The Great Trump Card

Chapter 126: Difficult situation

The cold sweat of Lao Li suddenly appeared. When he first saw Lin Nao being so young, he also felt a little contempt in his heart, but Lin Nao's breath at this time was as terrible as his boss Gong Zhenglong, wrong, even to Even more terrible than Gong Zhenglong!

Lao Li hurriedly lowered his head and said with a smile: "Bad brother, what do you say, can we not keep the account book? I mean, we are all rude people, and the one written down is not a regular account book at all. , Can only be said to keep an account."

Lin Naoyun turned cloudy, patted Lao Li's shoulder, and smiled: "Li Zheng, your age is a little older than me, and you are well-informed. Mindful."

"Yes, yes." Lao Li nodded like a chick pecking rice. The eight gangsters left in the game hall looked at Lin Bad with some hostility, but when they saw Lao, they were all soft and weak. There is no movement.

   Lin bad said: "Look at the account book, knife, make a phone call and call all the brothers."

   "Okay!" The knife gave Lao Li a cold look, then took out his mobile phone and walked aside to call.

Lao Lifei smiled and said, "Bad brother, your office is on the second floor and has always been free. Before, when Mr. Lei came, he would sit, or if Long came, he would go in and sit, I will take you Go ahead, the ledger is in your office."

   "Well, take me."

   This game hall has a total of two floors, the first floor is the game hall, the second floor is the office and lounge, and there are several pool tables.

   Lin Nao followed Lao Li into the office on the second floor. Lao Li walked to the desk, opened the drawer, took the book from the drawer, and handed it to Lin Nao.

Lin Nao took the notepad from Lao Li's hand and sat down on the office chair. Lao Li respectfully stood aside. At least Lin Nao's momentum was temporarily deterring Lao Li, of course. It is still uncertain how long he can be deterred. Lao Li must have been arranged to stay in order to add to the confusion of Lin Hao. If he was deterred just by being so relaxed, Gong Zhenglong would not have left him so easily.

Lin Nao turned over the account book and skipped it a long time ago. There was not much reference value. I just looked at the billing records of the last month and nodded secretly. Although the income here is not very much, but each The monthly income seems to be around 100,000, but if you remove the utility bills and the cost of these people under your hands, you should still be able to leave some money.

  Lin Bad looked at Lao Li and asked, "Is this the income?"

"Yeah." Lao Li said of course. "Everyone is going to the Internet cafe now. There will be some running into the game hall this year. Fortunately, we have a few gambling machines here, so we can support it. This is already very good."

"Well." Lin nodded, although these incomes are not very high, but it is okay. The only problem now is that there are too many brothers under his hands. It is obviously not possible to use a game hall to feed so many brothers. For practical things, it seems that there are still other ways to think about it.

   Lin bad said: "OK, I know, you go out, let the knife come in after finishing the phone call."

   "Okay." Old Li promised and was about to go out.

   Lin bad suddenly asked: "Yes, according to the account book, even if the income is not very good, it is not bad, where have all those customers gone?"

  Lao Li said: "We can't do this, sometimes it is like this."

   Lin badly sneered, said: "You can go out."

   "Okay." Old Li smiled and walked out of the room.

  After walking out of the office, Lao went downstairs and said to the knife who had just finished the phone call: "Bad brother is upstairs, let you pass."

   "Well." The knife promised coldly and walked directly upstairs.

  The gangsters downstairs all surrounded Lao Li, and said one by one: "Brother Li, just succumbed? Brother Long, but let us stay and plug him."

   "Yeah, Brother Li, we can't cooperate with his work and try to let him roll out after two days."

  Lao Li said with a smile: "At least on the surface, he is still our boss. We are now following him. Ignoring the boss in the underworld is a big taboo, and avoid him from asking Lei to complain.

   "What about then?"

"Oh, it won't take many days, he will retreat with difficulty. By then there will be no business here every day, and he still has so many younger brothers. Without these sources of income, he will not get out of it? Is it so profitable? When he takes a closer look at the account book, he should know that the daily expenses here are significant!"

Sure enough, Lin Lao seriously looked at the account book after Lao Li left, and finally found that he still seemed a little too optimistic. On the surface, the monthly income here is about 100,000, and various expenses are more than 10,000. In addition, the salary of Lao Li and others is 3,000 yuan per person, plus various expenses is about 40,000. Of course, this is the share of those brothers who do not count themselves, but it is also marked here. Every month, loyalty should be given to the police station for 20,000 yuan, otherwise, like the gambling machine, it is easy to be shut down.

   In this way, how much money is left? Forty thousand dollars? Haha, that's not counting myself. There are so many younger brothers who trust themselves. Fortunately, this game hall is the industry of Lei Boss. The house is not rented. Otherwise, it is estimated that there is really no money left.

Lin Nao rubbed his temples and had some headaches. Although he said he could use his savings, it was savings after all. He couldn’t sit back and eat. It seemed that he would have to find a way to make more money through this game hall, or Think again about other sources of money.

  The knife came in, Lin Nao looked up, exhaled, and asked, "Are all those people informed?"

   "I will be here at night." The knife hesitated and said, "However, although this game hall is large, it can use more than eighty people?"

"I'm afraid I can't use it." Lin Badou smiled bitterly, "If more than 80 people all work in the game hall, I am afraid that not only Lin Bad does not make money every month, but it will take less than two months. The capital will be lost, and it will be closed by then."

  The knife asked: "What are you going to do?"

Lin Nao rubbed his head and smiled bitterly: "Think of a way, there is always a way. To be honest, the boss Lei gave me this game hall on the surface, and gave me half of the shares, as if I accounted for it. It’s a lot cheaper, but I can’t always come and sell the game hall? I still have to operate, but now it seems that no matter how it is operated, it is easy to lose money. This is the biggest trouble."

  The knife said, "Boss Lei, are you afraid of your development?"

"Well." Lin nodded and said, "Boss Lei doesn't have absolute trust in me. The superficial work is enough, the actual work is also done, but it limits my development, especially this game. The hall was still responsible for Gong Zhenglong before. He clearly knew that Gong Zhenglong hated me the most. Forget it, let's not talk about this topic for the first time.

  The knife nodded, indicating that it knew.

   Lin Bad stood up, wandering slightly in the room, muttering to himself, "How should I make money?"

  If you want to gain a foothold in the Lei Gang, you must stabilize your own power, then you must be able to make money with the brothers, otherwise you are just righteous, do you let the brothers drink the northwest wind together? Two days a day may be okay, the team is gone after a long time.

   Soon, a lot of noise and laughter suddenly sounded downstairs. Lin Badou walked to the door, pushed the door away, and the knife followed closely behind him.

  Lin Bad stood on the second floor, looked down, waved his hand, and smiled, "Brothers, do you think it is okay here?"

"OK, bad guy, I didn't expect that we still have such a good place. This will be our site in the future?" It was Wu Shanhe, who was the former financial management department, who was the first tiger general under Wu Shanhe. Chu Wenxing, he used to mix with Wu Shanhe, and his strength was even stronger than the four red sticks of the sports department. It was only because the financial management department was not as powerful as the sports department, so his reputation was overwhelmed. Now he is in the forest. Ranked second among the bad four red sticks, second only to the knife.

   However, because Lin Nao left Magnolia College, Wu Jun and Wu Mengjie were not around, so there were only two red sticks left. One was a knife, and the other was Chu Wenxing. The two of them are now Lin Nao’s left arm and right arm.

   Lin smiled and waved beckoning, said: "Come here."

Chu Wenxing promised, and walked up the stairs. Lin Nao looked at the people below and said, "Today we are not open here. Everyone is having fun, Hi Pei. I will take you to supper later. . Old Li, send all the game coins to everyone!"

  Old Li promised a sneer and sneered in your heart. You just started coming up and started to be dashing, huh, huh, this is the best, you will cry in a few days.

  Lin Hao has long seen what Lao was thinking, but today there was no business. In order to stabilize the military, it is natural to say that there is no business today, but that there is no business. This is indeed a bad strategy.

   As for tomorrow... At least from the account book, it is impossible to have no business. Tomorrow, we have to see what other tricks Lao Li can play.

  Everyone started to play happily below, including Lao Li and the people under his hands. They didn't have to work, just play it, and they were even more happy.

   Lin Badang called Chu Wenxing up, then looked at Chu Wenxing and said: "Tonight, you will take a few people to stay in the game hall, is it okay?"

  Chu Wenxing nodded, peculiarly passionate, and said, "No problem."

   "Okay." Lin Nao sneered coldly, "After opening the door tomorrow morning, we will start welcoming the business and stare at those few strangers to see what tricks they want to play."

   Chu Wenxing's eyes flashed a cold light, looked at Lao Li and others below, and asked, "They are not our own? Do you want me to drive them out?"

   "No." Lin Nao shook his head and said, "It's not time yet."

  Although it is not the time, Lin Nao has already thought about it. There is absolutely no need for a spy in his team, so it is a must to wipe out these people!