks use this to travel around the world."

  Qiao Moke frowned slightly: "Although it's much better than before, it still can't compare to Daxia's year."

  Being in the middle, seems to have lost all perception of the external space, only to feel that everything is going upside down and it is extremely difficult to adapt.

   With his current cultivation base, this is still the case, let alone a person with a superficial cultivation base.

Although    will not be injured, but the expensive transmission fee and this extremely uncomfortable experience, it is no wonder that it cannot be implemented for more than ten years.

   As his mind turned, he was a little surprised.

  Besides, the kid from his family, as if he didn't realize it at this time, was looking at the strangeness around him out of curiosity, and he didn't seem to feel the slightest discomfort.

   glanced at him, and Qiao Moke had a headache.

   Compared to his daughter, his son is extremely unusual. It is difficult for him to imagine that a normal child would not speak a word to his parents or even anyone from birth to eighteen because he did not want to speak.

   "It's really a wonderful creation, and the person who forged this system must be amazing."

   Feeling his father's eyes, Gautama didn't care, looking at the upside-down, complex and extreme light and shadow around him, he seemed to be addicted.

"You can understand?"

  Jomoko glanced at him.

  The Great Xia Transmission Platform, once spread all over the continents and seas, used to communicate with each other and reach everywhere. It is an extremely incredible creation.

  After the collapse of Daxia, there are only a few bits left, and it is difficult to return to the state of the heyday.

   Not to mention ordinary people, even those great Confucian scholars in the imperial city could not understand it.

   "It is naturally difficult to create something from nothing, and it is not difficult to understand it."

   Gautama glanced at his father, hesitated, and fell into deep thought.

  Jomoko joked when he saw this: "Why, don't you understand? Why don't you say it."

   Ever since he knew that this kid was deliberately not speaking, Qiao Moke hated it, and if it wasn't for the tigress at home to protect the calf, he would have wanted to hang him up and beat him for three months.

   And even if he can't fight, I really want to see this little guy get deflated.

   But in the next instant, his face turned black.

   "I was afraid that my father would not understand, so I pondered and organized the language. There are all kinds of magic in this transmission system, but its operation principle is not difficult."

   Gautama didn't care about his father's black face either, and pondered:

   "It's nothing more than that, with inspiration as the penetration, with the vibration of many arrays as the traction, to attract the inspiration to this point, in order to achieve mutual transmission at a specific location.

   At this time, we seem to be in the clouds, but in fact, we are wrapped in a spiritual machine and shuttle in the void, and its speed is naturally extremely fast.”


   Just when Qiao Moke was in shock, the light around him suddenly spread out, and the sight that had been closed for a long time suddenly became extremely open.

   And his eyes, for the first time, looked at the mountains in the distance, his expression moved slightly, with a nervous and uneasy meaning: "Shouyang Mountain"

  Everyone thought that An Qisheng had stayed in the Imperial City after the Heaven Sacrifice Conference. Only a few people, including him, knew that his teacher had left the Imperial City long ago, but no one knew where he went.

   He also only learned a few years ago that the teacher had returned to Shouyang Mountain.

   "Is that the Shouyang Mountain that my father talked about for a long time?"

   Gautama glanced at the mountains, but before he could take a closer look, his heart suddenly felt a little throbbing, and he couldn't help lowering his eyes to the south of this big city.

  Since he was born, he has had supernatural The heart has the 'Swastika' imprinted with it, and he is sensitive to everything related to himself.

   At this time, he felt that there seemed to be a pair of very important 'people' to him in this city.

"What's wrong?"

  Jomoko also came back to his senses. Having seen the vision of Gautama's birth with his own eyes, he paid far more attention to his son than he showed.

   "I can't say that either."

   Gautama frowned rarely, took the initiative to take his father's palm, and pointed to the south of the city, indicating that he was going there.

   "What's the point of not going to see the Patriarch first?"

  Qiao Moke murmured, seeing his son's brows furrowed, he could only respond. With a thought, he had passed the city and landed in front of the city gate in front of everyone's eyes.

   But he saw that his son had gotten rid of his palm and stood in front of a disheveled beggar:

   "You, are you waiting for me?"

   Today is one chapter. Good night everyone.



   (end of this chapter)