The Great Trump Card

Chapter 1030: ?Meier is the stepmother?

Lin Nao really didn’t expect this little girl to be so pretty, let alone in Myanmar, even if you look at Huaxia, it is a rare beauty embryo. The only drawback may be that the age is too young, and the body is not yet real. If it grows up, otherwise, according to Lin Bad's estimate, this little girl's appearance after growing up may not necessarily be weaker than Wei Qimian.

Du Dan’s age is still young, but she doesn’t think Lin Nao is staring at her, but feels very happy, at least Lin Nao thinks she looks pretty good, and then jumps up and down, sitting next to Lin Nao He came down and said, "I have just finished washing. I haven't taken a bath for months. Before I smelled my body feels stinky, it is now fragrant. I don't believe you ask."

  Du Dan said, and stretched his arm to Lin Nao. Lin Nao smelled it, it was indeed a scent.

   Lin bad smiled and said: "It will be so clean every day in the future. Now that you are in China, you no longer have to hide from Tibet as before, and it is not necessary to dress up like Hanhuazi."

   "Well, I know, big brother." Du Dan said, "Big brother, do you have a wife now?"

  Lin said with a smile: "How old am I? How can I get married so early."

"Oh, but in our country, many people are already married when you are so old." Du Dan said, "It's still good in China. If I can play alone for a few years, I think what to get married so early what."

  Lin Huan ha ha laughed and said: "It's very good, it seems that you are still very adaptable to our side, so I can rest assured."

  Du Dan asked: "Aren't you looking for a wife in advance?"

   "I already have a girlfriend, she is still in school." Lin bad said.

   Du Dan asked curiously: "Is the sister-in-law looking particularly beautiful? Only the most beautiful girl in the world can deserve the elder brother."

  Du Dan has a blind worship of Lin Bad.

  Lin badly said: "It's not so exaggerated, it doesn't have to be the prettiest to be able to match me, everything depends on fate, but your sister-in-law really looks good."

"Look, I'll say it, I'm sure I'm not wrong." Du Dan said, "Anyway, I think the most beautiful woman can be worthy of the elder brother, elder brother, can I look at the sister-in-law's photos what?"

   "Well, I'll find it for you." Lin Nao flipped out the album and found Wei Qimian's photo to show it to Du Dan.

  After watching Du Dan, he almost jumped up: "My God, so beautiful, this is not a fairy."

   Lin bad is also very happy, haha ​​laughed and said: "You said too exaggerated, if you let your sister-in-law know, she will be very happy."

   "I am really a fairy, I have never seen such a beautiful woman, even the vixen is not so beautiful, no, the sister-in-law can not be compared with the vixen, the sister-in-law is much better than her."

   Lin Bad was a bit curious, and asked, "What fox spirit? Who is it?"

"It's my stepmother." Du Dan snorted and said with some hate, "That coquette is a bad woman, and many people around my dad were filled with fascinating soup by her, so they later rebelled. My mother A few years ago, I accidentally shot and died. Half a year ago, this coquette appeared in front of my dad. She sometimes stayed at home for a few days and sometimes left again. My dad was always fascinated by her. Yes, but just before that man betrayed my dad, my dad told me that this woman is not a good person and will never show up again. At that time, I was so happy and happy because I always thought that woman was bad ."

   "Then what?" Lin Nao seemed to understand something.

   "Then my dad was betrayed. On the day my dad was killed, I saw the vixen also coming. Several previous loyal people around my dad were on the side of the vixen."

   "Oh." Lin Bad asked: "What's the name of the vixen?"

   "Call Meier."

Sure enough, this is the bureau set up by Satan. It seems that Satan is trying to seize the power of Myanmar. Lin Nao said nothing could make his conspiracy succeed, otherwise such a country would be sullied by charity, and Not only that, Myanmar is China's neighbor. Once the regime falls into Satan's hands, I am afraid that China will not be too peaceful.

That Meier was one of the three women. Lin Bad had contacted Meier. Most men might not be able to resist the charm of this woman. It is estimated that Satan’s people controlled Du Dan’s father and Grie of the Second Army separately. The commander of the legion, if he finally conquered Du Dan's father, then naturally there is nothing to say, but if he can't conquer, he simply kills Du Dan's father, and then supports Gree!

It is estimated that Du Dan’s father discovered Meier’s conspiracy in the end, so he said that to Du Dan, and when Satan saw Du Dan’s father out of control, he immediately started a chaos and sent Du Dan’s father. Lethal persecution.

It’s really intertwined, but I don’t know whether Satan’s forces have also penetrated the government army, but the government army is more formal in comparison, and each of them performs their own duties. It may be difficult for Satan to control it. So will you start with this second largest force?

   This Satan first set off a **** storm in the Western world, and also allowed his righteous son to find a way to rule the underground world of China. At the same time, he also started to attack the Myanmar side. His ambitions are too great!

  Du Dan asked next to him: "Brother, do you know who that coquette is?"

   "Well, I should have seen it." Lin bad said, "It is indeed a bad woman."

  Du Dan said: "I want to avenge her later."

   Lin badly sighed: "According to her strength... Forget it, I will not stand by with this thing."

The reason why Lin Nao promised Du Dan was not because he wanted to control any legion. It was purely because he had to stop Satan’s conspiracy, so even if there was no Du Dan, since Lin Nao knew Satan’s conspiracy, he had to take action. Just fine.

  Du Dan stood up and suddenly knelt on the ground with a thud, Lin Nao hurriedly lifted her up and said, "You don't need to do this."

   Du Dan burst into tears again: "Big Brother, thank you. I have never known how to return you in my life."

"In fact, even if it's not for you, I have to intervene!" Lin Badang laughed bitterly, and then said seriously, "I don't know if you will stay in our China country in the future or say you want to go back, but you only There is one thing that needs to be done, and that is really rewarding me."

   Du Dan asked: "What is it? Brother, as long as you say, I will definitely be able to do it."

"If you stay in China, you have to live a happy life, be an ordinary person like everyone else, live your normal life, and completely separate from your previous life, don't think about it anymore, Can it be done?"

   Du Dan nodded again and again.

"But if you want to go back to Myanmar, I will also help you fight to become the commander of the army, and will recapture what you lost, but you have to promise me that you can’t learn from other warlords. Considering the interests of other people, we can’t let so many people be buried in the battle between your warlords!” Lin Nao looked at Du Dan seriously, and his eyes became more and more fierce. “I can tell you that if you are in the future I really want to go back to Myanmar. I will help you to sit in that position. One day, let me know that you are doing evil things, even if you are a girl, even if I have saved your life, I will kill it myself. You, do you know!!!"

   Lin's bad and fierce eyes frightened Du Dan, she shuddered, but she agreed very seriously: "I promise you, big brother!"

"Okay!" Lin Bad breathed out and said, "Resume early. The bed in the room inside belongs to you. I sleep on the bed in the outside room. Just remember what I said just now, but you Now there is no need to put any pressure on yourself, you can live happily and live your life now."

   "Thank you, big brother, I will never forget your words!"

Lin Bad can never know. His words today really made the girl remember for a lifetime, and his graciousness this time also made Du Dan remember for a lifetime. That kind of graciousness will be turned into worship in the future. From worship to admiration, Lin Nao became a man in Du Dan's heart that would last forever.

The two were sleeping in bed, Du Dan had not slept so steadily for a long time, and soon fell asleep fast, but why Lin Lin was not like that. It was also impossible to take a good rest in Devil's Domain before, and it was finally possible Sleep peacefully.

Lin Nao didn’t wake up until noon, but Du Dan was still asleep. He usually slept longer when he was younger. Lin Nao didn’t bother Du Dan. He glanced at his cell phone and chatted with his family. After a while of news, and waiting for more than an hour, Du Dan finally sat up, rubbing his eyes, and got down from the bed, saw Lin Nao watching TV in the room, and asked, " Brother, have you gotten up early? Are you hungry?"

   "Not yet hungry, you go to wash first, I have finished washing, we will eat together in a while."

   "Yeah." Du Dan said a little embarrassedly, "I haven't slept in such a comfortable bed recently. I slept soundly last night. In fact, you don't have to wait for me, brother. You can eat when you are hungry."

   "I'm not hungry." Lin bad laughed, "You go to wash, take you to eat delicious, and eat our authentic Chinese food, our Chinese food can be said to be a must in the world."

   When it comes to gourmet food, there are eight major cuisines in China, which is truly unmatched by any country in the world.

Du Dan was also looking forward. After he promised, he immediately trot to the bathroom. Lin Nao looked at this scene and shook his head with a smile. The child was a child, but Lin Nao forgot, but he was actually too Just twenty-one years old, just six years older than the other party, but Lin Nao’s maturity is not so simple as twenty-one.